前 ぜん | (pref) (suf) before, ago, former, previous, one-time, the above |
中前 ちゅうぜん | front of center field |
前の世 まえのよ | previous existence |
出し前 だしまえ | one's share (in the expenses) |
前向き まえむき | facing forward, positively |
前表 ぜんぴょう | omen, portent, sign, premonition, harbinger |
前年 ぜんねん | the preceding year, last year |
前夜 ぜんや | last night, the previous night |
人前 ひとまえ | the public, company |
前人 ぜんじん | predecessor, former people |
人前では ひとまえでは | (id) in front of people |
以前 いぜん | ago, since, before, previous |
前以て まえもって | in advance, beforehand, previously |
前借り まえがり | advance (in pay), loan |
分け前 わけまえ | share, portion, quota, cut |
前輿 さきごし | front palanquin carrier |
前兆 ぜんちょう | omen, portent, sign, premonition, harbinger |
前割れ まえわれ | (a-no) open in front |
前古 ぜんこ | old times, ancient days |
前栽 せんざい | garden, trees and flowers in a garden |
真ん前 まんまえ | right in front, under the nose |
上前 うわまえ | outer skirt, percentage, commission |
点前 てまえ | procedures in tea ceremony |
厄前 やくまえ | the year before the unlucky year |
前厄 まえやく | the year before a critical age |
前哲 ぜんてつ | former men of wisdom and virtue |
前坊 ぜんぼう | former crown prince, the late crown prince |
前売 まえうり | advance sale, booking |
前条 ぜんじょう | preceding article or entry |
寸前 すんぜん | on the verge, just in front of |
当り前 あたりまえ | (a-no) (an) usual, common, ordinary, natural, reasonable, obvious |
当たり前 あたりまえ | (a-no) (an) usual, common, ordinary, natural, reasonable, obvious |
左前になる ひだりまえになる | to go downhill, to be badly off |
建前 たてまえ | face, official stance, public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts) |
建て前 たてまえ | face, official stance, public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts) |
前後ろ まえうしろ | front and back, before and behind, before and after |
従前 じゅうぜん | (a-no) previous, former |
御前 ごぜん | Your Excellency, the (Imperial) presence |
手前 てまえ | before, this side, we, you |
前払い まえばらい | payment in advance |
前提 ぜんてい | preamble, premise, reason, prerequisite |
前翅 ぜんし | fore-wing (of insect) |
敵前 てきぜん | in the presence of the enemy |
前方 まえかた | previously, some time ago |
前段 ぜんだん | preceding paragraph, first part |
気前のよい きまえのよい | lavish, profuse |
前渡し まえわたし | advance payment, advance delivery |
生前 せいぜん | while alive, during one's lifetime |
前略 ぜんりゃく | first part omitted, salutation of brief letter |
前祝い まえいわい | celebration anticipation |
前科 ぜんか | previous conviction, criminal record, previous offense |
空前 くうぜん | (a-no) unprecedented, record-breaking |
前節 ぜんせつ | preceding paragraph, section, or verse |
前篇 ぜんぺん | first part, first volume |
前納 ぜんのう | prepayment, advance payment |
前線 ぜんせん | front line, (weather) front |
前置 ぜんち | preface, introduction |
自前 じまえ | at one's own expense |
前菜 ぜんさい | relishes, hors d'oeuvres, smorgasbord |
前記 ぜんき | (a-no) aforesaid, above-mentioned, said, above |
前賢 ぜんけん | wise men of the past |
前進 ぜんしん | advance, drive, progress |
前部 ぜんぶ | front part, fore, front |
前陳 ぜんちん | (a-no) the above-mentioned |
前非 ぜんぴ | post folly, past sin |
前面 ぜんめん | front part, frontage, facade |
駅前 えきまえ | in front of station |
Kanji Character : 前
Kuten Encoding : 3316
SJIS Encoding : 4130
Unicode Encoding : 524d
Old Nelson Index : 595
Radical Number : 12
Classical Radical Number : 18
Frequency Ranking : 31
Gakken Index : 38
Grade Level : 2
Halpern Index : 2266
Heisig Index : 290
Henshall Index : 159
New Nelson Index : 490
O'Neil Index : 921
Stroke Count : 9
Spahn & Hadamitzky Kanji Dictionary Index : 2o7.3
Spahn & Hadamitzky Radical Strokes : 2
Spahn & Hadamitzky Other Strokes : 7
Spahn & Hadamitzky Character ID : o
Spahn & Hadamitzky kanji Number : 3
Spahn & Hadamitzky Kanji & Kana Index : 47
SKIP Code : 2-3-6
De Roo Code : 943
Four Corner Code : 8022.1
Korean reading : jeon
Pinyin reading : qian2
Morohashi Index String : 2011X
Morohashi Volume and Page String : 2.0272
Morohashi Index Number : 2011
Morohashi Page : 272
Morohashi Volume : 2
Morohashi Glyph is not in JIS X 0208 : true
Missclassification Codes
- PP2-2-7
Dictionary Codes
- R943
2 二 亠 人 儿 入 八 冂 冖 冫 几 凵 刀 力 勹 匕 匚 匚 十 卜 卩 厂 厶 又