I have many interests, and I've worked many jobs. So I have a few completed projects and experiences. For information about my current and future programming projects, please visit my Java page.
I used to work for DePaul University in Chicago, as part of the Academic Technology Development branch of IS. While there I worked on and contributed to many projects, including 361, a computer networking course, and an early version of the Java Kanji Flashcards 500 project. (Please try the latest version of Java Kanji Flashcards 500.)
I have worked as a macintosh programmer, a windows developer, a linux system administrator, a research assistant, a trainer, a consultant, a graphics designer, a desktop publisher, a cartoonist, multimedia developer, and had internships with Arthur Andersen and Amoco. Yes, I knew COBOL ten years ago!
I love teaching. I think those who can, should teach! I have taught C++ programming classes for DePaul University in Chicago and Harper College in Palatine, Illinois. I have also taught Java and Web developer classes for the DePaul Institute for Professional Development. I think these courses offer a valuable service for people who want to start or advance their careers in a computing field.
I am currently teaching English in Japan, which is a completely different sort of experience.
Here are my more famous sites. Famous is, of course, a relative term.
I was hired to do the graphic design for all the printed materials for the 1997 Computer Support for Collaborative Learning conference in Toronto, Canada. The CSCL 97 web site is still up and running, including the complete proceedings with all the papers in PDF format.
My friend Gregory J. E. Rawlins wrote a splendid book about computers and society called Moths to the Flame. The entire text is available on the somewhat flamboyant Moths to the Flame website.
It took a bit of HTML hacking and trickery to make this web site look the way it does. I would like to covert it into a more modern form of HTML someday. There is also a companion volume that is crying out for electronic publication...
I made my first web site in the Spring of 1993. That page included some video game pictures, and eventaully grew into coinop.org, which I spun off to a New York developer named Kurt Koller. I still love classic arcade games, but don't have the time to maintain a virtual museum anymore.