1. かい
    シ, か.う
    domesticate, raise, keep, feed
    (7 compounds)

  2. オウ, キョウ, ゴウ, かがや.き, うつくし.い, さかん
    flourishing, successful, beautiful, vigorous
    (1 compound)

  3. イ, シ, あめ, やしな.う
    rice jelly, candy
    (1 compound)

  4. イン, オン, の.む, -の.み
    drink, smoke, take
    (20 compounds)

  5. ハン, めし, いい, いり, え
    meal, boiled rice
    (19 compounds)

  6. あきら
    キョク, あさひ, あき, てる, ひ
    rising sun, morning sun
    (1 compound)

  7. ジュン, シュン
    decameron, 10day period, season (for specific products
    (8 compounds)

  8. さか
    ソウ, サッ, はや.い, はや, はや-, はや.まる, はや.める, さ-, さわ, そ, わ
    early, fast
    (26 compounds)

  9. シ, むね, うま.い
    delicious, relish, show a liking for, purport, will, clever, expert
    (13 compounds)

  10. キュウ, ふる.い, もと
    old times, old things, old friend, former, ex-
    (56 compounds)

  11. タン, ダン, あき.らか, あきら, ただし, あさ, あした
    nightbreak, dawn, morning
    (1 compound)

  12. ニチ, ジツ, ひ, -び, -か, あき, いる, く, くさ, こう, す, たち, に, にっ, につ, へ
    day, sun, Japan
    (99 compounds)

  13. キ, う.える
    hungry, starve
    (6 compounds)

  14. キ, すで.に
    previously, already, long ago
    (7 compounds)

  15. ぐい
    ショク, ジキ, く.う, く.らう, た.べる, は.む
    eat, food
    (73 compounds)

  16. あす
    ヒ, と.ぶ, と.ばす, -と.ばす, とび
    fly, skip (pages, scatter
    (35 compounds)

  17. キ, はた
    national flag, banner, standard
    (8 compounds)

  18. つぎ
    tribe, family
    (12 compounds)

  19. セン
    rotation, go around
    (5 compounds)

  20. ヒョウ, ひるが.える, つむじかぜ
    turn over, wave
    (2 compounds)

  21. リョ, たび
    trip, travel
    (8 compounds)

  22. ボウ, ホウ, つくり, かたがた, かたわら
    RHS of character, at same time
    (5 compounds)

  23. シ, セ, ほどこ.す
    alms, apply bandages, admin 1st aid
    (7 compounds)

  24. オ, ヨ, おい.て, お.ける, ああ, より
    at, in, on, as for
    (1 compound)

  25. から
    ホウ, かた, -かた, -がた, な, なた, ふさ, まさ, みち, も, わ
    direction, person, alternative
    (74 compounds)

  26. グ, ク
    (1 compound)

  27. サツ, ソウ, さっ.と
    suddenly, smoothly
    (1 compound)

  28. あせ
    シン, あたら.しい, あら.た, あら-, にい-, あたらし, し, に, にっ, につ, よし
    (36 compounds)

  29. シ, か, こう, か.く, この, これ, ここに
    this, thus, such, verbal pause
    (1 compound)

  30. ダン, た.つ, ことわ.る, さだ.める
    severance, decline, refuse, apologize, warn, dismiss, prohibit, decision, judgement, cutting
    (36 compounds)

  31. ザン, サン, セン, ゼン, き.る
    beheading, kill, murder
    (1 compound)

  32. おろし
    wind from mountains, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  33. フウ, フ, かぜ, かざ-, -かぜ, え
    wind, air, style, manner
    (68 compounds)

  34. フ, おの
    ax, hatchet
    (2 compounds)

  35. セキ, しりぞ.ける
    reject, retreat, recede, withdraw, repel, repulse
    (3 compounds)

  36. キン
    axe, 1.32 lb, catty
    (1 compound)

  37. アツ, カン, ワツ, めぐ.る, めぐ.らす
    go around, rule, administer
    (1 compound)

  38. シャ, なな.め, はす
    diagonal, slanting, oblique
    (4 compounds)

  39. リョウ
    fee, materials
    (20 compounds)

  40. ます
    ト, トウ
    Big Dipper, 10 sho (vol), sake dipper
    (2 compounds)

  41. ハン, ふ, まだら
    spot, blemish, speck, patches
    (4 compounds)

  42. あや
    ヒ, イ
    beautiful, patterned
    (1 compound)

  43. いつき
    サイ, とき, つつし.む, ものいみ, い.む, さえ, ひとし
    purification, Buddhist food, room, worship, avoid, alike
    (9 compounds)

  44. ただ
    セイ, サイ, そろ.う, ひと.しい, ひと.しく, あたる, はやい, なり, ひと, ひとし
    adjusted, alike, equal, similar variety of
    (6 compounds)

  45. かざり
    ブン, モン, ふみ, あや, ふ, も
    sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan
    (56 compounds)

  46. ヘイ, たお.れる, たお.す
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  47. レン, おさ.める
    tighten, stiffen
    (1 compound)

  48. しき
    フ, し.く, -し.き, にゅう
    spread, pave, sit, promulgate
    (8 compounds)

  49. テキ, かたき, かな.う
    enemy, foe, opponent
    (16 compounds)

  50. ひとし
    セイ, ととの.える, ととの.う
    organize, arranging, tune, tone, meter, key (music)
    (10 compounds)

  51. のぼる
    コウ, たた.く
    strike, beat, hit
    (1 compound)

  52. ヒン, ひそ.める, しか.める
    scowl, raise eyebrows
    (2 compounds)

  53. じゅ
    スウ, ス, サク, ソク, シュ, かず, かぞ.える, しばしば, せ.める, わずらわ.しい
    number, strength, fate, law, figures
    (64 compounds)

  54. ケイ, キョウ, うやま.う, たか, たかし, たけ, とし, のり, ひろ, ゆき, よし
    awe, respect, honor, revere
    (12 compounds)

  55. たか
    コ, かえり.みる, み
    look back, review, examine oneself, turn around
    (3 compounds)

  56. あつ
    トン, タイ, ダン, チョウ, あつ.い, あつし, つる, のぶ, のり
    industry, kindliness
    (2 compounds)

  57. ちる
    サン, ち.る, ち.らす, -ち.らす, ち.らかす, ち.らかる, ばら
    scatter, disperse, spend, squander
    (33 compounds)

  58. カン, あ.えて, あ.えない, あ.えず
    daring, sad, tragic, pitiful, frail, feeble
    (3 compounds)

  59. ルイ, たぐ.い
    sort, kind, variety, class, genus
    (23 compounds)

  60. テン, いただき, たお.れる
    overturn, summit, origin
    (1 compound)

  61. のり
    キョウ, おし.える, おそ.わる, ひさ
    teach, faith, doctrine
    (43 compounds)

  62. ガン, ねが.う, -ねがい
    petition, request, vow, wish, hope
    (19 compounds)

  63. ハイ, やぶ.れる
    failure, defeat, reversal
    (11 compounds)

  64. あき
    ケン, あきらか, あらわ.れる, あきら
    appear, existing
    (5 compounds)

  65. ガン, かお
    face, expression
    (33 compounds)

  66. キュウ, すく.う
    salvation, save, help, rescue, reclaim
    (8 compounds)

  67. さとし
    ビン, さとい, ちょう, とし, び
    cleverness, agile, alert
    (7 compounds)

  68. ガク, あご, あぎと
    jaw, chin, gill
    (3 compounds)

  69. ぬか
    ガク, ひたい
    forehead, tablet, plaque, framed picture, sum, amount, volume
    (13 compounds)

  70. ダイ
    topic, subject
    (15 compounds)

  71. カ, つ.ぶ
    grain (e.g. rice)
    (1 compound)

  72. コ, ゆえ
    happenstance, especially, intentionally, reason, cause, circumstances, the late, therefore, consequently
    (16 compounds)

  73. ただ
    セイ, ショウ, まつりごと, まん, まさ
    politics, government
    (19 compounds)

  74. はなれ
    ホウ, はな.す, -っぱな.し, はな.つ, はな.れる, ほう.る
    set free, release, fire, shoot, emit, banish, liberate
    (33 compounds)

  75. よち
    ライ, たの.む, たの.もしい, たよ.る, より
    trust, request
    (7 compounds)

  76. ヒン, しき.りに
    repeatedly, recur
    (5 compounds)

  77. おさむ
    コウ, せ.める
    aggression, attack
    (10 compounds)

  78. ケイ, くび
    neck, head
    (1 compound)

  79. カイ, あらた.める, あらた.まる
    reformation, change, modify, mend, renew, examine, inspect, search
    (21 compounds)

  80. ガン, カン, うなず.く, あご
    nod approval
    (1 compound)

  81. シ, ささ.える, つか.える, か.う, じゅうまた
    branch, support, sustain
    (15 compounds)

  82. かみ
    トウ, ズ, ト, あたま, かしら, -がしら, かぶり, がみ, ちゃん, つむり, づ
    head, counter for large animals
    (45 compounds)

  83. キョウ, ほお, ほほ
    (4 compounds)

  84. ラン, と.る
    hold (in hand)
    (1 compound)

  85. カク, さら.う, つか.む
    (2 compounds)

  86. イ, おとがい, あご
    chin, jaw
    (1 compound)

  87. レン, つ.る, ひ.く
    crooked, bent
    (2 compounds)

  88. よう
    リョウ, よし
    jurisdiction, dominion, territory, fief, reign
    (11 compounds)

  89. ハ, すこぶ.る, かたよ.る
    prejudiced, exceedingly
    (2 compounds)

  90. トン, トツ, にわか.に, とん.と, つまず.く, とみ.に, ぬかずく
    suddenly, immediately, in a hurry
    (1 compound)

  91. ハン, わか.つ
    partition, understand
    (1 compound)

  92. ガン, かたく
    stubborn, foolish, firmly
    (4 compounds)

  93. ヨ, あず.ける, あず.かる
    deposit, custody, leave with, entrust to
    (7 compounds)

  94. つぐ
    ショウ, ジュ, ヨウ, かたち, たた.える, ほめ.る, のぶ
    (1 compound)

  95. もとむ
    ス, シュ, すべから.く, すべし, ひげ, まつ, もち.いる, もと.める, ぞ
    ought, by all means, necessarily
    (2 compounds)

  96. あや
    ジュン, あり, おき, おさむ, しげ, したがう, とし, なお, のぶ, のり, まさ, むね, もと, ゆき, よし, より
    obey, order, turn, right, docility, occasion
    (25 compounds)

  97. コウ, うなじ
    paragraph, nape of neck, clause, item, term (expression)
    (5 compounds)

  98. ころも
    ケイ, キョウ, ころ, ごろ, しばら.く
    time, about, toward
    (11 compounds)

  99. チョウ, いただ.く, いただき
    place on the head, receive, top of head, top, summit, peak
    (7 compounds)

  100. ケツ, ぺえじ, おおが.い, かしら
    page, leaf
    (1 compound)

  101. キョウ, ひび.く
    echo, also N5116, sound, resound, ring, vibrate
    (6 compounds)

  102. リャク, ラク, レキ, フキ, くす.ぐる, う.つ
    tickle, funny
    (2 compounds)

  103. イン
    rhyme, elegance, tone
    (9 compounds)

  104. オン, -ノン, イン, おと, ね, と
    sound, noise
    (48 compounds)

  105. セイ, サイ, あえもの, な.ます, あ.える
    dress (salad) vegetables
    (1 compound)

  106. ヒン, しりぞ.ける
    push (people) back, reject
    (1 compound)

  107. キュウ, ク, にら
    (1 compound)

  108. ギ, まが.い, もど.き
    mimic, aim (a gun) at, nominate, imitate
    (6 compounds)

  109. サツ, す.る, す.れる, -ず.れ, こす.る, こす.れる
    grate, rub, scratch, scrape, chafe, scour
    (17 compounds)

  110. タイ, もた.げる
    lift, raise
    (1 compound)

  111. トウ, ゆぶくろ, ゆみぶくろ, つつ.む
    bag, wrapping
    (1 compound)

  112. ハク, ヒャク, ヘキ, さ.く
    tear up
    (1 compound)

  113. カン, から, いげた
    (1 compound)

  114. さお
    ソウ, サン, みさお, あやつ.る, みさ
    maneuver, manipulate, operate, steer, chastity, virginity, fidelity
    (7 compounds)

  115. セン, ほしいまま
    (1 compound)

  116. ライ, す.る
    grind, mash, grate
    (1 compound)

  117. ヨウ
    hug, embrace, possess, protect, lead
    (2 compounds)

  118. ボク
    slap, strike, hit, beat, tell, speak
    (3 compounds)

  119. サン, セン, せん.する, えら.む, えら.ぶ
    composing, editing, compiling, selecting
    (1 compound)

  120. サツ, と.る, つま.む, -ど.り
    snapshot, take pictures
    (4 compounds)

  121. ベン, ヘン, むち, むちうつ
    whip, rod
    (2 compounds)

  122. はり
    ハ, バン, ハン, ま.く
    plant, sow
    (2 compounds)

  123. なで
    ブ, フ, な.でる, なでし, む
    stroke, pat, smooth down
    (6 compounds)

  124. ハツ, バチ, は.ねる, おさ.める
    brush up, reject, exclude, eliminate, bone plectrum
    (4 compounds)

  125. テツ
    remove, withdraw, disarm, dismantle, reject, exclude
    (3 compounds)

  126. ドウ, トウ, シュ, つ.く
    thrust, pierce, stab, prick
    (1 compound)

  127. ショウ, ソウ, さや
    sheath, case, margin, difference, shells (of beans)
    (3 compounds)

  128. トウ, キョウ, コウ, ジョウ, たわ.む, しな.う, しお.る, たわ.める, みだ.す, みだ.れる
    bend, train, lithe
    (2 compounds)

  129. サン, サツ, ま.く
    scatter, sprinkle, give them the slip
    (2 compounds)

  130. アン, くら
    (1 compound)

  131. アイ, カイ, わらじ, くつ
    straw sandals
    (1 compound)

  132. ゲキ, う.つ
    beat, attack, defeat, conquer
    (29 compounds)

  133. する
    ショウ, シュウ, ロウ, す.る, ひだ, ずり
    rub, fold, print (on cloth)
    (3 compounds)

  134. モ, モウ, バク, ボ, マク
    search, imitate, copy
    (3 compounds)

  135. カ, くつ
    (11 compounds)

  136. カク, かわ
    leather, become serious, skin, hide, pelt
    (7 compounds)

  137. ヨウ, えくぼ
    (1 compound)

  138. マ, ま.する, さ.する, す.る
    chafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape
    (11 compounds)

  139. サイ, サ, くだ.く
    break, smash, crush, familiar, popular
    (1 compound)

  140. メン, ベン, おも, おもて, つら, ずら, ほおつき, も
    mask, face, features, surface
    (69 compounds)

  141. ヒ, ビ, ミ, なび.く, ない, わ.ける
    flutter, wave, bow to, obey, seduce
    (4 compounds)

  142. ヒ, あら.ず
    un-, mistake, negative, injustice, non-
    (12 compounds)

  143. しづ
    セイ, ジョウ, しず-, しず.か, しず.まる, しず.める
    (11 compounds)

  144. つむ
    テキ, つ.む
    pinch, pick, pluck, trim, clip, summarize
    (7 compounds)

  145. セイ, ショウ, あお, あお-, あお.い
    blue, green
    (20 compounds)

  146. レイ, リョウ, たま
    soul, spirit
    (1 compound)

  147. アイ, もや
    mist, haze, fog
    (1 compound)

  148. レキ
    violent, thunder or lightening
    (1 compound)

  149. せっ
    セツ, ショウ, おさ.める, かね.る, と.る
    vicarious, surrogate, act in addition to
    (2 compounds)

  150. サク, しぼ.る
    (2 compounds)

  151. ヘキ, ヒャク
    (1 compound)

  152. ケイ, たずさ.える, たずさ.わる
    portable, carry (in hand), armed with, bring along
    (4 compounds)

  153. ロ, ロウ, つゆ, ゆ
    dew, tears, mortality, flimsiness
    (17 compounds)

  154. トウ
    board, load (a vehicle), ride
    (1 compound)

  155. ハン
    conveyor, carry, transport
    (2 compounds)

  156. ム, ボウ, ブ, きり
    fog, mist
    (6 compounds)

  157. ジャク, ジョク, ダク, ニャク, から.める, -がら.み
    bind, tie, approx.
    (1 compound)

  158. カ, ゲ, かすみ, かす.む
    be hazy, grow dim, blurred
    (3 compounds)

  159. ソウ, しも
    (5 compounds)

  160. エイ, ヨウ, みぞれ
    (1 compound)

  161. トウ, つ.く, か.つ
    pound, husk
    (1 compound)

  162. ソン, そこ.なう, そこな.う, -そこ.なう, そこ.ねる, -そこ.ねる
    damage, loss, disadvantage, hurt, injure
    (21 compounds)

  163. レイ, リョウ, たま
    spirits, soul
    (20 compounds)

  164. シン, ふる.う, ふる.える
    quake, shake, tremble, quiver, shiver
    (15 compounds)

  165. ジュ
    demand, request, need
    (5 compounds)

  166. デン
    (47 compounds)

  167. ハク, ヒョク, ボク, ひょう
    (1 compound)

  168. ヨウ, ゆ.れる, ゆ.る, ゆ.らぐ, ゆ.るぐ, ゆ.する, ゆ.さぶる, ゆ.すぶる, うご.く
    swing, shake, sway, rock, tremble, vibrate
    (11 compounds)

  169. いかずち
    ライ, かみなり
    thunder, lightening bolt
    (11 compounds)

  170. レイ, ぜろ, こぼ.す, こぼ.れる
    zero, spill, overflow, nothing, cipher
    (4 compounds)

  171. ヤ, からか.う
    tease, play with
    (1 compound)

  172. エン
    abet, help, save
    (8 compounds)

  173. ウン, くも, -ぐも, ずも, のめ
    (24 compounds)

  174. キ, ふる.う
    brandish, wave, wag, swing, shake
    (3 compounds)

  175. ダ, しずく
    drop, trickle, dripping
    (1 compound)

  176. せっ
    セツ, ゆき, ぶき
    (18 compounds)

  177. ウ, あめ, あま-, -さめ
    (33 compounds)

  178. ナン, かた.い, -がた.い, むずか.しい, むづか.しい, むつか.しい, -にく.い, なに
    difficult, impossible, trouble, accident, defect
    (37 compounds)

  179. リ, はな.れる, はな.す
    detach, separation, disjoin, digress
    (24 compounds)

  180. アク, にぎ.る
    grip, hold, mould sushi, bribe
    (10 compounds)

  181. スウ, ス, ジュ, ひな, ひよこ
    chick, squab, duckling, doll
    (2 compounds)

  182. カン, か.える, -か.える, か.わる
    interchange, period, charge, change?
    (22 compounds)

  183. あがり
    ヨウ, あ.げる, -あ.げ, あ.がる
    hoist, fry in deep fat
    (18 compounds)

  184. ザツ, ゾウ, まじ.える, まじ.る
    (22 compounds)

  185. テイ, チョウ, ダイ, さ.げる
    propose, take along, carry in hand
    (10 compounds)

  186. ビョウ, えが.く, か.く
    sketch, compose, write, draw, paint
    (6 compounds)

  187. シ, め-, めす, めん
    feminine, female
    (5 compounds)

  188. ジ, チ, きじ
    (1 compound)

  189. ジュウ, も.む, も.める
    rub, massage, shampoo, debate vigorously, train, coach, worry, get in trouble
    (5 compounds)

  190. コ, やと.う
    employ, hire
    (5 compounds)

  191. あつまり
    シュウ, あつ.まる, あつ.める, つど.う, ず
    gather, meet, congregate, swarm, flock
    (25 compounds)

  192. ガ, みや.び, お, か, ただし, のり, まさ, まさし, よし
    gracious, elegant, graceful, refined
    (12 compounds)

  193. かつ
    ユウ, お-, おす, おん, たけ, つよし, ゆ, よう
    masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence
    (8 compounds)

  194. ヨウ, ユウ, ユ
    pull, tease, play with
    (1 compound)

  195. セン, そろ.える, そろ.う, そろ.い, き.る
    be complete, uniform, all present
    (6 compounds)

  196. ガン, かり, かりがね
    wild goose
    (8 compounds)

  197. ざく
    ジャク, ジャン, サク, シャク, すずめ
    (7 compounds)

  198. セキ
    vessels, no. of ships, fish, birds, arrows, one of a pair
    (1 compound)

  199. ソウ, か.く
    scratch, rake, comb, paddle, behead
    (9 compounds)

  200. レイ, したが.う, しもべ
    slave, servant, prisoner, criminal, follower
    (1 compound)

  201. カク, つか.む, つか.まえる, つか.まる
    catch, seize, grasp, hold, arrest, capture
    (3 compounds)

  202. ケイ, かか.げる
    put up (a notice), put up, hoist, display, hang out, publish, describe
    (3 compounds)

  203. キク, コク, きく.す, むす.ぶ, すく.う, たなごころ
    scoop up water with the hand
    (2 compounds)

  204. ソ, お.く
    set aside, give up, suspend, discontinue, lay aside, except
    (3 compounds)

  205. エン, おお.う
    cover, conceal
    (2 compounds)

  206. スイ, ツイ, みち
    fall, go around
    (1 compound)

  207. スイ, お.す
    conjecture, infer, guess, suppose, support
    (10 compounds)

  208. コウ, ひか.える, ひか.え
    withdraw, draw in, hold back, refrain from, be moderate
    (5 compounds)

  209. セツ, ショウ, つ.ぐ
    touch, contact, adjoin, piece together
    (25 compounds)

  210. ちか
    リン, とな.る, となり
    (10 compounds)

  211. タン, さぐ.る, さが.す
    grope, search, look for
    (10 compounds)

  212. サイ, と.る
    pick, take, fetch, take up
    (11 compounds)

  213. イン, オン, かく.す, かく.し, かく.れる, かか.す, よ.る, がくし
    conceal, hide, cover
    (22 compounds)

  214. ぐら
    リャク, リョウ, かす.める, かす.る, かす.れる
    pillage, rob, graze, skim, sweep over, cheat, hint
    (5 compounds)

  215. トウ, チョウ, ジョウ, テイ, おきて
    law, commandments, regulations
    (1 compound)

  216. ショウ, さわ.る
    hinder, hurt, harm
    (11 compounds)

  217. サイ, きわ, -ぎわ
    occasion, side, edge, verge, dangerous, adventurous, indecent, time, when
    (12 compounds)

  218. かけ
    カイ, ケイ, か.ける, -か.ける, か.け, -か.け, -が.け, か.かる, -か.かる, -が.かる, か.かり, -が.かり, かかり, -がかり
    hang, suspend, depend, arrive at, tax
    (56 compounds)

  219. ゲキ, キャク, ケキ, すき, す.く, す.かす, ひま
    crevice, fissure, discord, opportunity, leisure, also N5013
    (2 compounds)

  220. ぼり
    クツ, ほ.る
    dig, delve, excavate
    (7 compounds)

  221. イン, エン, ウン, おち.る
    (1 compound)

  222. カク, へだ.てる, へだ.たる
    isolate, alternate, distance, separate, gulf
    (11 compounds)

  223. おし
    repudiate, exclude, expel, reject
    (8 compounds)

  224. ズイ, まにまに, したが.う
    follow, though, notwithstanding, while, during, both, all, obey, submit to, comply, at the mercy of (the waves)
    (7 compounds)

  225. トウ, す.る, えら.ぶ
    (1 compound)

  226. しな
    カイ, きざはし, と, はし
    storey, stair, counter for storeys of a building
    (5 compounds)

  227. ショウ, てのひら, たなごころ
    manipulate, rule, administer, conduct, palm of hand
    (4 compounds)

  228. タイ
    regiment, party, company, squad
    (12 compounds)

  229. ワイ, エ, くま, すみ
    corner, nook, recess
    (1 compound)

  230. ジュ, さず.ける, さず.かる
    impart, instruct, grant, confer
    (6 compounds)

  231. リュウ, たか, たかし
    hump, high, noble, prosperity
    (4 compounds)

  232. グウ, すみ
    corner, nook
    (5 compounds)

  233. ソウ, シュ, は.く
    sweep, brush
    (6 compounds)

  234. あき
    ヨウ, ひ, あきら, あけ, はる, ひろ, やん, よ
    sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime
    (11 compounds)

  235. ネン, ジョウ, ね.じる, ねじ.る, ひね.くる, ひね.る
    twirl, twist, play with
    (7 compounds)

  236. ケン, けわ.しい
    precipitous, inaccessible place, impregnable position, steep place, sharp eyes
    (10 compounds)

  237. ナツ, ダツ, さ.す, お.す
    press, print, affix a seal, stamp
    (2 compounds)

  238. くが
    リク, ロク, おか, たち, みち, む, むつ
    (18 compounds)

  239. かつ
    ショウ, ソウ, はや.い
    victory, fast
    (3 compounds)

  240. トウ, すえ
    pottery, porcelain
    (4 compounds)

  241. リョウ, みささぎ
    mausoleum, imperial tomb
    (4 compounds)

  242. のぶ
    exhibit, state, relate, explain
    (6 compounds)

  243. ケン, ま.く, ま.くる, まく.る, めく.る, まく.れる
    roll, wind, coil, turn pages, roll up sleeves, strip off, be turned, be rolled up
    (6 compounds)

  244. イン, かげ, かげ.る
    shade, yin, negative, sex organs, secret, shadow
    (22 compounds)

  245. キョ, す.える, す.わる
    set, lay a foundation, install, equip, squat down, sit down
    (5 compounds)

  246. スウ, シュウ, すみ
    (1 compound)

  247. バイ
    obeisance, follow, accompany, attend on
    (3 compounds)

  248. レイ, レツ, よじ.る, ね.じる, ねじ.れる, も.じる
    screw, twist, wrench, distort
    (5 compounds)

  249. シャ, す.てる
    discard, throw away, abandon, resign, reject, sacrifice
    (14 compounds)

  250. ホウ, ささ.げる
    lift up, give, offer, consecrate, sacrifice, dedicate
    (2 compounds)

  251. カン, おちい.る, おとしい.れる
    collapse, fall into, cave in, fall (castle), slide into
    (4 compounds)

  252. ジョ, ジ, のぞ.く, -よ.け
    exclude, division (x/3), remove, abolish, cancel, except
    (21 compounds)

  253. ジン
    camp, battle array, ranks, position
    (9 compounds)

  254. イン
    Inst., institution, temple, mansion, school
    (21 compounds)

  255. ショウ, のぼ.る
    go up, climb
    (1 compound)

  256. ソウ, シュ, シュウ, さが.す
    search, look for, locate
    (3 compounds)

  257. チョク, ホ, はかど.る
    make progress
    (3 compounds)

  258. ホ, と.らえる, と.らわれる, と.る, とら.える, とら.われる, つか.まえる, つか.まる
    catch, capture
    (14 compounds)

  259. ゲン, かぎ.る, かぎ.り, -かぎ.り
    limit, restrict, to best of ability
    (13 compounds)

  260. エン, す.てる
    throw away
    (1 compound)

  261. ネツ, テツ, ネチ, こ.ねる, ね.る, つく.ねる
    knead, mix
    (2 compounds)

  262. ふり
    コウ, ゴ, お.りる, お.ろす, ふ.る, ふ.り, くだ.る, くだ.す, ふる
    descend, precipitate, fall, surrender
    (21 compounds)

  263. ハツ, ハチ, ベツ, さば.く, さば.ける, は.け
    handle, deal with, dispose of, sell, be in demand, be worldly, be frank, be sensible, be sociable, drainage, sale, demand for
    (4 compounds)

  264. ソク, サク, とら.える
    catch, capture
    (2 compounds)

  265. ずき
    フ, つ.ける, つ.く, づけ
    affixed, attach, refer to, append
    (3 compounds)

  266. タ, ダ, イ, チ, ジ, けわ.しい, ななめ
    (1 compound)

  267. くま
    ア, オ, おもね.る
    Africa, flatter, fawn upon, corner, nook, recess
    (4 compounds)

  268. ソウ, さ.す, はさ.む
    insert, put in, graft, wear (sword)
    (4 compounds)

  269. ひき
    バン, ひ.く
    saw, turn (lathe), grind
    (3 compounds)

  270. ソ, はば.む
    thwart, separate from, prevent, obstruct, deter, impede
    (3 compounds)

  271. チョウ, テイ, ぬ.く
    counter for guns, inksticks, palanquins, rickshaws, bravely volunteer
    (3 compounds)

  272. あた
    ボウ, ふせ.ぐ, う, ほう
    ward off, defend, protect, resist
    (15 compounds)

  273. ふり
    シン, ふ.る, ぶ.る, ふ.り, -ぶ.り, ふ.るう
    shake, wave, wag, swing
    (39 compounds)

  274. ザ, サ, くじ.く, くじ.ける
    crush, break, sprain, discourage
    (2 compounds)

  275. ハン, さか
    heights, slope
    (5 compounds)

  276. アイ, ひら.く
    push open
    (1 compound)

  277. おか
    フ, フウ
    hill, mound (left-side B radical)
    (1 compound)

  278. たか
    キョ, あ.げる, あ.がる, こぞ.る
    raise, plan, project, behavior, actions
    (18 compounds)

  279. チョウ, いど.む
    challenge, contend for, make love to
    (2 compounds)

  280. アン, おさ.える, しら.べる
    hold, consider, investigate
    (4 compounds)

  281. シ, ゆび, さ.す, -さ.し, いぶ, さし, さす
    finger, point to, indicate, put into, play (chess), measure (ruler)
    (22 compounds)

  282. もち
    ジ, も.つ, -も.ち, も.てる, もつ
    hold, have
    (45 compounds)

  283. ダ, ナ, つか.む, ひ.く
    catch, arrest
    (1 compound)

  284. シュウ, ジュウ, ひろ.う
    pick up, gather, find, go on foot
    (6 compounds)

  285. ゴウ
    torture, beat
    (1 compound)

  286. サツ, せま.る
    be imminent
    (1 compound)

  287. ソン, こしら.える
    make, prepare, arrange
    (2 compounds)

  288. ケン, ゲン, こぶし
    (4 compounds)

  289. カツ, ケツ, キツ, はた.らく
    be imminent
    (1 compound)

  290. ショク, シキ, ぬぐ.う, ふ.く
    wipe, mop, swab
    (6 compounds)

  291. カツ, くく.る
    fasten, tie up, arrest, constrict
    (7 compounds)

  292. ヘキ, ビャク, ひら.く
    (1 compound)

  293. カク, コウ, ひろ.がる, ひろ.げる, ひろ.める
    broaden, extend, expand, enlarge
    (6 compounds)

  294. キョ, コ, よ.る
    foothold, based on, follow, therefore
    (7 compounds)

  295. ハイ, おが.む, おろが.む
    worship, adore, pray to
    (10 compounds)

  296. ショウ, まね.く
    beckon, invite, summon, engage
    (5 compounds)

  297. セツ, つたな.い
    bungling, clumsy, unskillful
    (4 compounds)

  298. トウ, たたか.う, あらそ.う
    fight, war
    (11 compounds)

  299. コウ, かか.わる
    arrest, seize, concerned, adhere to, despite
    (4 compounds)

  300. チン, うかが.う
    inquire about
    (1 compound)

  301. オウ, ヨウ, イク, ユウ, ねじ.れる, こじ.れる, す.ねる, ねじ.ける
    crooked, twisted, distorted, perverted, cross
    (3 compounds)

  302. タク, ひら.く, ひろ
    clear (the land), open, break up (land)
    (2 compounds)

  303. キョ, ゴ, こば.む
    repel, refuse, reject, decline
    (4 compounds)

  304. カイ
    kidnap, falsify
    (3 compounds)

  305. ハク, ヒョウ
    clap, beat (music)
    (3 compounds)

  306. カツ, ひろ.い
    (4 compounds)

  307. ラツ, ラ, ロウ, らっ.する, ひし.ぐ, くだ.く
    Latin, kidnap, crush
    (1 compound)

  308. ネン, セン, デン, ひね.る
    twirl, twist, twiddle, wring
    (1 compound)

  309. アン, オン, やみ, くら.い
    get dark, gloom, disorder
    (8 compounds)

  310. ボ, おやゆび
    (1 compound)

  311. タン, かつ.ぐ, にな.う
    shouldering, carry, raise, bear
    (4 compounds)

  312. シキ, イキ, キョク, ヨク, くぎり, しきい
    (1 compound)

  313. チュウ, ひき-
    pluck, pull, extract, excel
    (3 compounds)

  314. エン
    (1 compound)

  315. おし
    オウ, お.す, お.し-, お.っ-, お.さえる, おさ.える, おす, おや
    push, stop, check, subdue, attach, seize, weight, shove, press, seal, do in spite of
    (39 compounds)

  316. マツ
    rub, paint, erase
    (1 compound)

  317. テイ
    resist, reach, touch
    (2 compounds)

  318. エツ, けみ.する
    review, inspection, revision
    (4 compounds)

  319. たば
    ホウ, だ.く, いだ.く, かか.える
    embrace, hug, hold in arms
    (14 compounds)

  320. expose, open
    (4 compounds)

  321. ケイ, ケ, ねや
    (2 compounds)

  322. バツ
    clique, lineage, pedigree, faction, clan
    (2 compounds)

  323. カク
    tower, tall building, palace
    (5 compounds)

  324. カン, せき, -ぜき, かか.わる, からくり, かんぬき
    connection, barrier, gateway, involve, concerning
    (15 compounds)

  325. タク, えら.ぶ
    choose, select, elect, prefer
    (2 compounds)

  326. ぬき
    バツ, ハツ, ハイ, ぬ.く, -ぬ.く, ぬ.き, ぬ.ける, ぬ.かす, ぬ.かる
    slip out, extract, pull out, pilfer, quote, remove, omit
    (45 compounds)

  327. せき
    セツ, お.る, おり, お.り, -お.り, お.れる
    fold, break, fracture, bend, yield, submit
    (27 compounds)

  328. コウ
    confront, resist, defy, oppose
    (8 compounds)

  329. トウ, な.げる, -な.げ
    throw, discard, abandon, launch into, join, invest in, hurl, give up, sell at a loss
    (22 compounds)

  330. カン, ケン, あいだ, ま, あい
    interval, space
    (50 compounds)

  331. ソウ, つ.ねる, つ.める, つね.る, つま.む
    pick, pinch, summarize
    (1 compound)

  332. ジョ, ショ, く.む, の.べる
    tell, 10**24
    (1 compound)

  333. カン, より
    (10 compounds)

  334. ヨク, おさ.える
    repress, well, now, in the first place, push, shove, press, seal, do in spite of
    (3 compounds)

  335. ジュン, うるう
    intercalation, illegitimate throne
    (2 compounds)

  336. はる
    カイ, ひら.く, ひら.き, -びら.き, ひら.ける, あ.く, あ.ける, か
    open, unfold, unseal
    (42 compounds)

  337. たば
    ハ, ワ
    grasp, faggot, bunch, counter for bundles
    (4 compounds)

  338. ヘイ, と.じる, と.ざす, し.める, し.まる, た.てる
    closed, shut
    (10 compounds)

  339. ケツ, えぐ.る, こじ.る, くじ.る
    gouge, hollow out, bore, pry
    (1 compound)

  340. ショウ, り
    extract, selection, summary, copy, spread thin
    (2 compounds)

  341. セン, ひらめ.く, ひらめ.き
    flash, brandish
    (2 compounds)

  342. じょう
    モン, かど, と, も
    (29 compounds)

  343. ギ, わざ
    skill, art, craft, ability, feat, performance, vocation, arts
    (15 compounds)

  344. つぐ
    ショウ, うけたまわ.る, う.ける
    aquiesce, hear, listen to, be informed, receive
    (6 compounds)

  345. criticism, strike
    (4 compounds)

  346. チョウ, なが.い, おさ, おしゃ, たかし, たけ, な, は, ひさ
    long, leader
    (69 compounds)

  347. フ, たす.ける
    aid, help, assist
    (2 compounds)

  348. ショウ, あつか.る, あつか.い, あつか.う
    handle, entertain, thresh, strip
    (5 compounds)

  349. サ, さて, さ.す
    well, now
    (1 compound)

  350. タク, たく.する, たの.む
    requesting, entrusting with, pretend, hint
    (1 compound)

  351. はらい
    フツ, ヒツ, ホツ, はら.う, -はら.い, -ばら.い
    pay, clear out, prune, banish, dispose of
    (21 compounds)

  352. うち
    ダ, ダアス, う.つ, う.ち-
    strike, hit, knock, pound, dozen
    (52 compounds)

  353. サイ
    genius, years old
    (27 compounds)

  354. シュ, ズ, て, て-, -て, た-
    (134 compounds)

  355. おう
    セン, おうぎ, おおぎ
    fan, folding fan
    (8 compounds)

  356. ヘン, ひらたい
    level, small
    (4 compounds)

  357. ショ, ところ, -ところ, どころ, とこ
    (48 compounds)

  358. ボウ, ふさ, のぶ, わ
    tassel, tuft, fringe, bunch, lock (hair), segment (orange), house, room
    (9 compounds)

  359. レイ, もど.す, もど.る
    re-, return, revert, resume, restore, go backwards
    (10 compounds)

  360. コ, と, へ
    (13 compounds)

  361. タイ, いただ.く
    be crowned with, live under (a ruler), receive
    (3 compounds)

  362. ギ, ゲ, たわむ.れる, ざ.れる, じゃ.れる
    frolic, play, sport
    (20 compounds)

  363. リク, リュウ, ロク, キョウ, ク, ころ.す, けず.る
    (2 compounds)

  364. セツ, サイ, き.る, たつ
    None found.
    (2 compounds)

  365. セン, いくさ, たたか.う, おのの.く, そよぐ, わなな.く
    war, battle, match
    (41 compounds)

  366. カツ, ほこ
    (1 compound)

  367. ソク, セキ, いた.む, うれ.える, みうち
    (3 compounds)

  368. ワク, コク, イキ, あ.る, あるい, あるいは
    some, one, or, possibly, a certain
    (3 compounds)

  369. カイ, いまし.める
    (10 compounds)

  370. ガ, われ, わ, わ.が-, わが-, あが, か
    ego, I, selfish, our, oneself
    (26 compounds)

  371. あき
    セイ, ジョウ, な.る, な.す, -な.す, あきら, しげ, そん, たえ, なお, なり, なる, のり, ひら, まさ, よし, り
    turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach
    (40 compounds)

  372. ジュツ, いぬ
    7-9PM, 11th zodiac sign, dog
    (1 compound)

  373. ボ, ボウ, つちのえ
    5th calendar sign
    (1 compound)

  374. カ, ほこ, ほこづくり
    halberd, arms, festival car, float
    (1 compound)

  375. ザン, サン, くい.る
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  376. ケン, ケ, か.ける, か.かる
    suspend, hang, 10%, install, depend, consult
    (11 compounds)

  377. チョウ, こ.りる, こ.らす, こ.らしめる
    penal, chastise, punish, discipline
    (4 compounds)

  378. かね
    カイ, エ, ふところ, なつ.かしい, なつ.かしむ, なつ.く, なつ.ける, なず.ける, いだ.く, おも.う
    pocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom, breast
    (12 compounds)

  379. コン, ねんご.ろ
    sociable, kind, courteous, hospitable, cordial
    (8 compounds)

  380. タン
    calm, quiet, move
    (1 compound)

  381. オク
    recollection, think, remember
    (3 compounds)

  382. かず
    ケン, のり, よし
    constitution, law
    (5 compounds)

  383. ビン, ミン, あわれ.む, うれ.える
    anxiety, mercy
    (2 compounds)

  384. ケイ, いこ.い, いこ.う
    recess, rest, relax, repose
    (2 compounds)

  385. ショウ, トウ, ドウ, あこが.れる
    yearnafter, long for, aspire to, admire, adore
    (1 compound)

  386. フン, いきどお.る
    aroused, resent, be indignant, anger
    (9 compounds)

  387. ギン, キン, なまじ.い
    (1 compound)

  388. ショウ, セウ, ソウ, やつ.れる, やせ.る
    get thin
    (1 compound)

  389. ヒョウ, つ.く, つか.れる, よ.る, たの.む
    possess, haunt
    (2 compounds)

  390. レン, あわ.れむ, あわ.れ
    pity, have mercy, sympathise, compassion
    (2 compounds)

  391. ゾウ, にく.む, にく.い, にく.らしい, にく.しみ
    hate, detest
    (8 compounds)

  392. ハイ, ヘイ, つか.れる
    (1 compound)

  393. ユウ, うれ.える, うれ.い, う.い, う.き
    melancholy, grieve, lament, be anxious, sad, unhappy
    (15 compounds)

  394. サク, のみ, うが.つ
    (4 compounds)

  395. ヨク
    covetousness, greed, passion, desire, craving
    (2 compounds)

  396. ケイ, よろこ.び, きよん, け, みち, む, やす, よし
    jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy
    (5 compounds)

  397. イ, なぐさ.める, なぐさ.む
    consolation, amusement, seduce, cheer, make sport of, comfort, console
    (9 compounds)

  398. リョ, おもんぱく.る, おもんぱか.る
    prudence, thought, concern, consider, deliberate, fear
    (7 compounds)

  399. ガイ
    rue, be sad, sigh, lament
    (2 compounds)

  400. さと
    ケイ, エ, さとい, さとし, さとる, あきら, とし
    (1 compound)

  401. カン, な.れる, な.らす
    accustomed, get used to, become experienced
    (8 compounds)

  402. マン
    ridicule, laziness
    (3 compounds)

  403. シャク, とろ.かす, と.かす
    melt, be charmed, captivated
    (1 compound)

  404. ドウ, トウ, なげ.く
    be sad, grieve
    (1 compound)

  405. ボ, した.う
    pining, yearn for, love dearly, adore
    (5 compounds)

  406. あき
    カン, かんが.みる, かがみ, あきら
    specimen, take warning from, learn from
    (9 compounds)

  407. ちか
    シン, つつし.む, つつし, つつし.み, のり, まこと, みつ
    humility, be careful, discrete, prudent
    (2 compounds)

  408. コウ, あわ.てる, あわ.ただしい
    disconcerted, be confused, lose one's head
    (4 compounds)

  409. タイ, わざ.と
    attitude, condition, figure, appearance, voice (of verbs)
    (13 compounds)

  410. しげ
    ジ, いつく.しむ, ちか, めぐみ, よし
    (8 compounds)

  411. チュウ, シュ, シュウ, い.る
    cast, mint
    (1 compound)

  412. リツ, ふる.える, おそ.れる, おのの.く
    (1 compound)

  413. ソウ, いたま.しい, いた.む
    sad, pathetic
    (1 compound)

  414. カン
    emotion, feeling, sensation
    (33 compounds)

  415. アイ, いと.しい, あし, え, かな, まな, めぐ, めぐみ, よし
    love, affection, favourite
    (42 compounds)

  416. グ, おろ.か
    foolish, folly, absurdity, stupid
    (10 compounds)

  417. ショウ, かね
    bell, gong, chimes
    (6 compounds)

  418. ガク, おどろ.く
    surprised, frightened
    (1 compound)

  419. もと
    イ, よし
    idea, mind, heart, taste, thought, desire, care, liking
    (42 compounds)

  420. ビン, ミン, あわ.れむ
    pity, mercy, compassion
    (1 compound)

  421. ゆう
    ユ, たの.しい, たの.しむ
    pleasure, happy, rejoice
    (1 compound)

  422. ユ, いよいよ, まさ.る
    be superior, heal, more and more, increasingly, finally, beyond doubt
    (3 compounds)

  423. シュウ, うれ.える, うれ.い
    distress, grieve, lament, be anxious
    (3 compounds)

  424. ジャク, ジャ, ひ.く
    attract, captivate
    (1 compound)

  425. ソウ, ソ, おも.う
    concept, think, idea, thought
    (15 compounds)

  426. lazy, laziness
    (4 compounds)

  427. サン, ザン, みじ.め, いた.む, むご.い
    wretched, disaster, cruelty, harsh
    (10 compounds)

  428. ク, おそ.れる
    None found.
    (2 compounds)

  429. ふさ
    ソウ, いそが.しい, そうじて, そ
    (2 compounds)

  430. あき
    キョウ, ケイ, かがみ, かが, かがん
    mirror, speculum, barrel-head, round rice-cake offering
    (7 compounds)

  431. ただ
    イ, ユイ, おも.んみる, これ, おも.うに, よし, のぶ
    consider, reflect, think
    (1 compound)

  432. セキ, お.しい, お.しむ
    pity, be sparing of, frugal, stingy, regret
    (8 compounds)

  433. コツ, ほけ.る, ほ.れる
    fall in love with, admire, grow senile
    (10 compounds)

  434. ワク, まど.う
    beguile, delusion, perplexity
    (10 compounds)

  435. ジョウ, セイ, なさ.け
    feelings, emotion, passion, sympathy, circumstances, facts
    (41 compounds)

  436. トウ, いた.む
    lament, grieve over
    (2 compounds)

  437. かすがい
    clamp, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  438. モン, もだ.える, もだえ.る
    be in agony, worry
    (7 compounds)

  439. スイ, せがれ, やつ.れる
    becoming emaciated, son
    (2 compounds)

  440. ヒ, かな.しい, かな.しむ
    jail cell, grieve, sad, deplore, regret
    (9 compounds)

  441. しげ
    チン, しず.める, しず.まる, おさえ, じん, ちか
    tranquilize, ancient peace-preservation centers
    (5 compounds)

  442. アク, オ, わる.い, わる-, あ.し, にく.い, -にく.い, ああ, いずくに, いずくんぞ, にく.む
    bad, vice, rascal, false, evil, wrong
    (85 compounds)

  443. ノウ, なや.む, なや.ます, なや.ましい, なやみ
    trouble, worry, in pain, distress, illness
    (9 compounds)

  444. clever
    (1 compound)

  445. エツ, よろこ.ぶ, よろこ.ばす, よし
    ecstasy, joy, rapture
    (2 compounds)

  446. くろ
    カン, わずら.う
    afflicted, disease, suffer from, be ill
    (3 compounds)

  447. ユウ
    permanence, distant, long time, leisure
    (2 compounds)

  448. ゴ, さと.る
    enlightenment, perceive, discern, realize, understand
    (4 compounds)

  449. サ, くさり, とざ.す
    chain, irons, connection
    (3 compounds)

  450. よん
    ヨウ, と.ける, と.かす, いがた
    fuse, melt
    (1 compound)

  451. カイ, く.いる, く.やむ, くや.しい
    repent, regret
    (8 compounds)

  452. カン, たけし, あらし
    rough, clumsy, violent
    (3 compounds)

  453. かた
    レン, ケン, かま, かね
    sickle, scythe, trick
    (3 compounds)

  454. とも
    テイ, ダイ, やす, やすし, よし, ちか
    serving our elders
    (1 compound)

  455. シツ, シチ, つ.きる, ことごと, ことごと.く, つ.くす, つぶさ.に
    all, entirely, altogether, completely, use up, run out of, exhaust, befriend, serve
    (1 compound)

  456. ショウ, うれ.える
    (2 compounds)

  457. シン, はり, さ.す
    (2 compounds)

  458. ケン, かぎ
    (4 compounds)

  459. あや
    ケイ, エ, めぐ.む, めぐ.み, け, さと, さとし, しげ, へい, み, やす
    favor, blessing, grace, kindness
    (4 compounds)

  460. コウ, カッ, チョウ, キョウ, あたか.も
    just as, as though, fortunately
    (2 compounds)

  461. ソク, いき
    breath, respiration, son, interest (on money)
    (19 compounds)

  462. きよ
    キョウ, うやうや.しい, やす, やすし, ゆき, よし
    respect, reverent
    (3 compounds)

  463. ドウ, トウ, いた.む
    painful, fearful
    (1 compound)

  464. カク, つつし.む
    (1 compound)

  465. めぐみ
    grace, kindness, goodness, favor, mercy, blessing, benefit
    (16 compounds)

  466. コン, うら.む, うら.めしい
    regret, bear a grudge, resentment, malice, hatred
    (9 compounds)

  467. チ, は.じる, はじ, は.じらう, は.ずかしい
    shame, dishonor
    (9 compounds)

  468. シ, ほしいまま
    selfish, arbitrary
    (2 compounds)

  469. カイ, ケ, ひろ.い
    wide, large, enlarge
    (1 compound)

  470. タン, きた.える
    forge, discipline, train
    (3 compounds)

  471. ジョ, ショ, ゆる.す
    excuse, tolerate, forgive
    (1 compound)

  472. のぶ
    コウ, つね, つねに, ひさ, ひさし
    constancy, always
    (4 compounds)

  473. キョウ, おそ.れる, おそ.る, おそ.ろしい, こわ.い, こわ.がる
    fear, dread, awe
    (9 compounds)

  474. ト, めっき
    plating, gilding
    (1 compound)

  475. コウ, とぼ.ける, ほ.れる
    unclear, senile, stupid, joke
    (1 compound)

  476. カ, なべ
    pot, pan, kettle
    (4 compounds)

  477. レン, こ.う, こい, こい.しい
    romance, in love, yearn for, miss, darling
    (29 compounds)

  478. ロク
    (10 compounds)

  479. サク, シャク
    confused, mix, be in disorder
    (6 compounds)

  480. キョウ, コウ, ひる.む, おびえ.る, おじる, おび.える, おそ.れる
    cowardice, wince, flinch, hesitate, waver
    (2 compounds)

  481. レン, ね.る
    tempering, refine, drill, train, polish
    (4 compounds)

  482. セキ, シャク, すず, たま.う
    copper, tin
    (1 compound)

  483. カイ, ケ, あや.しい, あや.しむ
    suspicious, mystery, apparition
    (10 compounds)

  484. shame
    (1 compound)

  485. エン, オン, ウン, うら.む, うらみ, うら.めしい
    grudge, show resentment, be jealous
    (6 compounds)

  486. セイ, ショウ, さが
    sex, gender, nature
    (51 compounds)

  487. かね
    キン, にしき, あや, にし
    brocade, fine dress, honors
    (2 compounds)

  488. キュウ, いそ.ぐ, いそ.ぎ
    hurry, emergency, sudden, steep
    (36 compounds)

  489. ジョウ
    lock, fetters, shackles
    (3 compounds)

  490. タイ, おこた.る, なま.ける
    neglect, laziness
    (7 compounds)

  491. シ, おも.う, おもえら.く, おぼ.す
    (35 compounds)

  492. スイ, つむ, おもり
    weight, plumb bob, sinker
    (4 compounds)

  493. フ, ホ, こわ.い, こわ.がる, お.じる, おそ.れる
    dreadful, be frightened, fearful
    (5 compounds)

  494. ド, ヌ, いか.る, おこ.る
    angry, be offended
    (9 compounds)

  495. スイ, きり
    auger, drill, awl, pyramid, cone
    (1 compound)

  496. ショウ, セイ, さび, くわ.しい
    (3 compounds)

  497. 忿 フン, いか.る, いかり
    be angry
    (2 compounds)

  498. コツ, たちま.ち, ゆるが.せ
    in a moment, instantly, all of a sudden, neglect, disregard
    (1 compound)

  499. コウ, はがね
    (5 compounds)

  500. キョ, コ, のこ, のこぎり
    saw (cuts wood)
    (2 compounds)

  501. ジク, ジュウ, はじ.る
    (1 compound)

  502. ネン
    wish, sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, attention
    (28 compounds)

  503. チュウ, イ, シュ, シュウ, い.る
    casting, mint
    (6 compounds)

  504. とし
    エイ, するど.い
    pointed, sharpness, edge, weapon, sharp, violent
    (8 compounds)

  505. よし
    カイ, こころよ.い
    cheerful, pleasant, agreeable, comfortable
    (14 compounds)

  506. ボウ, ほこさき, きっさき
    sword point
    (1 compound)

  507. ジョ, ショ, ソ, す.く, すき, くわ
    spade up, plow
    (1 compound)

  508. きよし
    チュウ, たた, ただ, ただし, なお
    loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness
    (6 compounds)

  509. テン, かたじけな.い
    grateful, indebted
    (1 compound)

  510. オウ, -ノウ, ヨウ, あた.る, まさに, こた.える, たか, まさ
    apply, answer, yes, OK, reply, accept
    (21 compounds)

  511. ボウ, モウ, いそが.しい, せわ.しい, おそ.れる, うれえるさま
    busy, occupied, restless
    (3 compounds)

  512. ボウ, わす.れる
    (8 compounds)

  513. じん
    シ, シリング, こころざ.す, こころざし, べ, べし, ゆき
    intention, plan, resolve, aspire, motive, hopes, shilling
    (9 compounds)

  514. ホウ, ほこ.さき
    dagger, sword's point, festival car, float
    (2 compounds)

  515. キョウ, はさみ, はさ.む, つるぎ
    (2 compounds)

  516. おし
    ニン, しの.ぶ, しの.ばせる
    endure, bear, put up with, conceal, secrete, spy, sneak
    (12 compounds)

  517. いまわ
    キ, い.む, い.み, い.まわしい
    mourning, abhor, detestable, death anniversary
    (10 compounds)

  518. ヒツ, かなら.ず
    invariably, certain, inevitable
    (12 compounds)

  519. シン, こころ, -ごころ
    heart, mind, spirit
    (71 compounds)

  520. あき
    テツ, つ, てっ, とおる
    penetrate, clear, pierce, strike home, sit up (all night)
    (3 compounds)

  521. チョウ, チ, しるし
    indications, sign, omen, symptom, collect, seek, refer to, question
    (7 compounds)

  522. あつ
    トク, なる, のり, ゆき, よし
    benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect
    (12 compounds)

  523. ビ, かす.か
    delicate, minuteness, insignificance
    (16 compounds)

  524. セン, ゼン, ぜに, すき
    coin, .01 yen, money
    (9 compounds)

  525. ジュン
    sequential, fellow
    (1 compound)

  526. フク, また
    restore, return to, revert, resume
    (13 compounds)

  527. コウ, さまよ.う
    (2 compounds)

  528. ギョ, ゴ, おん-, お-, み-
    honorable, manipulate, govern
    (30 compounds)

  529. カン, くつわ
    horse's bit
    (1 compound)

  530. セン, テン, もり, すき
    harpoon, gaff
    (1 compound)

  531. たか
    メイ, み, め
    inscription, signature (of artisan)
    (4 compounds)

  532. ハイ, さまよ.う
    (1 compound)

  533. あつ
    トク, え.る, う.る, てろ
    gain, get, find, earn, acquire, can, may, able to, profit, advantage, benefit
    (21 compounds)

  534. ジュウ, ショウ, ジュ, したが.う, したが.える, より
    accompany, obey, submit to, comply, follow, secondary, incidental, subordinate
    (14 compounds)

  535. かち
    ト, いたずら, あだ
    junior, emptiness, vanity, futility, uselessness, ephemeral thing, gang, set, party, people
    (17 compounds)

  536. セン
    pig iron
    (2 compounds)

  537. ジョ, おもむ.ろに
    gradually, slowly, deliberately, gently
    (5 compounds)

  538. こし
    ゴ, コウ, のち, うし.ろ, うしろ, あと, おく.れる, し, しい, しり
    behind, back, later
    (67 compounds)

  539. たかし
    リツ, リチ, レツ, のり
    rhythm, law, regulation, gauge, control
    (8 compounds)

  540. カイ, クワイ, エ, さまよ.う
    (2 compounds)

  541. ドウ, あかがね
    (9 compounds)

  542. まち
    タイ, ま.つ, -ま.ち, まつ
    wait, depend on
    (18 compounds)

  543. ケイ, みち, こみち, さしわたし, ただちに
    diameter, path, method
    (4 compounds)

  544. ジュウ
    gun, arms
    (9 compounds)

  545. いく
    セイ, そ, ただ, まさ, ゆき
    subjugate, attack the rebellious, collect taxes
    (2 compounds)

  546. うん
    ギン, しろがね, かな, かね
    (14 compounds)

  547. みち
    オウ, い.く, いにしえ, さき.に, ゆ.く
    journey, chase away, let go, going, travel
    (12 compounds)

  548. ボウ, ム, ほこ
    halberd, arms, festival float
    (1 compound)

  549. その
    ヒ, かれ, かの, か.の
    he, that, the
    (8 compounds)

  550. ちゃく
    ヤク, エキ
    duty, war, campaign, drafted labor, office, service, role
    (33 compounds)

  551. ホウ, さまよ.う
    stray, wander, loiter
    (2 compounds)

  552. コウ, あらがね
    mineral, ore
    (12 compounds)

  553. エイ, かげ
    shadow, silhouette, phantom
    (17 compounds)

  554. あき
    ショウ, あきら
    patent, clear
    (2 compounds)

  555. チョウ, ほ.る, -ぼ.り
    carve, engrave, chisel
    (8 compounds)

  556. あや
    サイ, いろど.る, さ, さえ, つや
    coloring, paint, makeup
    (4 compounds)

  557. よし
    ゲン, ひこ, こ, ひろ, やす
    lad, boy (ancient)
    (1 compound)

  558. ハチ, ハツ
    bowl, rice tub, pot, crown
    (9 compounds)

  559. ケイ, ギョウ, かた, -がた, かたち, なり
    shape, form, style
    (40 compounds)

  560. エン, なまり
    (8 compounds)

  561. イ, はりねずみ
    same kind
    (1 compound)

  562. ケン, カン, つぐ.む, くびかせ
    shut up
    (1 compound)

  563. とし
    スイ, エ, ケイ, セイ, ほうき
    (1 compound)

  564. たい
    トウ, あ.たる, あ.たり, あ.てる, あ.て, まさ.に, まさ.にべし
    hit, right, appropriate, himself
    (61 compounds)

  565. ワン, ひ.く
    curve, stretching a bow
    (2 compounds)

  566. ホウ, ビョウ, かんな
    carpenter's plane
    (2 compounds)

  567. けん
    テツ, くろがね, てっ
    (20 compounds)

  568. ダン, タン, ひ.く, -ひ.き, はず.む, たま, はじ.く, はじ.ける, ただ.す, はじ.きゆみ
    bullet, twang, flip, snap
    (24 compounds)

  569. すね
    キョウ, ゴウ, つよ.い, つよ.まる, つよ.める, し.いる, こわ.い
    (39 compounds)

  570. はり
    チョウ, は.る, -は.り, -ば.り, わり
    lengthen, counter for bows & stringed instruments, stretch, spread, put up (tent)
    (34 compounds)

  571. レイ, リン, すず
    small bell, buzzer
    (9 compounds)

  572. ジャク, よわ.い, よわ.る, よわ.まる, よわ.める
    weak, frail
    (31 compounds)

  573. ド, おおゆみ, いしゆみ
    bow (arrow)
    (1 compound)

  574. arc, arch, bow
    (3 compounds)

  575. ゲン, つる
    bowstring, chord, hypotenuse
    (7 compounds)

  576. わたる
    ミ, ビ, いや, や, あまねし, いよいよ, とおい, ひさし, ひさ.しい, わた.る, みつ, ひろ, よ
    all the more, increasingly
    (2 compounds)

  577. テイ, ダイ, デ, おとうと
    younger brother, faitherful service to elders
    (15 compounds)

  578. チ, シ, たる.む, たる.める, たゆ.む, ゆる.む, ゆる.み
    slacken, relax
    (2 compounds)

  579. ひろ
    コウ, グ, ひろ.い, ひろし, ひろむ, みつ, お, こお
    vast, broad, wide
    (1 compound)

  580. フツ, ホチ, どる, ず
    (2 compounds)

  581. いな
    イン, ひ.く, ひ.き, ひ.き-, -び.き, ひ.ける, ひき, ひけ, びき
    pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to
    (128 compounds)

  582. チョウ, とむら.う, とぶら.う
    condolences, mourning, funeral
    (11 compounds)

  583. キュウ, ゆみ, ゆ
    bow, bow (archery, violin)
    (6 compounds)

  584. バン, ハン
    sheet metal
    (2 compounds)

  585. ニ, ジ, ふた.つ, そえ
    II, two, second
    (2 compounds)

  586. のり
    style, ceremony, rite, fn, method, system, form, expr
    (24 compounds)

  587. コウ, ク, かぎ
    hook, barb, gaff, brackets
    (1 compound)

  588. ドン, にぶ.い, にぶ.る, にぶ-, なま.る, なまく.ら
    dull, slow, foolish, blunt
    (10 compounds)

  589. ヘイ
    abuse, evil, vice, breakage
    (7 compounds)

  590. ロウ, ル, いじく.る, ろう.する, いじ.る, ひねく.る, たわむ.れる, もてあそ.ぶ
    play with, tamper, trifle with
    (3 compounds)

  591. ベン, ヘン, わきま.える, わ.ける, はなびら, あらそ.う
    valve, petal, braid, speech, dialect, discrimination, dispose of, distinguish
    (25 compounds)

  592. 廿 はつ
    ジュウ, ニュウ, にじゅう
    twenty, 20
    (1 compound)

  593. ざこ
    カイ, エ, まわ.る, まわ.す, もとお.る, めぐ.る, めぐ.らす, じゃく
    round, game, revolve, go around, circumference
    (3 compounds)

  594. たけ
    ケン, コン, た.てる, た.て, -だ.て, た.つ, たつ, たて
    (13 compounds)

  595. たか
    courts, imperial court, government office
    (6 compounds)

  596. たか
    エン, の.びる, の.べる, の.べ, の.ばす, のぶ, のべ
    prolong, stretching
    (30 compounds)

  597. ロ, リョ, いお, いおり, いえ
    (1 compound)

  598. つり
    チョウ, つ.る, つ.り, つ.り-
    angling, fish, catch, allure, ensnare
    (21 compounds)

  599. コウ, ひろ.い, ひろ.まる, ひろ.める, ひろ.がる, ひろ.げる
    broad, wide, spacious
    (1 compound)

  600. ビョウ, ミョウ, たまや, みたまや, やしろ
    mausoleum, shrine, palace
    (1 compound)

  601. シン, はり
    needle, pin, staple, stinger
    (18 compounds)

  602. フ, かま
    kettle, cauldron, iron pot
    (2 compounds)

  603. テイ, チョウ, くぎ
    nail, tack, peg
    (4 compounds)

  604. かん
    キン, コン, ゴン, かね, かな-, -がね, きむ, こ, この, ん
    (66 compounds)

  605. かず
    リョウ, はか.る
    quantity, measure, weight, amount
    (28 compounds)

  606. ずけ
    ヤ, ショ, の, の-, つけ, ぬ
    plains, field, rustic, civilian life
    (23 compounds)

  607. さね
    ジュウ, チョウ, え, おも.い, おも.り, おも.なう, かさ.ねる, かさ.なる, おも, しげ, しげる
    heavy, heap up, pile up, nest of boxes, -fold
    (79 compounds)

  608. リ, さと
    ri, village, parent's home, league
    (10 compounds)

  609. ユウ, うわぐすり
    glaze, enamel
    (1 compound)

  610. ロウ
    corridor, hall, tower
    (2 compounds)

  611. きよ
    bargain, reason, charge, suspicion, point, account, purity, honest, low price, cheap, rested, contented, peaceful
    (2 compounds)

  612. しゃ
    シャク, セキ, とく, す.てる, ゆる.す
    (7 compounds)

  613. カ, サ, いえ
    (1 compound)

  614. サイ, と.る, いろどり
    dice, form, appearance, take, coloring
    (2 compounds)

  615. ハイ, すた.れる, すた.る
    abolish, obsolete, cessation, discarding, abandon
    (16 compounds)

  616. ジョウ, かも.す
    brew, cause
    (2 compounds)

  617. つね
    ヨウ, のぶ, やす
    commonplace, ordinary, employment
    (3 compounds)

  618. かん
    コウ, こ, みち, やす, やすし
    ease, peace
    (2 compounds)

  619. ショ
    commoner, all, bastard
    (4 compounds)

  620. アン, いおり, いお, い, いほり
    hermitage, retreat
    (1 compound)

  621. テイ, にわ
    courtyard, garden, yard
    (10 compounds)

  622. コ, ク, くら
    warehouse, storehouse
    (11 compounds)

  623. ザ, すわ.る
    squat, seat, cushion, gathering, sit
    (33 compounds)

  624. のり
    ド, ト, タク, たび, -た.い
    degrees, occurrence, time, counter for occurrences
    (35 compounds)

  625. ショウ, ひしお
    a kind of miso
    (1 compound)

  626. シュウ, みにく.い, しこ
    ugly, unclean, shame, bad looking
    (5 compounds)

  627. フ, う, お, はん
    borough, urban prefecture, govt office, representative body, storehouse
    (6 compounds)

  628. コウ, かのえ
    7th, 7th calendar sign
    (1 compound)

  629. ハツ, かも.す
    fermentation, brewing
    (1 compound)

  630. テン, みせ, たな
    store, shop
    (17 compounds)

  631. テイ, そこ
    bottom, sole, depth, bottom price, base, kind, sort
    (14 compounds)

  632. セイ, さ.ます, さ.める
    awake, be disillusioned, sober up
    (3 compounds)

  633. つぐ
    ジョ, つい.で, ついで
    preface, beginning, order, precedence, occasion, chance, incidentally
    (8 compounds)

  634. ショウ, とこ, ゆか
    bed, floor, padding, tatami
    (12 compounds)

  635. ジュン, シュン, もっぱら, こい, あつい
    pure sake', purity, affection
    (1 compound)

  636. ヒ, ひさし, おお.う, かば.う
    protect, shield, defend, eaves, canopy, penthouse, visor
    (1 compound)

  637. まさ
    ショウ, ソ, ソウ, ホウ
    (1 compound)

  638. コウ, ひろ.い, ひろ.まる, ひろ.める, ひろ.がる, ひろ.げる
    wide, broad, spacious
    (21 compounds)

  639. チョウ, テイ, やくしょ
    government office
    (3 compounds)

  640. キ, いく-, いく.つ, いく.ら, く
    how many, how much, how far, how long
    (7 compounds)

  641. ユウ
    seclude, confine to a room
    (20 compounds)

  642. うぶ
    ヨウ, おさな.い, わか
    infancy, childhood
    (11 compounds)

  643. ゲン, まぼろし
    phantasm, vision, dream, illusion, apparition
    (9 compounds)

  644. つよし
    カン, みき, まさ, もと
    (9 compounds)

  645. サン, す.い
    acid, bitterness, sour, tart
    (15 compounds)

  646. コウ, さいわ.い, さち, しあわ.せ, さき, さし, さっ, とも, ひろ, みゆき, ゆ, ゆき, よし
    happiness, blessing, fortune
    (7 compounds)

  647. コク, ひど.い
    cruel, severe, atrocious, unjust
    (10 compounds)

  648. ヘイ, ヒョウ, あわ.せる, なら.ぶ
    put together
    (1 compound)

  649. コウ
    (1 compound)

  650. ネン, とし
    (95 compounds)

  651. たいら
    ヘイ, ビョウ, ヒョウ, たい.ら, -だいら, ひら, ひら-, たら, はち, ひ, ひとし, へ, へん
    even, flat, peace
    (57 compounds)

  652. ほし
    カン, ほ.す, ほ.し-, -ぼ.し, ひ.る
    dry, parch
    (15 compounds)

  653. シュウ, シュ, トウ, むく.いる
    repay, reward, retribution
    (1 compound)

  654. ラク
    dairy products, whey, broth, fruit juice
    (1 compound)

  655. メイ, よう
    sweet sake
    (1 compound)

  656. しで
    ヘイ, ぬさ
    cash, bad habit, humble prefix, gift, Shinto offerings of cloth, rope, cut paper
    (4 compounds)

  657. サク, す
    vinegar, sour, acid, tart
    (4 compounds)

  658. マン, ハン, バン, ホン, はた, わた
    (1 compound)

  659. シ, のぼり
    flag, banner, streamer
    (2 compounds)

  660. マク, バク
    curtain, bunting, act of play
    (17 compounds)

  661. よい
    スイ, よ.う, よ.い, よ
    drunk, feel sick, poisoned, elated, spellbound
    (8 compounds)

  662. マン, バン, まく
    (1 compound)

  663. シュ, さけ, さか-, さ, し
    sake, alcohol
    (24 compounds)

  664. チュウ, チュ, かも.す
    (2 compounds)

  665. ハイ, くば.る
    distribute, spouse, exile, rationing
    (21 compounds)

  666. シャク, く.む
    bartending, serving sake, the host, draw (water), ladle, scoop, pump
    (3 compounds)

  667. テイ, よう
    (1 compound)

  668. なが
    ユウ, とり, みのる
    sign of the bird, west (sake rad)
    (1 compound)

  669. ホウ, たす.ける
    (1 compound)

  670. フク, はば
    hanging scroll, width
    (12 compounds)

  671. アク, とばり
    (1 compound)

  672. テイ, チョウ, トウ
    making books or scrolls
    (1 compound)

  673. ボウ, モウ, ずきん, おお.う
    cap, headgear
    (5 compounds)

  674. とき
    ジョウ, つね, とこ-, のぶ, ひ, ひた
    usual, ordinary, normal, regular
    (19 compounds)

  675. イ, とばり
    curtain, screen
    (2 compounds)

  676. チョウ, とばり
    notebook, account book, album
    (10 compounds)

  677. キ, かえ.る, かえ.す, おく.る, とつ.ぐ
    homecoming, arrive at, lead to, result in
    (18 compounds)

  678. たて
    タイ, お.びる, おび
    sash, belt, obi, zone, region
    (20 compounds)

  679. セキ, むしろ
    seat, mat, occasion, place
    (18 compounds)

  680. のし
    シ, のり, もろ
    expert, teacher, master, army, war
    (23 compounds)

  681. スイ
    commander, leading troops, governor
    (2 compounds)

  682. テイ, みかど
    sovereign, the emperor, god, creator
    (14 compounds)

  683. ヒ, ひな, ひな.びる, いや.しい
    lowly, the country, the countryside, be countrified
    (4 compounds)

  684. ソウ, シュウ, ほうき
    (1 compound)

  685. のぞ
    キ, ケ, まれ, のぞみ
    hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal
    (7 compounds)

  686. ハン, ほ
    (5 compounds)

  687. フ, ぬの, の, ほ
    linen, cloth
    (20 compounds)

  688. シ, いち, ち
    market, city, town
    (23 compounds)

  689. キン, フク, おお.い, ちきり, きれ
    towel, hanging scroll, width
    (5 compounds)

  690. くに
    ト, ツ, みやこ, ず, ち, づめ, みや
    metropolis, capital
    (11 compounds)

  691. ソン, たつみ
    (1 compound)

  692. カン, ケン, ま.く, まき, ま.き
    scroll, volume, book, part, roll up, wind up, tie, coil, counter for texts (on book scrolls)
    (31 compounds)

  693. くに
    キョウ, ゴウ, さと
    home town, village, native place, district
    (7 compounds)

  694. コウ, ちまた
    fork in road, scene, arena, theater
    (1 compound)

  695. ユウ
    mail, stagecoach stop
    (2 compounds)

  696. とも
    ハ, ともえ, うずまき
    (3 compounds)

  697. シ, み
    sign of the snake, 9-11AM, 6th zodiac sign, serpent
    (1 compound)

  698. コ, キ, おのれ, つちのと, み
    self, snake, serpent
    (4 compounds)

  699. サ, さ.す, さ.し
    distinction, difference, variation, discrepancy, margin, balance
    (30 compounds)

  700. ひろ
    カク, くるわ
    enclosure, quarters, fortification, red-light district
    (3 compounds)

  701. フ, みこ, かんなぎ
    sorcerer, medium, shrine maiden
    (2 compounds)

  702. とり
    ブ, -べ, ふ, ぺ, ま
    section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine
    (47 compounds)

  703. おお
    キョ, か, こ, なお
    gigantic, big, large, great
    (21 compounds)

  704. かつ
    コウ, たく.み, たく.む, うま.い, たくみ, よし
    adroit, skilled, ingenuity
    (8 compounds)

  705. サ, シャ, ひだり
    (19 compounds)

  706. もく
    コウ, ク, グ
    craft, construction
    (23 compounds)

  707. ソウ, す, す.くう
    nest, rookery, hive, cobweb, den
    (9 compounds)

  708. グン, こうり
    county, district
    (1 compound)

  709. ジュン, めぐ.る, めぐ.り
    patrol, go around, circumference
    (11 compounds)

  710. くに
    シュウ, ス, す
    state, province
    (10 compounds)

  711. セン, かわ, こ, さわ
    stream, river
    (12 compounds)

  712. いら
    ロウ, リョウ, おとこ, お, とう, もん, ろ, ろお
    son, counter for sons
    (2 compounds)

  713. コウ
    outskirts, suburbs, rural area
    (4 compounds)

  714. ショ, しま
    (1 compound)

  715. みね
    レイ, リョウ, ね
    peak, summit
    (1 compound)

  716. むら
    テイ, やしき
    residence, mansion
    (3 compounds)

  717. ケン, けわ.しい
    inaccessible place, impregnable position, steep place, sharp eyes
    (1 compound)

  718. ジャ, よこし.ま
    wicked, injustice, wrong
    (6 compounds)

  719. ホウ, くに
    home country, country, Japan
    (9 compounds)

  720. とも
    ナ, ダ, なに, なんぞ, いかん, やす
    (2 compounds)

  721. ユウ, うれ.える, くに, むら, おう, おお
    village, rural community, right-side B rad
    (1 compound)

  722. カン, かえ.る
    send back, return
    (8 compounds)

  723. スイ, おくぶか.い
    deep, profound
    (1 compound)

  724. すす.む
    マイ, バイ, ゆ.く
    go, excel
    (1 compound)

  725. ヨウ, むか.える, もと.める
    go to meet, call
    (1 compound)

  726. ヒ, さ.ける, よ.ける
    evade, avoid, avert, ward off, shirk, shun
    (4 compounds)

  727. はるか
    (1 compound)

  728. イ, ユイ
    bequeath, leave behind, reserve
    (27 compounds)

  729. セン, えら.ぶ
    elect, select, choose, prefer
    (21 compounds)

  730. セン, うつ.る, うつ.す, みやこがえ
    transition, move, change
    (3 compounds)

  731. ジュン
    abide by, follow, obey, learn
    (2 compounds)

  732. トン, のが.れる
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  733. シャ, さえぎ.る
    intercept, interrupt, obstruct
    (3 compounds)

  734. ソウ, あ.う, あ.わせる
    encounter, meet, party, association, interview, join
    (1 compound)

  735. テキ, かな.う
    suitable, occasional, rare, qualified, capable
    (12 compounds)

  736. たかし
    スウ, シュウ, かさ, かさ.む, たか.い, たか, たけ
    be aggravated, grow worse, grow bulky, swell
    (2 compounds)

  737. ケン, つか.う, -つか.い, -づか.い, つか.わす, や.る
    dispatch, send, give, donate, do, undertake
    (16 compounds)

  738. ソ, サク, さかのぼ.る
    go upstream, retrace the past
    (2 compounds)

  739. エン, オン, とお.い, おに, ど, どお
    distant, far
    (37 compounds)

  740. ソン, したが.う, へりくだ.る, ゆず.る
    humble, modest
    (2 compounds)

  741. ヨウ, はる.か
    far off, distant, long ago
    (2 compounds)

  742. イ, ちが.う, ちが.い, ちが.える, -ちが.える, たが.う, たが.える
    difference, differ
    (32 compounds)

  743. かつ
    タツ, ダ, -たち, さと, て, てつ, とおる, みち
    accomplished, reach, arrive, attain
    (16 compounds)

  744. ドウ, トウ, みち, じ, ど, みつ
    road-way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings
    (69 compounds)

  745. ぞれ
    ラン, あらし
    storm, tempest
    (3 compounds)

  746. カ, す.ぎる, -す.ぎる, -す.ぎ, す.ごす, あやま.つ, あやま.ち
    overdo, exceed, go beyond, error
    (43 compounds)

  747. ヘン, あまね.く
    everywhere, times, widely, generally
    (5 compounds)

  748. カン, は.める, は.まる, あな
    go into, plunge, inlay
    (4 compounds)

  749. ウン, はこ.ぶ
    carry, luck, destiny, fate, lot, transport, progress, advance
    (25 compounds)

  750. あす
    ユウ, ユ, あそ.ぶ, あそ.ばす, う
    (21 compounds)

  751. グウ, あ.う
    interview, treat, entertain, receive, deal with
    (9 compounds)

  752. チ, おく.れる, おく.らす, おそ.い
    slow, late, back, later
    (14 compounds)

  753. スイ, と.げる, つい.に
    consummate, accomplish, attain, commit (suicide)
    (6 compounds)

  754. トン, シュン, のが.れる
    flee, escape, shirk, evade, set free
    (1 compound)

  755. フク, ヒツ, ヒョク, ヒキ, せま.る, むかばき
    urge, force, imminent, spur on
    (1 compound)

  756. いっ
    イツ, そ.れる, そ.らす, はぐ.れる, はや, へん
    deviate, idleness, leisure, miss the mark, evade, elude, parry, diverge
    (19 compounds)

  757. のぶ
    シン, すす.む, すす.める
    advance, proceed, progress, promote
    (36 compounds)

  758. シュウ
    (9 compounds)

  759. タイ
    apprehend, chase
    (1 compound)

  760. ホウ, くず.れる, -くず.れ, くず.す
    crumble, die, demolish, level
    (5 compounds)

  761. ずれ
    レン, つら.なる, つら.ねる, つ.れる, -づ.れ, つれ, むらじ, れ
    take along, lead, join, connect, party, gang, clique
    (34 compounds)

  762. あい
    ホウ, あ.う, むか.える, おう
    meeting, tryst, date, rendezvous
    (5 compounds)

  763. ずくり
    ゾウ, つく.る, つく.り, -づく.り, づくり, み
    create, make, structure, physique
    (22 compounds)

  764. ソク, はや.い, はや-, はや.める, すみ.やか
    quick, fast
    (21 compounds)

  765. テイ, たくま.しい
    sturdy, brawny, bold
    (2 compounds)

  766. セイ, ゆ.く
    departed, die
    (3 compounds)

  767. とん
    ツウ, ツ, とお.る, とお.り, -とお.り, -どお.り, とお.す, とお.し, -どお.し, かよ.う, どうし, どおり, みち
    traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters
    (62 compounds)

  768. シャ, ゲン, は.う, は.い, むか.える, この
    crawl, creep, grovel, trail (vines)
    (2 compounds)

  769. トウ, ズ, とど.まる
    (1 compound)

  770. ガイ, ゲ, ギ, がけ, きし, はて
    cliff, bluff, precipice
    (1 compound)

  771. みち

    route, way, road
    (12 compounds)

  772. テイ, かわ.る, たがいに
    relay, in turn, sending
    (2 compounds)

  773. チク
    pursue, drive away, chase, accomplish, attain, commit
    (3 compounds)

  774. とおる
    トウ, す.く, す.かす, す.ける, とう.る, とう.す
    transparent, permeate, filter, penetrate
    (8 compounds)

  775. スウ, あが.める, たか, たかし, たかむ
    adore, respect, revere, worship
    (3 compounds)

  776. ギャク, ゲキ, さか, さか.さ, さか.らう
    inverted, reverse, opposite, wicked
    (17 compounds)

  777. トウ, に.げる, に.がす, のが.す, のが.れる
    escape, flee, shirk, evade, set free
    (15 compounds)

  778. ソウ, おく.る
    escort, send
    (32 compounds)

  779. 退 タイ, しりぞ.く, しりぞ.ける, ひ.く, の.く, の.ける, ど.く
    retreat, withdraw, retire, resign, repel, expel, reject
    (25 compounds)

  780. おい
    ツイ, お.う
    chase, drive away, follow, pursue, meanwhile
    (25 compounds)

  781. たか
    シュン, けわ.しい, たか.い, たかし, ちか, とし, おか
    high, steep
    (2 compounds)

  782. セキ, シャク, あと
    mark, print, impression
    (3 compounds)

  783. メイ, まよ.う
    astray, be perplexed, in doubt, lost, err, illusion
    (8 compounds)

  784. トウ, しま
    (20 compounds)

  785. ジュツ, の.べる
    mention, state, speak, relate
    (7 compounds)

  786. ホウ, みね, ね, ほ
    summit, peak
    (4 compounds)

  787. さこ
    ハク, せま.る, せ, せこ, はさ, はさま, はざま
    urge, force, imminent, spur on
    (6 compounds)

  788. カ, ケ
    (used phonetically)
    (1 compound)

  789. キョウ, コウ, はざま, ば
    gorge, ravine
    (2 compounds)

  790. とうげ
    mountain peak, mountain pass, climax, crest, (kokuji)
    (2 compounds)

  791. ジ, そばだ.つ
    tower, soar
    (1 compound)

  792. ヘン, かえ.す, -かえ.す, かえ.る, -かえ.る
    return, answer, fade, repay
    (44 compounds)

  793. おう
    キン, コン, ちか.い, おお, この
    near, early, akin, tantamount
    (30 compounds)

  794. むかえ
    ゲイ, むか.える
    welcome, meet, greet
    (6 compounds)

  795. ジン
    swift, fast
    (2 compounds)

  796. キツ, まで, およ.ぶ
    until, up to, as far as, to the extent
    (3 compounds)

  797. roundabout way
    (3 compounds)

  798. 辿 テン, たど.る, たどり
    follow (rod), pursue
    (1 compound)

  799. こみ
    -こ.む, こ.む, こ.み, -こ.み, こ.める, ごめ
    crowded, mixture, in bulk, included, (kokuji)
    (101 compounds)

  800. つじ
    crossing, crossroad, street corners, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  801. なべ
    ヘン, あた.り, ほと.り, -べ
    environs, boundary, border, vicinity, (kokuji)
    (19 compounds)

  802. けし
    ガン, きし
    (7 compounds)

  803. おか
    ガク, たけ, たか, たけん
    point, peak, mountain
    (2 compounds)

  804. ノウ, の, み
    agriculture, farmers
    (14 compounds)

  805. ジョク, はずかし.める
    embarrass, humiliate, shame
    (5 compounds)

  806. とき
    シン, ジン, たつ, のぶ, のぶる
    sign of the dragon, 7-9AM, 5th zodiac sign
    (2 compounds)

  807. ベン, ヘン, わきま.える, わ.ける, はなびら, あらそ.う
    speech, dialect
    (2 compounds)

  808. ベン, ヘン, あ.む
    (1 compound)

  809. さき
    コウ, みさき
    headland, cape, spit, promontory
    (1 compound)

  810. ガン, いわ
    boulder, rock, cliff
    (8 compounds)

  811. ソ, ショ, いしやま, そば
    a rocky mountain
    (1 compound)

  812. ラツ, から.い
    (2 compounds)

  813. コウ, おか
    mount, hill, knoll
    (5 compounds)

  814. ヘキ, ヒ, きみ, ひら.く, め.す
    false, punish, crime, law
    (1 compound)

  815. ジ, や.める
    resign, word, term, expression
    (19 compounds)

  816. コ, つみ
    sin, crime
    (1 compound)

  817. シン, から.い, つら.い, -づら.い, かのと
    spicy, bitter, hot, acrid
    (8 compounds)

  818. たかし
    キ, ギ, また
    branch off, fork in road, scene, arena, theater
    (4 compounds)

  819. サン, セン, やま, やの, やん
    (40 compounds)

  820. トン
    barracks, police station, camp
    (3 compounds)

  821. ゾク, ショク, さかん, つく, やから
    genus, subordinate official, belong, affiliated
    (1 compound)

  822. pulley
    (1 compound)

  823. リ, は.く
    footgear, shoes, boots, put on (the feet
    (6 compounds)

  824. ソウ
    stratum, social class, layer, story, floor
    (8 compounds)

  825. レキ, ひ.く, きし.る
    run over
    (3 compounds)

  826. ヒ, くつわ, たづな
    bit (horse)
    (1 compound)

  827. ル, しばしば
    often, frequently
    (3 compounds)

  828. ト, チョ, ほふ.る
    slaughter, butcher, slay
    (2 compounds)

  829. コウ, ゴウ, とどろ.かす, とどろ.く
    roar, thunder, boom resound
    (2 compounds)

  830. さっか
    ゾク, ショク, さかん, つく, やから, つき
    belong, genus, subordinate official, affiliated
    (8 compounds)

  831. のぶ
    テン, のり, ひろ, ゆき
    unfold, expand
    (6 compounds)

  832. exerting strength (aikido)
    (1 compound)

  833. セツ, くず, いさぎよ.い
    rubbish, junk, trash, waste, scraps
    (5 compounds)

  834. ヘイ, ビョウ, おお.う, しりぞ.く, びょう.ぶ
    wall, fence
    (2 compounds)

  835. シ, しかばね
    (1 compound)

  836. オク, や
    roof, house, shop, dealer, seller
    (32 compounds)

  837. カイ, とど.ける, -とど.け, とど.く
    deliver, reach, arrive, report, notify, forward
    (10 compounds)

  838. くっ
    クツ, かが.む, かが.める
    yield, bend, flinch, submit
    (12 compounds)

  839. ロク, ころ
    pulley, roller
    (1 compound)

  840. おき
    キョ, コ, い.る, -い, お.る, ぐ, すえ
    reside, to be, exist, live with
    (23 compounds)

  841. カツ, くさび
    control, wedge
    (1 compound)

  842. ヒ, へ, おなら
    fart, passing gas
    (1 compound)

  843. キョク, つぼね
    bureau, board, office, affair, conclusion, court lady, lady-in-waiting, her apartment
    (19 compounds)

  844. 輿 ヨ, かご, こし
    palanquin, bier
    (7 compounds)

  845. 尿 ニョウ
    (6 compounds)

  846. ビ, お
    tail, end, no. of fish, lower slope of mtn
    (13 compounds)

  847. ジン, サン, つ.くす, -つ.くす, -づ.くし, -つ.く, -づ.く, -ず.く, つ.きる, つ.かす, さかづき, ことごと.く, つか, つき
    exhaust, use up, run out of, befriend, serve
    (11 compounds)

  848. フク, や
    spoke (wheel)
    (2 compounds)

  849. ニ, あま
    (1 compound)

  850. がみ
    コウ, しり
    buttocks, hips, butt, rear
    (4 compounds)

  851. せき
    shaku, Japanese foot, measure, scale, rule
    (5 compounds)

  852. ちか
    イン, おさ, ただ.す
    an official rank
    (1 compound)

  853. ユ, シュ
    transport, send, be inferior
    (6 compounds)

  854. ソウ, あつ.まる
    (1 compound)

  855. たか
    シュウ, ジュ, つ.く, つ.ける, なり
    concerning, settle, take position, depart, study, per
    (11 compounds)

  856. シュウ, あつ.める, やわ.らぐ
    gather, collect, compile
    (1 compound)

  857. なわ
    リン, わ, も
    wheel, ring, circle, link, loop, counter for wheels and flowers
    (26 compounds)

  858. ハイ, -ばら, やから, やかい, ともがら
    comrade, fellow, people, companions
    (10 compounds)

  859. ボウ, むくいぬ
    shaggy hair or dog
    (2 compounds)

  860. ユウ, もっと.も, とが.める
    reasonable, just, natural, superb, outstanding, plausible
    (4 compounds)

  861. セン, セウ, すくな.い
    at least, not a little
    (2 compounds)

  862. あき
    キ, かがや.く, あきら, さき, てる, ひ, ひかる
    radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle
    (4 compounds)

  863. リョウ
    counter for large vehicles
    (1 compound)

  864. たか
    ショウ, なお, たかし, ないし, なり, ひさ, ひさし
    esteem, furthermore, still, yet
    (2 compounds)

  865. セン, とが.る, さき, するど.い
    be pointed, sharp, taper, displeased, angry, edgy
    (5 compounds)

  866. すけ
    ホ, フ, たす.ける, たすく, ゆう
    (2 compounds)

  867. ショウ, すく.ない, すこ.し
    few, little
    (24 compounds)

  868. いさら
    ショウ, ちい.さい, こ-, お-, さ-, こう, さざ, しゃお, ちいさ
    little, small
    (48 compounds)

  869. みち
    ドウ, みちび.く
    guidance, leading, conduct, usher
    (11 compounds)

  870. ジン, たず.ねる, ひろ, つぐ
    inquire, fathom, look for
    (1 compound)

  871. さだ
    ソン, たっと.い, とうと.い, たっと.ぶ, とうと.ぶ, たか, たけ, みこと
    revered, valuable, precious, noble, exalted
    (24 compounds)

  872. とし
    サイ, の.せる, の.る, のり
    load, multiplication, power, 10**44
    (12 compounds)

  873. イ, ジョウ
    military officer, jailer, old man, rank
    (7 compounds)

  874. かつ
    ショウ, ソウ, まさ.に, はた, まさ, ひきい.る, もって, かつり, すすむ, たか, ゆき
    leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about
    (13 compounds)

  875. シャ, い.る, さ.す
    shoot, shine into, onto, archery
    (21 compounds)

  876. カク, コウ, くら.べる
    contrast, compare
    (2 compounds)

  877. セン, もっぱ.ら
    specialty, exclusive, mainly, solely
    (11 compounds)

  878. フウ, ホウ
    seal, closing
    (11 compounds)

  879. 寿 かず
    ジュ, ス, シュウ, ことぶき, ことぶ.く, ことほ.ぐ, じ, じゅう, すっ, すみ, とし, としかつ, なが, のぶ, のり, ひさ, ひさし, やす
    longevity, congratulations, ones natural life
    (9 compounds)

  880. つし
    タイ, ツイ, あいて, こた.える, そろ.い, つれあ.い, なら.ぶ, むか.う
    vis-a-vis, opposite, even, equal, versus, anti-, compare
    (26 compounds)

  881. ケイ, かる.い, かろ.やか, かろ.んじる
    lightly, trifling, unimportant
    (21 compounds)

  882. ジ, てら
    Buddhist temple
    (4 compounds)

  883. ジク
    axis, pivot, stem, stalk, counter for book scrolls
    (9 compounds)

  884. スン, みき
    measurement, foot/10
    (8 compounds)

  885. リョウ
    dormitory, hostel, villa, tea pavillion
    (2 compounds)

  886. あきら
    シン, つまび.らか, つぶさ.に
    hearing, judge, trial
    (8 compounds)

  887. あき
    ネイ, むし.ろ, やす, やすし, よし
    rather, preferably
    (3 compounds)

  888. リョウ, さび.しい
    (1 compound)

  889. テン, ころ.がる, ころ.げる, ころ.がす, ころ.ぶ, まろ.ぶ, うたた, うつ.る
    revolve, turn around, change
    (37 compounds)

  890. widow, minority, few
    (9 compounds)

  891. ナン, やわ.らか, やわ.らかい
    (4 compounds)

  892. サツ
    guess, presume, surmise, judge, understand
    (10 compounds)

  893. シン, ね.る, ね.かす, い.ぬ, みたまや, や.める
    lie down, sleep, rest, bed, remain unsold
    (27 compounds)

  894. とも
    カン, くつろ.ぐ, ひろ.い, ゆる.やか, のぶ, のり, ひろし, ひろん, ゆた, ゆたか
    tolerant, leniency, generosity, relax, feel at home, be at ease, broadminded
    (5 compounds)

  895. グウ, グ, ドウ, ぐう.する, かこつ.ける, よ.せる, よ.る, かりずまい
    temporary abode, keep, imply, suggest
    (1 compound)

  896. ケン, のき
    flats, counter for houses, eaves
    (5 compounds)

  897. カン, さむ.い, さん
    (19 compounds)

  898. ビ, ね.る
    (1 compound)

  899. グン
    army, force, troops, war, battle
    (55 compounds)

  900. rut, wheel, track, model, way of doing
    (3 compounds)

  901. アツ, きし.る, きし.む
    squeak, creak, grate
    (2 compounds)

  902. フ, フウ, と.む, とみ, とん, ふっ
    wealth, enrich, abundant
    (7 compounds)

  903. くら
    シャ, くるま, くろま
    (30 compounds)

  904. やがて
    soon after, presently, almost, all but, no more than, after all, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  905. コウ, あだ.する
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  906. ミツ
    secrecy, density (pop), minuteness, carefulness
    (21 compounds)

  907. とも
    イン, とら, のぶ
    sign of the tiger, 3-5AM, 3rd zodiac sign
    (1 compound)

  908. よせ
    キ, よ.る, -よ.り, よ.せる, より, よろ
    draw near, stop in, bring near, gather, collect, send, forward
    (35 compounds)

  909. ジャク, セキ, さび, さび.しい, さび.れる, さみ.しい
    loneliness, quietly, mellow, mature, death of a priest
    (8 compounds)

  910. しつ.ける, しつけ
    training, (kokuji)
    (2 compounds)

  911. 宿 すく
    シュク, やど, やど.る, やど.す, ぶすき, やけ
    inn, lodging, relay station, dwell, lodge, be pregnant, home, dwelling
    (15 compounds)

  912. かた
    ヨウ, い.れる, ひろ, まさ
    contain, form, looks
    (22 compounds)

  913. あり
    カ, ケ, いえ, や, うち, え, く, つか, べ
    house, home
    (67 compounds)

  914. ショウ, よい
    wee hours, evening, early night
    (3 compounds)

  915. うた
    エン, うたげ, やす
    banquet, feast, party
    (5 compounds)

  916. ガイ
    harm, injury
    (21 compounds)

  917. ただ
    superintend, manager, rule
    (1 compound)

  918. ク, むくろ, からだ
    body, corpse, tree with rotten core
    (5 compounds)

  919. キュウ, グウ, ク, クウ, みや, み
    Shinto shrine, constellations, palace, princess
    (12 compounds)

  920. キュウ, キョウ, み
    body, self
    (1 compound)

  921. シン, み
    somebody, person, one's station in life
    (46 compounds)

  922. リン, にじ.る, ふ.む
    edge forward, trample
    (1 compound)

  923. ユウ, なだ.める, ゆる.す
    soothe, calm, pacify
    (1 compound)

  924. シツ, むろ
    room, apartment, chamber, greenhouse, cellar
    (21 compounds)

  925. とおる
    セン, のたむ.う, のたま.わく, のぶ, のぼる, のり, ひさ, よし
    proclaim, say, announce
    (5 compounds)

  926. キャク, カク
    guest, visitor, customer, client
    (25 compounds)

  927. ぐみ
    ジツ, シツ, み, みの.る, まこと, まことに, みの, みち.る, じっ, さね
    reality, truth
    (47 compounds)

  928. ホウ, たから
    treasure, wealth, valuables
    (16 compounds)

  929. ギ, よろ.しい, よろ.しく, たか, のぶ, のり, よし
    best regards, good
    (8 compounds)

  930. エン, あ.てる, -あて, -づつ, あたか.も
    address, just like, fortunately
    (6 compounds)

  931. リン, にじ.る, ふ.む
    edge forward, trample
    (1 compound)

  932. さた
    テイ, ジョウ, さだ.める, さだ.まる, さだ.か
    determine, fix, establish, decide
    (49 compounds)

  933. ひろ
    チュウ, ゆ
    mid-air, air, space, sky, memorization, interval of time
    (2 compounds)

  934. カン
    bureaucrat, the government
    (24 compounds)

  935. かず
    シュウ, ソウ, むね, し, そ, そお, たか, とし, のり, ひろ, むな, もと, よし
    religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence
    (10 compounds)

  936. テキ, しゃが.む, たちもとお.る
    (1 compound)

  937. あつ
    コウ, ひろ.い, ひろ, ひろし
    wide, large
    (1 compound)

  938. おどり
    ヤク, おど.る
    leap, dance, skip
    (10 compounds)

  939. カン
    perfect, completion, end
    (11 compounds)

  940. チュウ, チュ, シュウ, ジュ, ためら.う
    (2 compounds)

  941. アン, やす.い, やす.まる, やす, やす.らか, あす, あず, あっ, や
    relax, cheap, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful
    (32 compounds)

  942. チョ, チャク, ためら.う
    (2 compounds)

  943. シュ, ス, まも.る, まも.り, もり, -もり, かみ, し, も, て
    guard, protect, defend, obey
    (17 compounds)

  944. いえ
    ウ, たか, ひろ, ひろし
    eaves, roof, house, heaven
    (3 compounds)

  945. チョク, タク
    tap with the feet, ruins
    (1 compound)

  946. タク, たか, たけ, や, やけ
    home, house, residence, our house, my husband
    (13 compounds)

  947. ソウ, さわ.ぐ
    (1 compound)

  948. フ, か.えす
    hatch, incubate
    (1 compound)

  949. シュク, シュウ, け.る
    (8 compounds)

  950. ソン, シュン, つくば.う, うずくま.る
    crouch, squat, cower
    (1 compound)

  951. ジュク, いずれ, たれ
    which, how, who
    (1 compound)

  952. ソン, まご
    grandchild, descendants
    (4 compounds)

  953. たか
    ガク, まな.ぶ, のり
    study, learning, science
    (57 compounds)

  954. ショウ, あと
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  955. orphan, alone
    (4 compounds)

  956. すえ
    キ, とし
    (3 compounds)

  957. セキ, シャク, あと
    remains, traces, footprint
    (5 compounds)

  958. たか
    コウ, キョウ, たかし, のり, よし
    filial piety, child's respect
    (8 compounds)

  959. シュク, セキ, せ.まる
    a tight place, scowl, approaching
    (1 compound)

  960. まさ
    ソン, ゾン
    suppose, be aware of, believe, feel
    (14 compounds)

  961. ジ, あざ, あざな, -な
    character, letter, word, section of village
    (40 compounds)

  962. のり
    コウ, あな
    cavity, hole, slit, very, great, exceedingly
    (4 compounds)

  963. ケツ, ひとり
    mosquito wriggler
    (3 compounds)

  964. シ, ス, ツ, こ, -こ, -っ.こ, ね, き, ぎ, く, け, ねっ
    (103 compounds)

  965. ケイ, みち, わた.る
    (1 compound)

  966. サ, つまず.く
    (1 compound)

  967. トウ, ふ.む
    step on, trample, carry through, appraise, evade payment
    (1 compound)

  968. テイ, ひづめ
    (2 compounds)

  969. ジュウ, ふ.む
    step on
    (1 compound)

  970. ドウ, ジョウ, なぶ.る
    sport with, ridicule, tease
    (1 compound)

  971. ジョウ, むすめ
    lass, girl, Miss, daughter
    (3 compounds)

  972. カ, くるぶし
    (1 compound)

  973. トウ, ふ.む, ふ.まえる
    step, trample, carry through, appraise, evade payment
    (20 compounds)

  974. キョウ, なまめか.しい
    (3 compounds)

  975. ヨウ, おど.る
    jump, dance, leap, skip
    (6 compounds)

  976. うらし
    キ, うれ.しい, たの.しむ, うれし
    glad, pleased, rejoice
    (5 compounds)

  977. セン, ふ.む
    tread, step on, trample, practice, carry through
    (1 compound)

  978. チョウ, は.ねる, と.ぶ, -と.び
    hop, leap up, spring, jerk, prance, buck, splash, sputter, snap
    (10 compounds)

  979. ロ, ル, -じ, みち
    path, route, road, distance
    (30 compounds)

  980. キ, ひざまず.く
    (1 compound)

  981. コ, カ, また.がる, またが.る, また.ぐ
    be, sit, or stand astride, extend over, straddle
    (2 compounds)

  982. セン, はだし
    (1 compound)

  983. セキ, あと
    tracks, mark, print, impression
    (14 compounds)

  984. チャク, テキ
    legitimate wife, direct descent (non-bastard)
    (6 compounds)

  985. ハ, ヒ, びっこ, ちんば
    lame, lameness, odd shoe
    (1 compound)

  986. テツ, あやまつ, つまず.く
    (1 compound)

  987. ケン, ゲン, きら.う, きら.い, いや
    dislike, detest, hate
    (10 compounds)

  988. シツ, そね.む, ねた.む, にく.む
    jealous, envy
    (1 compound)

  989. ソウ, あによめ
    elder brother's wife
    (1 compound)

  990. カ, よめ, とつ.ぐ
    marry into, bride
    (7 compounds)

  991. シ, あと, はや.い
    footprint, remains
    (1 compound)

  992. ソク, あし, た.りる, た.る, た.す, あす, おす, たらし
    leg, foot, be sufficient
    (58 compounds)

  993. スウ, ソク, しゅ, おもむ.く, はし.る
    run, go, quick, tend towards
    (2 compounds)

  994. シュ, おもむき, おもむ.く
    gist, proceed to, tend, become
    (4 compounds)

  995. エン, ひめ
    beautiful woman, princess
    (2 compounds)

  996. こび
    ビ, こ.びる
    flatter, humor, flirt
    (2 compounds)

  997. バイ
    mediator, go-between
    (5 compounds)

  998. えち
    エツ, オツ, こ.す, -こ.す, -ご.し, こ.える, -ご.え, えっ, お, こえ, こし, ごえ, ごし, ごや
    surpass, cross over, move to, exceed, Vietnam
    (26 compounds)

  999. まさる
    チョウ, こ.える, こ.す, わたる
    transcend, super-, ultra-
    (7 compounds)

  1000. 婿 セイ, むこ
    bridegroom, son-in-law
    (5 compounds)

  1001. キ, お.きる, お.こる, お.こす, おこ.す, た.つ
    rouse, wake up, get up
    (35 compounds)

  1002. フ, おもむ.く
    proceed, get, become, tend
    (1 compound)

  1003. はしり
    ソウ, はし.る
    (28 compounds)

  1004. カク, あかい, あか, かがや.く
    (1 compound)

  1005. ラン, むさぼ.る
    (1 compound)

  1006. シャ
    pardon, forgiveness
    (4 compounds)

  1007. lady, woman, wife, bride
    (13 compounds)

  1008. セキ, シャク, あか, あか-, あか.い, あか.らむ, あか.らめる, あこ, あま
    (25 compounds)

  1009. コン
    (7 compounds)

  1010. エン, うつく.しい, したが.う
    (1 compound)

  1011. バ, ばば, ばあ
    old woman, grandma, wet nurse
    (5 compounds)

  1012. ショウ, あそびめ
    (3 compounds)

  1013. ベン
    bear (children)
    (1 compound)

  1014. シン
    with child, pregnancy
    (1 compound)

  1015. ジョウ, むすめ, こ
    daughter, girl
    (4 compounds)

  1016. ショク, あがな.う
    (1 compound)

  1017. strength, power
    (1 compound)

  1018. エイ, あまり
    victory, surplus
    (2 compounds)

  1019. ガン, にせ
    counterfeit, forgery
    (6 compounds)

  1020. ゾウ, ソウ, おく.る
    presents, send, give to, award to, confer on, presenting something
    (8 compounds)

  1021. セイ, いぼ
    (1 compound)

  1022. いさ
    イ, おど.す, おど.し, おど.かす, たけ, たけし
    intimidate, dignity, majesty, menace, threaten
    (16 compounds)

  1023. 姿 しな
    シ, すがた
    figure, form, shape
    (7 compounds)

  1024. コウ
    subscription, buy
    (2 compounds)

  1025. イン
    matrimony, marry
    (1 compound)

  1026. ト, か.ける, かけ
    gamble, wager, bet
    (3 compounds)

  1027. キ, ひめ, ひめ-
    (4 compounds)

  1028. シツ, シチ, チ, たち, ただ.す, もと, わりふ
    substance, quality, matter, temperament
    (24 compounds)

  1029. テツ, チツ, ジチ, イツ, イチ, めい, おい
    (1 compound)

  1030. うた
    フ, ブ
    levy, ode, prose, poem, tribute, installment
    (5 compounds)

  1031. カン, ケン, かん.する, かしま.しい, みだら
    wicked, mischief, seduce, rape, noisy
    (4 compounds)

  1032. セン, ゼン, いや.しい, いや.しむ, いや.しめる, しず, やす.い
    despise, low-life, poverty
    (1 compound)

  1033. かた
    ケン, かしこ.い, さか, さと, さとし, たか, たて, のり, まこと, まさ, まさる
    intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness
    (8 compounds)

  1034. バイ
    compensation, indemnify
    (2 compounds)

  1035. ショウ, ほ.める
    prize, reward, praise
    (11 compounds)

  1036. シ, たまわ.る, たま.う, たも.う
    grant, gift, boon, results
    (3 compounds)

  1037. かん
    キョウ, ガ, こう
    Chinese surname, ginger
    (1 compound)

  1038. サン, たす.ける, たた.える
    approve, praise, title or inscription on picture, assist, agree with
    (6 compounds)

  1039. ニン, ジン, はら.む, みごも.る
    be(come) pregnant
    (1 compound)

  1040. イ, ゆだ.ねる
    committee, entrust to, leave to, devote, discard
    (7 compounds)

  1041. ヒン
    V.I.P., guest
    (4 compounds)

  1042. セイ, ショウ
    (7 compounds)

  1043. シン, にぎ.わい, にぎ.やか, にぎ.わす, にぎ.わう
    flourish, be bustling, prosperity
    (2 compounds)

  1044. コ, しゅうとめ, しゅうと, おば, しばらく
    (2 compounds)

  1045. セン, ゼン, いや.しい, いや.しむ, いや.しめる, しず, やす.い
    despise, low-life, poverty
    (1 compound)

  1046. もと
    シ, はじ.める, -はじ.める, はじ.まる
    commence, begin
    (18 compounds)

  1047. ゾク
    burglar, rebel, traitor, robber
    (10 compounds)

  1048. シ, あね, はは
    elder sister
    (6 compounds)

  1049. すけ
    シ, もと
    assets, resources, capital, funds, data, be conducive to, contribute to
    (14 compounds)

  1050. ワイ, まかな.う
    bribe, board, supply, finance
    (3 compounds)

  1051. すけ
    fare, fee, hire, rent, wages, charge
    (11 compounds)

  1052. ロ, まいな.い, まいな.う
    (1 compound)

  1053. ガ, のり, よし, より
    congratulations, joy
    (7 compounds)

  1054. 貿 ボウ
    trade, exchange
    (1 compound)

  1055. ショウ, めかけ, そばめ, わらわ
    (2 compounds)

  1056. テン, チョウ, は.る, つ.く
    stick, paste, apply
    (4 compounds)

  1057. ヒ, つい.やす, つい.える
    expense, cost, spend, consume, waste
    (23 compounds)

  1058. ずま
    サイ, つま, め
    wife, spouse
    (13 compounds)

  1059. マイ, いもうと, せ, も
    younger sister
    (4 compounds)

  1060. タイ, か.す, か.し-, かし-
    (12 compounds)

  1061. バイ, か.う
    (19 compounds)

  1062. ヘン, おとし.める, おと.す
    (1 compound)

  1063. きよ
    キ, たっと.い, とうと.い, たっと.ぶ, とうと.ぶ, ぎ, たか, たかし, よし
    precious, value, prize, esteem, honor
    (14 compounds)

  1064. セイ, シャ, もら.う
    get, have, obtain
    (3 compounds)

  1065. チョ, た.める, たくわ.える
    savings, store, lay in, keep, wear mustache
    (4 compounds)

  1066. セキ, せ.める
    blame, condemn, censure
    (10 compounds)

  1067. ト, ツ, ねた.む, そね.む, つも.る, ふさ.ぐ
    jealous, envy
    (2 compounds)

  1068. つら
    カン, つらぬ.く, ぬ.く, ぬき, ぬく
    pierce, 8 1/3lbs, penetrate, brace
    (9 compounds)

  1069. タン, トン, むさぼ.る
    covet, indulge in
    (5 compounds)

  1070. ハン
    marketing, sell, trade
    (5 compounds)

  1071. freight, goods, property
    (10 compounds)

  1072. ボウ, さまた.げる
    disturb, prevent, hamper, obstruct
    (3 compounds)

  1073. ヒン, ビン, まず.しい
    poverty, poor
    (13 compounds)

  1074. やす

    gentle, peace, depravity
    (1 compound)

  1075. コウ, ク, みつ.ぐ
    tribute, support, finance
    (6 compounds)

  1076. たから
    ザイ, サイ, ゾク
    property, money, wealth, assets
    (13 compounds)

  1077. フ, ま.ける, ま.かす, お.う
    defeat, negative, -, minus, bear, owe, assume a responsibility
    (16 compounds)

  1078. さざ
    テイ, さだ, ただし, りょう
    upright, chastity, constancy, righteousness
    (3 compounds)

  1079. バイ, かい
    (7 compounds)

  1080. ミョウ, ビョウ, たえ
    exquisite, strange, queer, mystery, miracle, excellent, delicate, charming
    (11 compounds)

  1081. ヨウ, あや.しい, なま.めく, わざわ.い
    attractive, bewitching, calamity
    (3 compounds)

  1082. ギ, キ, わざおぎ, うたいめ
    stretch, singing girl, geisha, prostitute
    (1 compound)

  1083. ボウ, バク, かたち, かたどる
    form, appearance, countenance
    (4 compounds)

  1084. ニン, ジン, はら.む, みごも.る
    (6 compounds)

  1085. キュウ
    brave heraldic beast
    (1 compound)

  1086. モウ, ボウ, みだ.りに
    delusion, unnecessarily, without authority, reckless
    (10 compounds)

  1087. ヒ, きさき, ぴ, み
    queen, princess
    (2 compounds)

  1088. ジョ, ニョ, ごと.し, ね, ゆき, よし
    likeness, like, such as, as if, better, best, equal
    (9 compounds)

  1089. brave heraldic beast
    (1 compound)

  1090. コウ, この.む, す.く, よ.い, い.い, たか, とし, よし
    fond, pleasing, like something
    (34 compounds)

  1091. ヒョウ, ホウ
    leopard, panther
    (3 compounds)

  1092. カン, おか.す
    wickedness, mischief, rudeness
    (1 compound)

  1093. ド, やつ, やっこ
    guy, slave, manservant, fellow
    (7 compounds)

  1094. おな
    ジョ, ニョ, ニョウ, おんな, め, た, つき, な
    woman, female
    (51 compounds)

  1095. フン, ふる.う
    stirred up, be invigorated, flourish
    (7 compounds)

  1096. こう
    ゴウ, えら.い, ご, すぐる, たけ, たけし, ひで, まさる
    overpowering, great, powerful, excelling, Australia
    (18 compounds)

  1097. ダツ, うば.う
    rob, take by force, snatch away, dispossess, plunder, usurp
    (5 compounds)

  1098. まさし
    ショウ, ソウ, すす.める
    exhort, urge, encourage
    (5 compounds)

  1099. オウ, オク, おく.まる, くま, おお, おん, つ, のく
    heart, interior
    (22 compounds)

  1100. シャ, おご.る, おご.り
    extravagance, luxury
    (3 compounds)

  1101. きさ
    ショウ, ゾウ, かたど.る
    elephant, pattern after, imitate, image, shape, sign (of the times)
    (15 compounds)

  1102. テン, デン, テイ, さだ.める, まつ.る
    (2 compounds)

  1103. トン, ぶた
    pork, pig
    (7 compounds)

  1104. トウ, かさ.ねる
    (1 compound)

  1105. エキ, ヤク
    (2 compounds)

  1106. ホン
    bustle, run
    (4 compounds)

  1107. ケイ, ちぎ.る
    pledge, promise, vow
    (3 compounds)

  1108. ジュ, たて, た.てる, こども
    vertical, child
    (1 compound)

  1109. すすむ
    ソウ, かな.でる
    play music, speak to a ruler, complete
    (9 compounds)

  1110. エン, ワン
    (1 compound)

  1111. ホウ, ブ, ゆた.か, とよ, で, と, ひろし, ふう, ぶん, ほ, ゆたか
    bountiful, excellent, rich
    (7 compounds)

  1112. とも
    ホウ, ブ, たてまつ.る, まつ.る, ほう.ずる, やす
    observance, offer, present, dedicate
    (17 compounds)

  1113. ナ, ナイ, ダイ, いかん, からなし
    Nara, what?
    (2 compounds)

  1114. キ, く.しき, あや.しい, くし, めずら.しい
    strange, strangeness, curiousity
    (16 compounds)

  1115. トウ, ズ, まめ, まめ-, ま
    beans, pea, midget
    (10 compounds)

  1116. がい
    コク, たに, きわ.まる, がえ, がや, せ, たり, たん, や
    (4 compounds)

  1117. イ, えびす, えみし, ころ.す, たい.らげる
    barbarian, savage, Ainu
    (5 compounds)

  1118. シツ, うしな.う, う.せる
    lose, error, fault, disadvantage, loss
    (30 compounds)

  1119. あきら
    オウ, え, お, さと, ちか, てる, なか, ひさ, ひろ, や
    center, middle
    (1 compound)

  1120. ヨウ, オウ, カ, わか.い, わかじに, わざわい
    early death, calamity
    (2 compounds)

  1121. フ, フウ, ブ, おっと, そ.れ, と, ゆう, よ
    husband, man
    (20 compounds)

  1122. おお
    タイ, タ, ふと.い, ふと.る, たか, ひろ
    plump, thick, big around
    (13 compounds)

  1123. あき
    テン, あまつ, あめ, あま-, あも, た, たかし, て, なま
    heavens, sky, imperial
    (86 compounds)

  1124. うふ
    ダイ, タイ, おお-, おお.きい, -おお.いに, お, おう, た, たかし, とも, はじめ, ひろ, ひろし, まさ, まさる, もと, わ
    large, big
    (106 compounds)

  1125. カ, ワ, おびただ.しい
    immense, tremendous
    (1 compound)

  1126. ム, ボウ, ゆめ, ゆめ.みる, くら.い
    dream, vision, illusion
    (8 compounds)

  1127. ヤ, よ, よる
    night, evening
    (60 compounds)

  1128. タ, おお.い, まさ.に, まさ.る
    many, frequent, much
    (24 compounds)

  1129. シュク, つとに, はやい
    bright and early, long ago, early in life
    (2 compounds)

  1130. うい
    ガイ, ゲ, そと, ほか, はず.す, はず.れる, と-, け, ふか
    (72 compounds)

  1131. セキ, ゆう
    (13 compounds)

  1132. カ, ガ, ゲ, なつ
    (22 compounds)

  1133. ヘン, か.わる, か.わり, か.える
    unusual, change, strange
    (44 compounds)

  1134. コ, つぼ
    jar, pot, hinge knuckle, ones aim
    (3 compounds)

  1135. うり
    バイ, う.る, う.れる, うる, め
    (40 compounds)

  1136. イチ, イツ, ひとつ, かず
    I (one)
    (1 compound)

  1137. セイ, ショウ, こえ, こわ-
    (35 compounds)

  1138. つよし
    ソウ, さかん
    robust, manhood, prosperity
    (11 compounds)

  1139. ニン, ジン, イ, みずのえ
    9th calendar sign
    (1 compound)

  1140. シ, ま
    gentleman, samurai
    (17 compounds)

  1141. ロウ, リョウ, おか, うね, つか
    mound, grave, rice field dike
    (1 compound)

  1142. コウ, ゴウ, ほり
    trench, dugout, air raid shelter
    (1 compound)

  1143. ジョウ, つち
    lot, earth, soil
    (1 compound)

  1144. カイ, エ, こわ.す, こわ.れる, やぶ.る
    demolition, break, destroy
    (8 compounds)

  1145. ダン, タン
    podium, stage, rostrum, terrace
    (8 compounds)

  1146. ヨウ, ふさ.ぐ
    plug up, shut up
    (1 compound)

  1147. ヘキ, かべ
    wall, lining (stomach), fence
    (14 compounds)

  1148. フン
    tomb, mound
    (3 compounds)

  1149. すの
    ボク, すみ
    black ink, India ink, ink stick, Mexico
    (17 compounds)

  1150. キョ, あと
    (1 compound)

  1151. ツイ
    crash, fall (down)
    (3 compounds)

  1152. まし
    ゾウ, ま.す, ま.し, ふ.える, ふ.やす, ます
    increase, add, augment, gain, promote
    (26 compounds)

  1153. ザン, サン, そし.る
    (2 compounds)

  1154. ボ, はか
    grave, tomb
    (8 compounds)

  1155. シュウ, あだ, むく.いる, あ.たる
    enemy, revenge
    (1 compound)

  1156. シュウ, あだ, むく.いる
    enemy, revenge
    (1 compound)

  1157. さぬ
    サン, ほ.める, たた.える
    praise, title on a picture
    (3 compounds)

  1158. さか
    キョウ, ケイ, さかい, じき
    boundary, border, region
    (16 compounds)

  1159. ジュク
    cram school, private school
    (3 compounds)

  1160. ザン, セン, ほり, あな
    moat, ditch
    (1 compound)

  1161. もり
    ゴ, まも.る
    safeguard, protect
    (9 compounds)

  1162. ケン, せめ.る
    (1 compound)

  1163. チン, ジン, ちり, ごみ
    dust, trash, garbage
    (8 compounds)

  1164. ゆずり
    ジョウ, ゆず.る
    defer, turnover, transfer, convey
    (8 compounds)

  1165. かた
    ギ, のり
    deliberation, consultation, debate, consideration
    (30 compounds)

  1166. ヒ, たと.える, たと.え
    (1 compound)

  1167. トウ, セン, タン, うわごと, たわごと, うるさくしゃべ.る
    delirious talk
    (1 compound)

  1168. まき
    テン, チン, は.まる, は.める, うず.める, しず.める, ふさ.ぐ
    fill in
    (1 compound)

  1169. エン, しお
    (17 compounds)

  1170. ケイ, いまし.める
    admonish, commandment
    (12 compounds)

  1171. ソク, サイ, ふさ.ぐ, とりで, み.ちる
    close, shut, cover, block, obstruct
    (7 compounds)

  1172. musical score, music, note, staff, table, genealogy
    (8 compounds)

  1173. ずか
    チョウ, つか, -づか, つ
    hillock, mound
    (3 compounds)

  1174. さと
    シキ, さとる
    discriminating, know, write
    (7 compounds)

  1175. ト, ぬ.る, ぬ.り, まみ.れる
    paint, plaster, daub, smear, coating
    (13 compounds)

  1176. トウ
    pagoda, tower, steeple
    (6 compounds)

  1177. ショウ, あかし
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  1178. カイ, ケ, かたまり, つちくれ
    clod, lump, chink, clot, mass
    (5 compounds)

  1179. ルイ, ライ, スイ, とりで
    bases, fort, rampart, walls, base(ball)
    (5 compounds)

  1180. ヘイ, ベイ
    fence, also N1103, wall
    (2 compounds)

  1181. キン, つつし.む
    discreet, reverently, humbly
    (5 compounds)

  1182. ト, かき
    fence, railing, enclosure
    (1 compound)

  1183. オウ, ウ, うた.う
    extol, declare, express
    (1 compound)

  1184. ジョウ, チョウ, ば
    location, place
    (48 compounds)

  1185. ホウ, むく.いる
    report, news, reward, retribution
    (34 compounds)

  1186. エン, せき, せ.く
    dam, prevent, stop up
    (1 compound)

  1187. ビュウ, ビョウ, ミュウ, あやま.る
    (2 compounds)

  1188. カン, タン, た.える, たま.る, こ.らえる, こた.える
    withstand, endure, support, resist
    (5 compounds)

  1189. ケイ, しわぶき
    (1 compound)

  1190. テイ, つつみ
    dike, bank, embankment
    (2 compounds)

  1191. ヨウ, うた.い, うた.う
    noh chanting
    (5 compounds)

  1192. ホ, ホウ, とりで
    (1 compound)

  1193. シャ, あやま.る, ざ
    apologize, thank, refuse
    (9 compounds)

  1194. カ, るつぼ
    crucible, melting pot
    (1 compound)

  1195. コウ
    lecture, club, association
    (10 compounds)

  1196. エキ, シ, おくりな
    (1 compound)

  1197. かね
    self-effacing, humble oneself, condescend, be modest
    (2 compounds)

  1198. ダ, だ-, お.ちる, くず.す, くず.れる
    degenerate, descend to, lapse into
    (4 compounds)

  1199. メイ, ベイ, なぞ
    riddle, puzzle, enigma, hint, tip
    (3 compounds)

  1200. タイ, ツイ, うずたか.い
    piled high
    (2 compounds)

  1201. きん
    ケン, かた.い, -がた.い
    strict, hard, solid, tough, tight, reliable
    (10 compounds)

  1202. トウ
    mimeograph, copy
    (1 compound)

  1203. イ, い.う, いい, おも.う, いわゆる
    reason, origin, history, oral tradition
    (1 compound)

  1204. ドウ
    public chamber, hall
    (9 compounds)

  1205. エツ
    audience, audience (with king)
    (2 compounds)

  1206. ボウ, ム, はか.る, たばか.る, はかりごと
    conspire, cheat, impose on, plan, devise, scheme, have in mind, deceive
    (11 compounds)

  1207. ほっ
    クツ, ほり
    ditch, moat, canal
    (7 compounds)

  1208. ダク
    consent, assent, agreement
    (4 compounds)

  1209. ゲン, ことわざ
    (2 compounds)

  1210. きい
    キ, もと, もとい, とも
    fundamentals, radical (chem), counter for machines, foundation
    (10 compounds)

  1211. バイ, つちか.う
    cultivate, foster
    (2 compounds)

  1212. ショ, もろ
    various, many, several, together
    (7 compounds)

  1213. フウ, そら.んじる
    hint, satirize
    (2 compounds)

  1214. シツ, シュウ, と.る
    tenacious, take hold, grasp, take to heart
    (11 compounds)

  1215. アン, オン, そら.んじる
    memorize, recite from memory
    (2 compounds)

  1216. キ, いみな, い.む
    posthumous (real) name
    (1 compound)

  1217. シ, はか.る
    consult with
    (1 compound)

  1218. ゆう
    ユ, さと.す
    rebuke, admonish, charge, warn, persuade
    (4 compounds)

  1219. カン, いさ.める
    admonish, dissuade
    (1 compound)

  1220. カイ, かな.う, やわ.らぐ
    (2 compounds)

  1221. テイ, タイ, あき.らめる, あきら.める, つまびらか, まこと
    abandon, give up
    (4 compounds)

  1222. フ, ホ, つか, はとば
    (1 compound)

  1223. イキ
    range, region, limits, stage, level
    (8 compounds)

  1224. ユ, へつら.う, へつら.い
    (1 compound)

  1225. ジョウ
    command, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  1226. ロン
    argument, discourse
    (38 compounds)

  1227. あき
    リョウ, あきら.か, まことに, まさ, まこと
    fact, reality, understand, appreciate
    (1 compound)

  1228. ソウ, ショウ, いさか.う, あらそ.う, いさ.める, うった.える
    (1 compound)

  1229. いく
    ジョウ, しろ, がき, き, くに, ぐしく, ぐすく, しき, すく, ぜい, たち, なり
    (13 compounds)

  1230. うけ
    セイ, シン, ショウ, こ.う, う.ける
    solicit, invite, ask
    (13 compounds)

  1231. マイ, う.める, う.まる, う.もれる, うず.める, うず.まる, い.ける
    bury, be filled up, embedded
    (9 compounds)

  1232. ダン
    discuss, talk
    (22 compounds)

  1233. シュン, ひちくど.い, くど.い, くどくど, ねんご.ろ
    (1 compound)

  1234. アイ, ほこり, ちり
    (2 compounds)

  1235. 調
    チョウ, しら.べる, しら.べ, ととの.う, ととの.える, つぎ
    tune, tone, meter, key (music), writing style, prepare, exorcise, investigate
    (41 compounds)

  1236. ギ, よしみ, よい
    friendship, intimacy
    (3 compounds)

  1237. ヒ, ハイ, そし.る
    ridicule, slander
    (1 compound)

  1238. chapter, lesson, section, department, division, counter for chapters (of a book)
    (10 compounds)

  1239. スイ, だれ, たれ, た
    who, someone, somebody
    (4 compounds)

  1240. よみ
    ドク, トク, トウ, よ.む, -よ.み
    (37 compounds)

  1241. さとし
    セツ, ゼイ, と.く, とき
    rumor, opinion, theory
    (29 compounds)

  1242. カイ, おし.える
    (1 compound)

  1243. ショウ, ジュ, ズ, とな.える, よ.む
    recite, chant
    (5 compounds)

  1244. ゴ, あやま.る, -あやま.る
    mistake, err, do wrong, mislead
    (14 compounds)

  1245. フ, しい.る, し.いる, あざむ.く
    (2 compounds)

  1246. がい
    エン, かき
    hedge, fence, wall
    (7 compounds)

  1247. カイ, いまし.める
    admonish, warn, prohibit
    (2 compounds)

  1248. コウ, ク, あか, はじ
    dirt, grime, earwax
    (3 compounds)

  1249. きよ
    セイ, まこと, さと, しげ, とも, のぶ, ま, まこ, まさ
    sincerity, admonish, warn, prohibit, truth, fidelity
    (3 compounds)

  1250. ゴ, かた.る, かた.らう
    word, speech, language
    (60 compounds)

  1251. ユウ, イウ, さそ.う, いざな.う
    entice, lead, tempt, invite, ask, call for, seduce, allure
    (11 compounds)

  1252. タン
    nativity, be born, declension, lie, be arbitrary
    (2 compounds)

  1253. セイ, ちか.う
    vow, swear, pledge
    (4 compounds)

  1254. キョウ, たばか.る, たぶら.かす, た.らす
    cheat, coax
    (2 compounds)

  1255. ニン, みと.める, したた.める
    acknowledge, witness, discern, recognize, appreciate, believe
    (15 compounds)

  1256. document, records
    (7 compounds)

  1257. ケイ, かた, -がた
    mould, type, model
    (16 compounds)

  1258. ヨ, ほま.れ, ほ.める, たか, たけ, ほまれ, ほめ, ほん
    reputation, praise, honor, glory
    (2 compounds)

  1259. コ, ほこ.る
    boast, be proud, pride, triumphantly
    (4 compounds)

  1260. チュウ, チュ, ちゅう.する, ころ.す, せ.める
    death penalty
    (1 compound)

  1261. チョウ, あつら.える, いど.む
    (2 compounds)

  1262. たる
    スイ, た.れる, た.らす, た.れ, -た.れ, なんなんと.す, だれ
    droop, suspend, hang, slouch
    (18 compounds)

  1263. よし
    ショウ, くわ.しい, つまび.らか
    detailed, full, minute, accurate, well-informed
    (4 compounds)

  1264. ワ, はな.す, はなし
    tale, talk
    (40 compounds)

  1265. ずめ
    キツ, キチ, つ.める, つ.め, -づ.め, つ.まる, つ.む, づめ
    packed, close, pressed, reprove, rebuke, blame
    (26 compounds)

  1266. あき
    セン, せん.ずる, かい, あき.らか
    discussion, methods called for, selection, result
    (2 compounds)

  1267. キ, いつわ.る
    lie, deceive
    (2 compounds)

  1268. たく
    タ, わび, わび.しい, かこつ, わ.びる, わび.る
    deceive, delude, apologize
    (3 compounds)

  1269. ヘイ, つぼ
    two-mat area, ~36 sq ft
    (2 compounds)

  1270. うた

    poem, poetry
    (11 compounds)

  1271. カン, つぼ
    jar, pot
    (1 compound)

  1272. シ, こころ.みる, ため.す
    test, try, attempt, experiment, ordeal
    (16 compounds)

  1273. ケイ, ゲイ, けい.する, まい.る, いた.る, もう.でる
    visit a temple
    (2 compounds)

  1274. ジュン, シュン, はか.る, まこと
    consult with
    (1 compound)

  1275. うた
    エイ, よ.む, うた.う, え, ええ
    recitation, poem, song, composing
    (5 compounds)

  1276. part of speech, words, poetry
    (13 compounds)

  1277. ヒョウ
    evaluate, criticism, comment
    (17 compounds)

  1278. さとし
    ショウ, みことのり, のり
    imperial edict
    (3 compounds)

  1279. コウ
    pit, hole
    (2 compounds)

  1280. サ, いつわ.る
    lie, falsehood, deceive, pretend
    (1 compound)

  1281. ザ, サ, すわ.る, おわす, そぞろに, まします
    (7 compounds)

  1282. ボウ, ボッ
    boy, priest's residence, priest, your, his, or her boy
    (12 compounds)

  1283. ひとし
    キン, なら.す
    level, average
    (7 compounds)

  1284. ハン, さか, ざ
    slope, incline, hill
    (3 compounds)

  1285. シ, あと
    (1 compound)

  1286. ショウ, あかし
    evidence, proof, certificate
    (16 compounds)

  1287. チュウ
    notes, comment, annotate
    (2 compounds)

  1288. シン, み.る
    checkup, seeing, diagnose, examine
    (5 compounds)

  1289. ソ, うった.える
    accusation, sue, complain of pain, appeal to
    (13 compounds)

  1290. ヤク, わけ
    translate, reason, circumstance, case
    (13 compounds)

  1291. キョ, ゆる.す, もと
    permit, approve
    (13 compounds)

  1292. どま
    チ, ジ
    ground, earth
    (82 compounds)

  1293. した
    セツ, もう.ける
    establishment, provision, prepare
    (20 compounds)

  1294. ケイ, ケ, きよ, たま, よし, かど, きよし
    square jewel, corner, angle, edge
    (1 compound)

  1295. ホウ, おとず.れる, たず.ねる, と.う
    call on, visit, look up, offer sympathy
    (3 compounds)

  1296. あり
    ザイ, あ.る
    exist, outskirts, suburbs, located in
    (27 compounds)

  1297. アツ, エン, オウ, お.す, へ.す, おさ.える
    pressure, push, overwhelm, oppress, dominate
    (24 compounds)

  1298. トツ, ども.る
    (2 compounds)

  1299. ケツ, わかれ, わかれ.る
    separation, part, secret
    (1 compound)

  1300. ショウ
    sue, accuse
    (1 compound)

  1301. ド, ト, つち, つく, は, ひじ
    soil, earth, ground, Turkey
    (36 compounds)

  1302. ガ, ゲ, いぶか.る
    (2 compounds)

  1303. カ, なま.る, なま.り, あやま.る
    accent, dialect
    (2 compounds)

  1304. のり
    キ, しる.す
    scribe, account, narrative
    (29 compounds)

  1305. タク, かこつ.ける, かこ.つ, かこ.つける
    consign, requesting, entrusting with, pretend, hint
    (10 compounds)

  1306. クン, キン, おし.える, よ.む, くん.ずる, くに, くの, さとし, のり, ふみ
    instruction, Japanese character reading, explanation, read
    (11 compounds)

  1307. おん
    エン, その, ぞの
    park, garden, yard, farm
    (12 compounds)

  1308. ケン, かこ.い
    sphere, circle, radius, range
    (3 compounds)

  1309. トウ, う.つ
    chastise, attack, defeat, destroy, conquer
    (12 compounds)

  1310. ジン, シュン, シン, き.く, と.う, たず.ねる
    request, question, investigate
    (2 compounds)

  1311. ケイ, はか.る, はか.らう, かず, け
    plot, plan, scheme, measure
    (23 compounds)

  1312. フ, しらせ
    (1 compound)

  1313. ホ, フ, はたけ, にわ
    garden, field
    (1 compound)

  1314. テイ
    revise, correct, decide
    (5 compounds)

  1315. とき
    ゲン, ゴン, い.う, こと
    (96 compounds)

  1316. くな
    コク, くに, こ
    (72 compounds)

  1317. コ, かた.める, かた.まる, かた.まり, かた.い
    harden, set, clot, curdle
    (20 compounds)

  1318. ズ, ト, え, はか.る
    map, drawing, plan, unexpected, accidentally
    (24 compounds)

  1319. イ, かこ.む, かこ.う, かこ.い
    surround, besiege, store, paling, enclosure, encircle, preserve, keep
    (5 compounds)

  1320. コン, こま.る
    quandary, become distressed, annoyed
    (5 compounds)

  1321. ショク, ふ.れる, さわ.る, さわ
    contact, touch, feel, hit, proclaim, announce, conflict
    (12 compounds)

  1322. さとる
    カイ, ゲ, と.く, と.かす, と.ける, ほど.く, ほど.ける, わか.る, さと.る, とけ
    unravel, notes, key, explanation, understanding, untie, undo, solve, answer, cancel, absolve, explain, minute
    (40 compounds)

  1323. ダン, トン, かたまり, まる.い
    group, association
    (13 compounds)

  1324. イン, よ.る, ちな.む
    cause, factor, be associated with, depend on, be limited to
    (19 compounds)

  1325. カイ, エ, まわ.る, -まわ.る, -まわ.り, まわ.す, -まわ.す, まわ.し-, -まわ.し, もとお.る, か.える
    -times, round, game, revolve, counter for occurrences
    (61 compounds)

  1326. シ, よ, よ.つ, よっ.つ, よん, つ, よつ
    (13 compounds)

  1327. シュウ, とら.われる
    captured, criminal, arrest, catch
    (2 compounds)

  1328. カク, かど, つの, す, すみ, ずみ, ふさ
    angle, corner, square
    (31 compounds)

  1329. サツ, ソウ, はや.す
    play (music), accompany, beat time, banter, jeer, applaud
    (2 compounds)

  1330. ゴウ, キョウ, かしま.しい, かまびす.しい
    noisy, boisterous
    (1 compound)

  1331. ショウ, ささや.く
    whisper, murmur
    (1 compound)

  1332. テン, さえず.る
    sing, chirp, warble, chatter
    (1 compound)

  1333. シャク, か.む
    (1 compound)

  1334. カン, み.る, しめ.す
    outlook, look, appearance, condition, view
    (21 compounds)

  1335. シン, おや, おや-, した.しい, した.しむ, ちか, のり
    parent, intimacy, relative, familiarity, dealer (cards)
    (27 compounds)

  1336. ラン, み.る
    perusal, see
    (12 compounds)

  1337. ノウ, ドウ, ふくろ
    pouch, purse, bag
    (4 compounds)

  1338. カク, おぼ.える, さ.ます, さ.める, さと.る
    memorize, learn, remember, awake, sober up
    (26 compounds)

  1339. シ, のぞ.く, うかが.う
    peep, peek, come in sight
    (3 compounds)

  1340. とも
    シ, み.る, み
    inspection, regard as, see, look at
    (24 compounds)

  1341. すのり
    キ, ただし, のり, み
    standard, measure
    (8 compounds)

  1342. ケン, み.る, み.える, み.せる
    see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible
    (118 compounds)

  1343. ハ, ハク, はたがしら
    hegemony, supremacy, leadership, champion
    (3 compounds)

  1344. カク, おど.かす
    menacing, dignity, majesty, threaten
    (2 compounds)

  1345. フク, おお.う, くつがえ.す, くつがえ.る
    capsize, cover, shade, mantle, be ruined
    (9 compounds)

  1346. かなめ
    ヨウ, い.る, とし
    need, main point, essence, pivot, key to
    (21 compounds)

  1347. 西 いり
    セイ, サイ, ス, にし, ひし, むら
    west, Spain
    (17 compounds)

  1348. フン, ふ.く
    erupt, spout, emit, flush out
    (4 compounds)

  1349. そい
    シュウ, おそ.う
    attack, advance on, succeed to
    (12 compounds)

  1350. シン, はだぎ
    (1 compound)

  1351. ゼイ, か.む
    (1 compound)

  1352. キ, うつわ
    utensil, vessel, receptacle, implement, instrument, ability, container, tool, set
    (24 compounds)

  1353. ラン, ぼろ
    (1 compound)

  1354. キン, えり
    collar, neck, lapel
    (7 compounds)

  1355. ヘキ, ヒャク, ひだ, しわ
    pleat, fold, tuck, crease
    (1 compound)

  1356. コウ, ゴウ, か.む, か.じる
    chew, bite, gnaw
    (7 compounds)

  1357. イツ, エツ, む.せる, むせ.ぶ
    choke, smother
    (1 compound)

  1358. ソウ, ショウ, ソ, かまびす.しい
    (1 compound)

  1359. キョウ, むつき
    (1 compound)

  1360. ソン, うわさ
    rumor, gossip, hearsay
    (1 compound)

  1361. セツ, けが.れる, な.れる
    (1 compound)

  1362. ロ, ル, ロウ, いと
    (1 compound)

  1363. ショウ, シュウ, チョウ, かさね.る
    (1 compound)

  1364. シ, くちばし, はし
    beak, bill
    (2 compounds)

  1365. チョウ, トウ, あざけ.る
    ridicule, insult
    (4 compounds)

  1366. ショク, しょく.する, たの.む
    entrust, request, send a message
    (3 compounds)

  1367. ショウ, シツ, うそぶ.く
    roar, howl, recite emotionally, feign indifference
    (1 compound)

  1368. タイ, トン, あ.せる, ぬ.ぐ
    fade, discolour
    (3 compounds)

  1369. カ, ケ, かまびす.しい
    (1 compound)

  1370. ジョク, しとね
    cushion, mattress, bedding
    (1 compound)

  1371. wheat
    (1 compound)

  1372. キョ, コ, うそ, ふ.く
    lie, falsehood
    (4 compounds)

  1373. ショウ, ジョウ, かつ.て, こころ.みる, な.める
    once, before, formerly, ever, never, ex-, lick, lap up, burn up, taste, udergo, underrate, despise
    (1 compound)

  1374. ホ, ホウ, むつき
    (1 compound)

  1375. オウ, ク, は.く, むかつ.く, うた.う
    vomit, nauseated
    (1 compound)

  1376. ホウ, ほ.める
    praise, extol
    (10 compounds)

  1377. カツ
    brown, woollen kimono
    (2 compounds)

  1378. コン, ふんどし
    (1 compound)

  1379. ひろ
    カ, よみ.する, よい, よし, よしみ, かず, よ
    applaud, praise, esteem
    (4 compounds)

  1380. フク
    duplicate, double, compound, multiple
    (6 compounds)

  1381. タン, なげ.く, なげ.かわしい
    sigh, lament, moan, grieve
    (5 compounds)

  1382. キョ, コ, すそ
    cuff, hem, foot of mountain
    (2 compounds)

  1383. セイ
    made in..., manufacture
    (24 compounds)

  1384. ソウ, シュウ, ソク, すす.ぐ, ゆす.ぐ, くちすす.ぐ
    rinse, wash, gargle
    (2 compounds)

  1385. ラ, はだか
    naked, nude, uncovered, partially clothed
    (10 compounds)

  1386. ショウ, も, もすそ
    (2 compounds)

  1387. あき
    シ, つかさ, つぎ, つぐ, ひで
    heir, succeed
    (1 compound)

  1388. サ, シャ, あ, ああ, なげ.く
    be satisfied, grieve, ah
    (1 compound)

  1389. ホ, おぎな.う
    supplement, supply, make good, offset, compensate, assistant, learner
    (17 compounds)

  1390. シ, たしな.む, たしな.み, この.む, この.み
    like, taste, modest
    (2 compounds)

  1391. ウ, オ, ああ
    weep, ah, alas
    (1 compound)

  1392. すけ
    ユウ, のり, ひろ, ひろし, やす, ゆ, ゆたか
    abundant, rich, fertile
    (2 compounds)

  1393. エイ, すそ
    descendant, border
    (2 compounds)

  1394. リ, うら
    back, amidst, in, reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side
    (32 compounds)

  1395. ショク, やぶさ.か, おし.む
    miserly, stingy, sparing
    (2 compounds)

  1396. ソウ, ショウ, よそお.う, よそお.い
    attire, dress, pretend, disguise, profess
    (20 compounds)

  1397. キュウ, か.ぐ
    smell, sniff, scent
    (3 compounds)

  1398. レツ, さ.く, さ.ける, -ぎ.れ
    split, rend, tear
    (8 compounds)

  1399. サイ, た.つ, さば.く
    tailor, judge, decision, cut out (pattern)
    (14 compounds)

  1400. コウ, キョウ, あわせ
    lined (kimono)
    (1 compound)

  1401. エイ, いとな.む, いとな.み
    occupation, camp, perform, build, conduct (business)
    (21 compounds)

  1402. コ, ク, はかま, ずぼん
    men's formal divided skirt
    (1 compound)

  1403. じき
    く.う, く.らう
    eat, drink, receive (a blow), (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  1404. ぎぬ
    ヒ, こうむ.る, おお.う, かぶ.る, かぶ.せる
    incur, cover, veil, brood over, shelter, wear, put on, be exposed (film), receiving
    (9 compounds)

  1405. キツ
    consume, eat, drink, smoke, receive (a blow)
    (2 compounds)

  1406. ソウ, も
    miss, mourning
    (8 compounds)

  1407. ユ, たと.える, さと.す
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  1408. ケン, やかま.しい, かまびす.しい
    noisy, boisterous
    (4 compounds)

  1409. ボウ, ながさ
    (1 compound)

  1410. カツ
    hoarse, scold
    (5 compounds)

  1411. あき
    キ, よろこ.ぶ, よろこ.ばす, きゅ, のぶ, ゆき, よし
    rejoice, take pleasure in
    (8 compounds)

  1412. カン, わめ.く
    yell, cry, scream
    (3 compounds)

  1413. ゼン, セン, あえ.ぐ, せき
    pant, gasp, breathe hard
    (2 compounds)

  1414. シュウ, そで
    sleeve, wing (building), extension, give cold shoulder
    (3 compounds)

  1415. てい
    タイ, ダイ, ふくろ, ない, ぶく
    sack, bag, pouch
    (11 compounds)

  1416. チョウ, トウ, しゃべ.る, ついば.む
    talk, chat, chatter
    (2 compounds)

  1417. コウ, のど
    throat, voice
    (2 compounds)

  1418. ラツ, ラ
    chatter, rattle on
    (2 compounds)

  1419. たる
    ゼン, よ.い, い.い, よ.く, よし.とする, よし
    virtuous, good, goodness
    (24 compounds)

  1420. カク, は.く
    (1 compound)

  1421. キン, コン, えり
    neck, collar, lapel
    (1 compound)

  1422. キン, ふすま
    quilt, bedding
    (2 compounds)

  1423. シ, ただ.ならぬ, ただ.に
    incomparable, merely
    (1 compound)

  1424. チュウ
    inmost, heart, mind, inside
    (2 compounds)

  1425. スイ, おとろ.える
    decline, wane, weaken
    (13 compounds)

  1426. ヒョウ, おもて, -おもて, あらわ.す, あらわ.れる, あら.わす
    surface, table, chart, diagram
    (40 compounds)

  1427. イ, エ, ころも, きぬ, -ぎ
    garment, clothes, dressing
    (26 compounds)

  1428. ク, みち
    (1 compound)

  1429. ひら
    equilibrium, measuring rod, scale
    (2 compounds)

  1430. ショウ, つ.く
    collide, brunt, highway, opposition (astronomy), thrust, pierce, stab, prick
    (6 compounds)

  1431. セツ, テツ, すす.る
    suck, sip
    (1 compound)

  1432. もり
    エイ, エ, い, まもる
    defense, protection
    (7 compounds)

  1433. また
    ガイ, カイ, まち
    boulevard, street, town
    (10 compounds)

  1434. ジュツ, すべ
    art, technique, skill, means, trick, resources, magic
    (18 compounds)

  1435. ゲン, ケン, てら.う
    show off, display, pretend
    (2 compounds)

  1436. あき
    ケイ, ひら.く, さと.す, あきら, さとし, はじめ, ひろ, よし
    disclose, open, say
    (5 compounds)

  1437. はる
    モン, と.う, と.い, とん
    question, ask, problem
    (21 compounds)

  1438. いく
    コウ, ギョウ, アン, い.く, ゆ.く, -ゆ.き, -ゆき, -い.き, -いき, おこな.う, おこ.なう, なみ, なめ, みち, ゆき, ゆく
    going, journey
    (112 compounds)

  1439. シュウ, シュ, おお.い
    masses, great numbers, multitude, populace
    (8 compounds)

  1440. あき
    ショウ, あきな.う
    make a deal, selling, dealing in, merchant
    (23 compounds)

  1441. ケツ, ち
    (31 compounds)

  1442. ダ, タ, つば, つばき
    saliva, sputum
    (1 compound)

  1443. テン, うな.る, うなり
    groan, roar
    (1 compound)

  1444. コ, ヤ
    rice worm, lead astray
    (1 compound)

  1445. ショウ, とな.える
    chant, recite, call upon, yell
    (11 compounds)

  1446. ユイ, イ, ただ
    solely, only, merely, simply
    (5 compounds)

  1447. ト, きくいむし
    (1 compound)

  1448. レイ, かき
    (1 compound)

  1449. ゼン, ダ, ネン, ジュ, ニュ, うごめ.く
    crawling of a worm
    (1 compound)

  1450. ア, アク, おし
    deaf mute
    (2 compounds)

  1451. かろ
    トウ, から, たん
    T'ang, China
    (4 compounds)

  1452. カツ, さそり
    (1 compound)

  1453. シン, くちびる
    (5 compounds)

  1454. バイ, うた, うた.う
    songs with samisen
    (3 compounds)

  1455. ギ, あり
    (3 compounds)

  1456. ホ, はぐく.む, ふく.む
    nurse, suckle
    (1 compound)

  1457. カイ, かに
    (2 compounds)

  1458. トウ
    (1 compound)

  1459. あき
    テツ, あきら, さと, さとし, さとる, てっ, てつん, のり, よし
    philosophy, clear
    (3 compounds)

  1460. ギョウ, ジョウ
    intestinal worm
    (1 compound)

  1461. コウ, た.ける, ほ.える
    roar, howl, growl, bellow
    (1 compound)

  1462. コク, なげ.く, な.く
    weep, moan, wail
    (2 compounds)

  1463. カ, コ, あに, うた
    big brother
    (1 compound)

  1464. いな
    イン, かず
    employee, member, number, the one in charge
    (28 compounds)

  1465. シツ
    cricket, grasshopper
    (2 compounds)

  1466. サイ, かな, や, すけ, とし, ちか, はじめ
    how, what, alas, "?" (question mark)
    (3 compounds)

  1467. バ, マ, ひき
    (1 compound)

  1468. バ, マ, ひき
    (1 compound)

  1469. チツ, チュウ, ちっ.する, かく.れる
    hibernation of insects
    (2 compounds)

  1470. コウ
    resound, reverberate
    (1 compound)

  1471. シュツ
    cricket, grasshopper
    (1 compound)

  1472. ヒン, ホン, しな
    goods, refinement, dignity, article, counter for meal courses
    (28 compounds)

  1473. アイ, あわ.れ, あわ.れむ, かな.しい
    pathetic, grief, sorrow, pathos, pity, sympathize
    (18 compounds)

  1474. イン, エン, エツ, むせ.ぶ, むせ.る, のど, の.む
    choked, smothered, stuffy
    (3 compounds)

  1475. ラ, にし, にな
    a small, edible, helical fresh water mollusk
    (1 compound)

  1476. トウ
    (1 compound)

  1477. カイ, ガイ, せ.く, しわぶ.く, せき, しわぶき
    cough, clear throat
    (3 compounds)

  1478. ショウ, さ.く, -ざき, さき
    blossom, bloom
    (4 compounds)

  1479. シ, た
    short, span
    (1 compound)

  1480. ケイ, ほたる
    (3 compounds)

  1481. メイ, ミョウ, ずいむし
    injurious parasite
    (1 compound)

  1482. キュウ, コウ, とが.める, とが
    blame, censure, reprimand
    (2 compounds)

  1483. あきら
    ユウ, と.ける, と.かす
    dissolve, melt
    (5 compounds)

  1484. あい
    ワ, オ, カ, やわ.らぐ, やわ.らげる, なご.む, なご.やか, いず, かず, かつ, かつり, かづ, たけ, ち, とも, な, にぎ, まさ, やす, よし, より, わだこ, わっ
    harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan
    (32 compounds)

  1485. ホウ, ほ.える
    bark, roar, get angry
    (1 compound)

  1486. はな
    トツ, はなし, しか.る
    pshaw, god forbid
    (2 compounds)

  1487. ロウ
    mantis, also N4143
    (2 compounds)

  1488. ソ, ショ, か.む
    bite, eat
    (1 compound)

  1489. メイ, ミョウ, いのち
    fate, command, decree, destiny, life, appoint
    (36 compounds)

  1490. よぶ
    コ, よ.ぶ
    call, call out to, invite
    (16 compounds)

  1491. シン, うめ.く, うめき
    moan, groan
    (1 compound)

  1492. カ, かたつむり
    (1 compound)

  1493. チョウ
    (2 compounds)

  1494. ミ, あじ, あじ.わう
    flavor, taste
    (39 compounds)

  1495. ジュ, シュ, シュウ, まじな.う, のろ.い, まじな.い, のろ.う
    spell, curse, charm, malediction
    (2 compounds)

  1496. シツ, しらみ
    lice, vermin
    (1 compound)

  1497. あまね
    シュウ, まわ.り, しゅ, す, ちか, のり, ひろ, びび, まこと
    circumference, circuit, lap
    (10 compounds)

  1498. えみ
    カ, ゲ, えび
    shrimp, prawn, lobster
    (1 compound)

  1499. ユウ
    (1 compound)

  1500. フク
    (1 compound)

  1501. イ, はりねずみ
    (1 compound)

  1502. ゲン, つぶや.く
    mutter, grumble, murmur
    (1 compound)

  1503. ヘン, こうもり
    (1 compound)

  1504. ショク, むしば.む
    eclipse, occultation, be defective
    (2 compounds)

  1505. トン, ドン, の.む
    (8 compounds)

  1506. カツ, さそり, すくもむし
    (1 compound)

  1507. tadpole
    (1 compound)

  1508. あじ
    ロウ, みつろう, ろうそく
    (1 compound)

  1509. コク, つ.げる
    revelation, tell, inform, announce
    (14 compounds)

  1510. セン, ゼン, せみ
    (3 compounds)

  1511. ゴ, く.れる, くれ
    give, do something for
    (5 compounds)

  1512. テイ
    display, offer, present, send, exhibit
    (4 compounds)

  1513. ホウ, ほけ.る, あき.れる, おろか
    be amazed, disgusted, shocked
    (5 compounds)

  1514. とも
    ロ, リョ, せぼね, なが
    spine, backbone
    (1 compound)

  1515. ゴ, われ, わが-, あ-, あが
    I, my, our, one's own
    (3 compounds)

  1516. セイ
    (1 compound)

  1517. フン, ブン, くちわき, くちさき
    (1 compound)

  1518. ふき
    スイ, ふ.く
    blow, breathe, puff, emit, smoke
    (21 compounds)

  1519. キュウ, す.う
    suck, imbibe, inhale, sip
    (11 compounds)

  1520. ガン, ふく.む, ふく.める
    include, bear in mind, understand, cherish
    (13 compounds)

  1521. ヒ, いな, いや
    negate, no, noes, refuse, decline, deny
    (18 compounds)

  1522. ハイ, ベイ, ほえ.る, ほ.える
    bark, howl, cry
    (1 compound)

  1523. ギン
    versify, singing, recital
    (3 compounds)

  1524. リン, しわ.い, やぶさ.かな, おし.む
    miserly, stingy, sparing
    (3 compounds)

  1525. ヒ, あぶらむし
    (1 compound)

  1526. クン, きみ, -ぎみ
    old boy, name-suffix
    (13 compounds)

  1527. エン, タン
    meandering, serpentine
    (1 compound)

  1528. こお
    コウ, む.く, む.い, -む.き, む.ける, -む.け, む.かう, む.かい, む.こう, む.こう-, むこ, むか.い, た, な, むか, むかい, むこう
    yonder, facing, beyond, confront, defy, tend toward, approach
    (57 compounds)

  1529. ト, は.く, つ.く
    spit, vomit, belch, confess, tell (lies)
    (7 compounds)

  1530. さと
    リ, し
    officer, an official
    (7 compounds)

  1531. コウ, ゴ, きさき
    empress, queen, after, behind, back, later
    (4 compounds)

  1532. メイ, ミョウ, な, -な
    name, noted, distinguished, reputation
    (74 compounds)

  1533. ドウ, おな.じ
    same, agree, equal
    (74 compounds)

  1534. kind of ant, may fly
    (1 compound)

  1535. チョウ, つ.る, つる.す
    suspend, hang, wear (sword)
    (6 compounds)

  1536. キチ, キツ, よし, き, きっ, きる, こし, と, よ
    good luck, joy, congratulations
    (4 compounds)

  1537. あう
    ゴウ, ガッ, カッ, あ.う, -あ.う, あ.い, あい-, -あ.い, -あい, あ.わす, あ.わせる, -あ.わせる, あん, い, か, こう, ごお, に, ね, や, り, わい
    fit, suit, join, 0.1
    (178 compounds)

  1538. かか
    カク, おのおの, かが
    each, every, either
    (20 compounds)

  1539. キツ, ども.る
    (4 compounds)

  1540. ホウ, はち
    bee, wasp, hornet
    (2 compounds)

  1541. ヨウ, さなぎ
    chrysalis, pupa
    (2 compounds)

  1542. ソウ, ショウ, たこ
    (1 compound)

  1543. シ, つかさど.る, つか, つかさ
    director, official, govt office, rule, administer
    (7 compounds)

  1544. ゴウ, さけ.ぶ, よびな
    nickname, number, item, title, pseudonym, name, call
    (29 compounds)

  1545. かの
    キョウ, かな.える, かな.う, かのう
    grant, answer
    (1 compound)

  1546. あき
    ウ, ユウ, みぎ, すけ
    (13 compounds)

  1547. あきら
    シ, あや, お, こ, ちか, とし, なか, のぶ, ひさ, ひと, ふみ
    history, chronicle
    (19 compounds)

  1548. シツ, シチ, しか.る
    scold, reprove
    (2 compounds)

  1549. ダイ, タイ, うてな, われ, つかさ
    pedestal, a stand, counter for machines and vehicles
    (25 compounds)

  1550. よし
    カ, コク, -べ.き, -べ.し
    can, passable, mustn't, should not, do not
    (17 compounds)

  1551. バン, えびす
    (10 compounds)

  1552. ハツ
    (1 compound)

  1553. ショウ, め.す
    seduce, call, send for, wear, put on, ride in, buy, eat, drink, catch (cold)
    (15 compounds)

  1554. キョウ, さけ.ぶ
    shout, exclaim, yell
    (4 compounds)

  1555. シ, ただ
    only, free, in addition
    (3 compounds)

  1556. コウ, たた.く, はた.く, すぎ
    strike, beat, hit, thrash, criticize
    (9 compounds)

  1557. すく

    phrase, clause, sentence, passage, paragraph, counter for haiku
    (27 compounds)

  1558. ふゆ
    コ, ふる.い, ふる-, -ふる.す
    (73 compounds)

  1559. コウ, ク, くち
    (112 compounds)

  1560. ソウ, ス, くさむら, むら.がる, むら
    plexus, clump of bushes, thicket
    (8 compounds)

  1561. エイ, あき.らか
    intelligence, imperial
    (3 compounds)

  1562. コウ, キョウ, みずち
    (1 compound)

  1563. ハン, ホン, そむ.く
    isobey, defy, go back on, rebel, rebellion
    (7 compounds)

  1564. ア, ワ, かえる, かわず
    (2 compounds)

  1565. ジョ, つい.ず, ついで
    confer, relate, narrate, describe
    (5 compounds)

  1566. じょ
    ジュ, う.ける, -う.け, う.かる
    accept, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch, receive
    (31 compounds)

  1567. どる
    シュ, と.る, と.り, と.り-, とり, -ど.り
    take, fetch, take up
    (110 compounds)

  1568. カイ, ユウ, かいちゅう, はらのむし
    intestinal worms
    (1 compound)

  1569. よし
    uncle, youth
    (3 compounds)

  1570. のぶ
    シュウ, おさ.める, おさ.まる
    income, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store
    (24 compounds)

  1571. そり
    ハン, ホン, タン, ホ, そ.る, そ.らす, かえ.す, かえ.る, -かえ.る, た
    (45 compounds)

  1572. ソウ, ふた, たぐい, ならぶ, ふたつ
    pair, set, comparison, no. of pairs
    (14 compounds)

  1573. ユウ, とも, ど, ゆ
    (15 compounds)

  1574. レイ
    dragonfly, moon moth
    (1 compound)

  1575. おい
    キュウ, およ.ぶ, およ.び, および, およ.ぼす, の
    reach out, exert, exercise, cause
    (8 compounds)

  1576. サ, シャ, サイ, また
    fork of road, crotch
    (3 compounds)

  1577. やす
    ユウ, また, また-, また.の-
    or again, furthermore, on the other hand
    (14 compounds)

  1578. あぶ
    ジャ, ダ, イ, ヤ, へび, み
    snake, serpent, hard drinker
    (10 compounds)

  1579. サン, シン, まい.る, まい-, まじわる, みつ
    nonplussed, three, going, coming, visiting, visit, be defeated, die, be madly in love
    (31 compounds)

  1580. キョ, コ, さ.る, -さ.る
    gone, past, quit, leave, elapse, eliminate, divorce
    (10 compounds)

  1581. いつ
    ゲン, ゴン, おごそ.か, きび.しい, いか.めしい, いつくし, いづ, きゅうら, とし
    stern, strictness, severity, rigidity
    (26 compounds)

  1582. ユウ
    (1 compound)

  1583. エン, オン, アン, オウ, ユウ, ヨウ, いや, あ.きる, いと.う, おさ.える
    get tired of, satiate, bore
    (9 compounds)

  1584. tadpole
    (1 compound)

  1585. まや
    キュウ, うまや, まら
    barn, stable
    (1 compound)

  1586. シュウ, ズ, チュ, チュウ, くりや
    (1 compound)

  1587. ケツ, クツ, その, それ
    (1 compound)

  1588. シ, ショク, かわや
    privy, toilet
    (1 compound)

  1589. ゲン, はら, ばる, ら, わた, わら
    meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness
    (53 compounds)

  1590. コウ, あつ.い, あか, あっ
    thick, heavy, rich, kind, cordial, brazen, shameless
    (16 compounds)

  1591. リン
    rin, 1/10sen, 1/10bu
    (2 compounds)

  1592. サン, テン, かいこ, こ
    (6 compounds)

  1593. ゼイ, ネイ, ゼツ, ネチ, ぶゆ, ぶよ, ぶと, か
    gnat, sand fly
    (1 compound)

  1594. ブン, か
    (1 compound)

  1595. ヤク
    unlucky, misfortune, bad luck, disaster
    (6 compounds)

  1596. ケイ, キョウ, きみ
    you, lord, secretary, state minister
    (1 compound)

  1597. ボウ, あぶ
    gadfly, horsefly
    (1 compound)

  1598. コウ, にじ
    (1 compound)

  1599. シャ, おろ.す, おろし, おろ.し
    (7 compounds)

  1600. ラン, たまご
    egg, ovum, spawn, roe
    (14 compounds)

  1601. キャク, かえ.って, しりぞ.く, しりぞ.ける
    instead, on the contrary, rather
    (7 compounds)

  1602. ソク, つ.く, つ.ける, すなわ.ち
    instant, namely, as is, conform, agree, adapt
    (9 compounds)

  1603. シツ, しらみ
    lice, vermin
    (1 compound)

  1604. キ, あぶ.ない, あや.うい, あや.ぶむ
    dangerous, fear, uneasy
    (13 compounds)

  1605. イン, しるし, -じるし, しる.す
    stamp, seal, mark, imprint, symbol, emblem, trademark, evidence, souvenir, India
    (30 compounds)

  1606. あきら
    ボウ, モウ, う, しげる, い
    sign of the hare, 5-7AM, 4th zodiac sign, rabbit, east
    (3 compounds)

  1607. チュウ, キ, むし
    insect, bug, temper
    (25 compounds)

  1608. カ, カイ, ケ, うらかた
    a divination sign
    (2 compounds)

  1609. うら
    セン, し.める, うらな.う, しむ, じめ
    fortune telling, divine, forecast, occupy, hold, have, get, take
    (19 compounds)

  1610. グ, おそれ
    uneasiness, fear, anxiety, concern
    (1 compound)

  1611. うら
    ボク, うらな.う, うらない
    divining, fortune telling
    (8 compounds)

  1612. キョ, コ, むな.しい, うつ.ろ
    void, emptiness, unpreparedness, crack, fissure, untruth
    (9 compounds)

  1613. ぐれ
    ハク, バク, と, はか, ひろ
    Dr., command, esteem, win acclaim, Ph.D., exposition, fair
    (12 compounds)

  1614. タン, ひとえ
    simple, one, single, merely
    (21 compounds)

  1615. なみ
    ナン, ナ, みなみ, は, みな, みまみ
    (34 compounds)

  1616. キョウ
    co-, cooperation
    (7 compounds)

  1617. すぐる
    タク, たか, たかし
    eminent, table, desk, high
    (8 compounds)

  1618. ソツ, シュツ, そっ.する, お.える, お.わる, ついに, にわか
    graduate, soldier, private, die
    (12 compounds)

  1619. ヒ, いや.しい, いや.しむ, いや.しめる
    lowly, base, vile, vulgar
    (14 compounds)

  1620. ギャク, しいた.げる
    tyrannize, oppress
    (5 compounds)

  1621. たけ
    コ, とら
    tiger, drunkard
    (8 compounds)

  1622. バン, マン, まんじ
    swastika, gammadion, fylfot
    (1 compound)

  1623. ハン, なか.ば
    half, middle, odd number, semi-, part-
    (54 compounds)

  1624. ゴ, うま
    (4 compounds)

  1625. のぼる
    ショウ, ます
    measuring box, 1.8 liter
    (1 compound)

  1626. かず
    セン, ち, ゆき
    (25 compounds)

  1627. ジュウ, ジッ, ジュッ, とお, と, か, ぎ, さ, し, そ, そう, ち, とう, ね, ま, る, わ
    (26 compounds)

  1628. トク, かくま.う
    hide, shelter, shield
    (3 compounds)

  1629. イ, い.やす, い.する, くすし
    doctor, medicine
    (18 compounds)

  1630. ク, オウ, コウ
    ward, district
    (18 compounds)

  1631. ヒツ, ひき
    equal, head, counter for small animals, roll of cloth
    (4 compounds)

  1632. キ, ひつ
    chest, coffer, rice tub
    (1 compound)

  1633. ラン, ラ, あららぎ
    orchid, Holland
    (3 compounds)

  1634. ヒ, あら.ず, かたみ
    negation, wicked person
    (3 compounds)

  1635. コウ, はこ
    (1 compound)

  1636. ただ
    キョウ, オウ, すく.う, ただし, ただす, まさ, まさし, きよ, ひと, やす
    correct, save, assist
    (2 compounds)

  1637. ショウ, たくみ
    artisan, workman, carpenter
    (7 compounds)

  1638. シ, さじ
    (3 compounds)

  1639. きら
    ホク, きた, ほう, ほっ, ほつ
    (29 compounds)

  1640. カ, ケ, ば.ける, ば.かす, ふ.ける, け.する
    change, take the form of, influence, enchant, delude, -ization
    (42 compounds)

  1641. ヒ, さじ
    (2 compounds)

  1642. ホク, フク
    (1 compound)

  1643. ホ, は.う
    crawl, creep
    (2 compounds)

  1644. ウン, つ.む
    pile up
    (1 compound)

  1645. ソ, ス, よみがえ.る
    be resuscitated, revived
    (4 compounds)

  1646. ホウ, つつ.む, くる.む, かね
    wrap, pack up, cover, conceal
    (21 compounds)

  1647. おり
    にお.う, にお.い, にお.わせる, こう, さぎ
    fragrant, stink, glow, insinuate, (kokuji)
    (2 compounds)

  1648. もんめ, め, ひゃくめ
    monme, 3.75 grams, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  1649. モチ, モッ, ブツ, ボツ, なか.れ, なし
    not, must not, do not, be not
    (4 compounds)

  1650. まがり
    コウ, ク, かぎ, ま.がる
    be bent, slope, capture
    (3 compounds)

  1651. ソウ, も
    seaweed, duckweed
    (4 compounds)

  1652. シャク
    ladle, one tenth of a go, dip
    (2 compounds)

  1653. いさむ
    クン, いさお
    meritorious deed, merit
    (3 compounds)

  1654. ハン
    clan, enclosure
    (3 compounds)

  1655. カン, ケン, すす.める
    persuade, recommend, advise, encourage, offer
    (7 compounds)

  1656. ソウ, ショウ
    destroy, steal
    (2 compounds)

  1657. ぞう
    トウ, ドウ, ふじ, と, ふじゅ
    (2 compounds)

  1658. キン, ゴン, つと.める, -づと.め, つと.まる, いそ.しむ
    diligence, become employed, serve
    (22 compounds)

  1659. セイ, ゼイ, いきお.い, はずみ
    forces, energy, military strength
    (31 compounds)

  1660. ボ, つの.る
    recruit, campaign, gather (contributions), enlist, grow violent
    (5 compounds)

  1661. かち
    ショウ, か.つ, -が.ち, まさ.る, すぐ.れる, かつ, と, よし
    victory, win, prevail, excel
    (21 compounds)

  1662. つかさ
    ム, つと.める, み
    task, duties
    (26 compounds)

  1663. カン, さとる
    intuition, perception
    (13 compounds)

  1664. るぎ
    ドウ, うご.く, うご.かす
    move, motion, change, confusion, shift, shake
    (57 compounds)

  1665. ラン, あい
    (2 compounds)

  1666. ひこ
    ベン, つと.める, やつ
    (4 compounds)

  1667. ユウ, いさ.む, はや
    courage, cheer up, be in high spirits, bravery, heroism
    (17 compounds)

  1668. チョク, いまし.める, みことのり, のり
    imperial order
    (14 compounds)

  1669. ボツ, ホツ, おこ.る, にわかに
    suddenness, rise
    (4 compounds)

  1670. コウ, わら
    (3 compounds)

  1671. ケイ, つよ.い
    (2 compounds)

  1672. ガイ
    censure, criminal investigation
    (1 compound)

  1673. コウ, き.く, ききめ, なら.う
    merit, efficacy, efficiency, benefit
    (11 compounds)

  1674. ロウ, ろう.する, いたわ.る, いた.ずき, ねぎら, つか.れる, ねぎら.う
    labor, thank for, reward for, toil, trouble
    (21 compounds)

  1675. レイ, はげ.む, はげ.ます
    encourage, be diligent, inspire
    (10 compounds)

  1676. ショ, いも
    (1 compound)

  1677. ヤク, くすり
    medicine, chemical, enamel, gunpowder, benefit
    (32 compounds)

  1678. かおり
    クン, かお.る, かおる, かほ, かほる, くに, しげ, にほ, のぶ, よし
    fragrant, be scented, smoke (cigs)
    (3 compounds)

  1679. コウ, ゴウ, キョウ, おびや.かす
    threat, long ages
    (9 compounds)

  1680. シン, たきぎ, まき
    fuel, firewood, kindling
    (2 compounds)

  1681. ド, つと.める
    toil, diligent, as much as possible
    (1 compound)

  1682. ジョ, たす.ける, たす.かる, す.ける, すけ
    help, rescue, assist
    (23 compounds)

  1683. こも
    セン, すす.める
    recommend, mat, advise, encourage, offer
    (3 compounds)

  1684. レツ, おと.る
    inferiority, be inferior to, be worse
    (11 compounds)

  1685. カ, くわ.える, くわ.わる
    add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada
    (33 compounds)

  1686. いさ
    コウ, ク, いさお, かつ, くぬ, ぐう, こと, つとむ, とし, のり, よし
    achievement, merits, success, honor, credit
    (12 compounds)

  1687. じから
    リョク, リキ, リイ, ちから, つとむ
    power, strong, strain, bear up, exert
    (68 compounds)

  1688. テイ, チ, な.ぐ, なぎ, か.る
    mow down (the enemy)
    (1 compound)

  1689. バ, ショウ, ショク, ソウ, みずたで
    a kind of grass
    (1 compound)

  1690. ラ, ビ, ぜんまい
    an edible fern
    (1 compound)

  1691. ヘキ, ヒャク, つんざ.く, さく
    break, tear, split
    (2 compounds)

  1692. ゲキ
    drama, play
    (22 compounds)

  1693. ハク, うす.い, うす-, -うす, うす.める, うす.まる, うす.らぐ, うす.ら-, うす.れる, すすき
    dilute, thin, weak (tea)
    (21 compounds)

  1694. カク, わ.かつ, かぎ.る
    (4 compounds)

  1695. ライ, つぼみ
    bud (plants, mushrooms not yet opened)
    (1 compound)

  1696. ソウ, ショウ
    (2 compounds)

  1697. ヒョウ, おびや.かす, さす
    (3 compounds)

  1698. はじめ
    ソウ, ショウ, つく.る, はじ.める, きず, けず.しける
    genesis, wound, injury, hurt, start, originate
    (13 compounds)

  1699. ガイ, カイ
    scythe, suitability
    (1 compound)

  1700. トウ, サツ, チョウ, さ.す
    sickle, stay, remain
    (1 compound)

  1701. カツ, わ.る, わり, わ.り, わ.れる, さ.く
    proportion, comparatively, divide, cut, separate, split
    (61 compounds)

  1702. ジョウ, あまつさえ, あま.り, あま.る
    surplus, besides
    (4 compounds)

  1703. そい
    フク, そえ
    vice-, duplicate, copy
    (10 compounds)

  1704. セン, き.る, つ.む
    clip, snip, cut
    (4 compounds)

  1705. トウ, とろ.かす, とろ.ける, うご.く
    melt, be charmed, captivated
    (2 compounds)

  1706. ハク, ホク, へ.ぐ, へず.る, む.く, む.ける, は.がれる, は.ぐ, は.げる, は.がす
    come off, peel, fade, discolor
    (14 compounds)

  1707. ザイ, スイ, セイ, かる, けず.る
    dose, medicine, drug
    (8 compounds)

  1708. ケン, つるぎ
    sabre, sword, blade, clock hand
    (19 compounds)

  1709. かた
    ゴウ, こう, ご, たか, たけ, たけし, つよ, つよし, ひさ, まさ, よし
    sturdy, strength
    (8 compounds)

  1710. ボウ
    (1 compound)

  1711. テキ, テイ, えぐ.る, そ.る
    (2 compounds)

  1712. キョウ, そば
    (1 compound)

  1713. さき
    ゼン, まえ, -まえ, さと, まい
    in front, before
    (105 compounds)

  1714. コク, かつ
    (2 compounds)

  1715. サク, けず.る, はつ.る, そ.ぐ
    plane, sharpen, whittle, pare
    (9 compounds)

  1716. のり
    ソク, のっと.る
    rule, follow, based on, model after
    (13 compounds)

  1717. しげ
    バン, ハン, しげる, ば
    grow luxuriously
    (2 compounds)

  1718. テイ, まい, そ.る, す.る
    (6 compounds)

  1719. ヘイ, ヘツ, フツ, おお.う, おお.い
    cover, shade, mantle, capsize, be ruined
    (3 compounds)

  1720. コク, きざ.む, きざ.み
    engrave, cut fine, chop, hash, mince, time, carving
    (24 compounds)

  1721. シ, さ.す, さ.さる, さ.し, さし, とげ
    thorn, pierce, stab, prick, sting, calling card
    (21 compounds)

  1722. セチ, セツ, サツ
    (5 compounds)

  1723. ケン
    (7 compounds)

  1724. サツ, す.る, -ず.り, -ずり, は.く
    printing, print
    (11 compounds)

  1725. セイ
    system, law, rule
    (25 compounds)

  1726. くらし
    ゾウ, ソウ, くら, おさ.める, かく.れる, くらん, くろう, さし, ざ, ろう
    storehouse, hide, own, have, possess
    (8 compounds)

  1727. コ, く.る, えぐ.る
    clear, serene, cold
    (3 compounds)

  1728. トウ, いた.る
    arrival, proceed, reach, attain, result in
    (5 compounds)

  1729. イン, オン, かげ
    shade, shadow, backing assistance
    (3 compounds)

  1730. サン, けず.る
    cut down
    (2 compounds)

  1731. かが
    リ, き.く, と, とし, のり, み, りい
    profit, advantage, benefit
    (32 compounds)

  1732. たつ
    チョウ, つた
    vine, ivy
    (1 compound)

  1733. べっ
    ベツ, わか.れる, わ.ける
    separate, branch off, diverge, fork, another, extra, specially
    (68 compounds)

  1734. ハン, バン, わか.る
    judgement, signature, stamp, seal
    (16 compounds)

  1735. ゾク, ソウ, まぶし
    gather together
    (1 compound)

  1736. ショ, はじ.め, はじ.めて, はつ, はつ-, うい-, -そ.める, -ぞ.め, はっ
    first time, beginning
    (34 compounds)

  1737. シャ, ショ, さとうきび
    sugar cane
    (1 compound)

  1738. れっ
    レツ, レ
    file, row, rank, tier, column
    (19 compounds)

  1739. マン, バン, はびこ.る, つる
    vine, tendril, influence, connections, good offices, spread, sprawl, thrive, rampant, powerful
    (3 compounds)

  1740. ベツ, ないがしろ, なみ.する, くらい, さげす.む
    ignore, despise, neglect, ridicule
    (4 compounds)

  1741. おさか
    ケイ, ぎょう
    punish, penalty, sentence, punishment
    (19 compounds)

  1742. フン, は.ねる, くびは.ねる
    (2 compounds)

  1743. カン
    publish, carve, engrave
    (11 compounds)

  1744. かっ
    ガイ, カイ, か.る, かり
    reap, cut, clip, trim, prune
    (12 compounds)

  1745. きつ
    セツ, サイ, き.る, -き.る, き.り, -き.り, -ぎ.り, き.れる, -き.れる, き.れ, -き.れ, -ぎ.れ, きり, ぎり
    cut, cutoff, be sharp
    (147 compounds)

  1746. いた
    ブン, フン, ブ, わ.ける, わ.け, わ.かれる, わ.かる, わ.かつ, わけ
    part, minute of time, segment, share, degree, one's lot, duty, understand, know, rate, 1%, chances, shaku/10
    (129 compounds)

  1747. ジン, ニン, は, やいば, き.る, と
    blade, sword, edge
    (12 compounds)

  1748. トウ, かたな, そり, ち, と, わき
    sword, saber, knife
    (20 compounds)

  1749. カン, はこ, い.れる
    box (archaic)
    (3 compounds)

  1750. いず
    シュツ, スイ, で.る, -で, だ.す, -だ.す, い.でる, い.だす, いづ, いで, じ, すっ, すつ, てん
    exit, leave
    (210 compounds)

  1751. オウ, くぼ.む, へこ.む, ぼこ
    concave, hollow, sunken
    (10 compounds)

  1752. トツ, でこ
    convex, beetle brow, uneven
    (8 compounds)

  1753. キョウ
    villain, evil, bad luck, disaster
    (16 compounds)

  1754. ガイ, カイ, かちどき, やわらぐ
    victory song
    (2 compounds)

  1755. オオ, コウ, オウ, おおとり
    female phoenix bird
    (1 compound)

  1756. レン, はす, はちす
    (2 compounds)

  1757. ヒョウ, ヘイ, もた.れる, よ.る
    lean on, recline on, lie heavy
    (4 compounds)

  1758. ホウ, ブ, よもぎ
    sagebrush, wormwood, mugwort
    (1 compound)

  1759. なぎ, な.ぐ
    lull, calm, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  1760. こがらし
    wintry wind, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  1761. いかのぼり, たこ
    kite, (kokuji)
    (2 compounds)

  1762. ショ, ところ, -こ, お.る
    dispose, manage, deal with, sentence, condemn, act, behave
    (15 compounds)

  1763. なみ
    ボン, ハン, およ.そ, おうよ.そ, すべ.て, ひろ, みな
    (21 compounds)

  1764. キ, きにょう
    table, table enclosure
    (4 compounds)

  1765. ギョウ, こ.る, こ.らす, こご.らす, こご.らせる, こご.る
    congeal, freeze, stiff, be absorbed in
    (16 compounds)

  1766. シュウ
    (used only in compounds)
    (1 compound)

  1767. リン, きびし.い
    (4 compounds)

  1768. こおり
    トウ, こお.る, こご.える, こご.る, い.てる, し.みる
    frozen, congeal, refrigerate
    (15 compounds)

  1769. リョウ, しの.ぐ
    endure, keep (rain)out, stave off, tide over, defy, slight, surpass
    (4 compounds)

  1770. ガイ, カイ, コウ, ふた, けだ.し, おお.う, かさ, かこう
    cover, lid, flap
    (4 compounds)

  1771. チョウ, しぼ.む
    wither, droop, lame
    (2 compounds)

  1772. ジュン
    quasi-, semi-, associate
    (2 compounds)

  1773. チク, たくわ.える
    amass, keeping a concubine, phonograph
    (2 compounds)

  1774. セイ, サイ, さむ.い, すご.い, すさ.まじい
    uncanny, weird, threatening, horrible
    (5 compounds)

  1775. コウ, よもぎ
    (1 compound)

  1776. ソウ, あお.い
    blue, pale
    (3 compounds)

  1777. ジョウ, セイ, む.す, む.れる, む.らす
    steam, heat, sultry, foment, get musty
    (9 compounds)

  1778. レイ, つめ.たい, ひ.える, ひ.や, ひ.ややか, ひ.やす, ひ.やかす, さ.める, さ.ます
    cool, cold (beer, person), chill
    (39 compounds)

  1779. ヤ, い.る
    peace, government, cure, heal, rule, subdue, patch
    (3 compounds)

  1780. さえ
    ゴ, コ, さ.える, こお.る, ひ.える, さえる
    be clear, serene, cold, skilful
    (3 compounds)

  1781. ホ, ボ, フ, ブ, がま, かば, かま
    bullrush, flag, cattail
    (3 compounds)

  1782. トウ, ふゆ
    (11 compounds)

  1783. ベキ
    power, exponent
    (1 compound)

  1784. メイ, ミョウ, くら.い
    (9 compounds)

  1785. エン
    false charge, hatred
    (2 compounds)

  1786. カン, かんむり, かっぷ, まさる
    crown, best, peerless
    (16 compounds)

  1787. サン, にんにく, ひる, のびる
    (1 compound)

  1788. モウ, ボウ, こうむ.る, おお.う, くら.い
    ignorance, darkness, get, receive, be subjected to, sustain, Mongolia
    (1 compound)

  1789. シャ, ジャ, うつ.す, うつ.る, うつ-, うつ.し
    copy, be photographed, describe
    (17 compounds)

  1790. ジョウ
    superfluous, uselessness
    (8 compounds)

  1791. ベン, メン, かんむり
    (1 compound)

  1792. まい
    シ, ジ, う.える, まく, まか, まき
    sow (seeds)
    (2 compounds)

  1793. ボウ, おか.す
    risk, face, defy, dare, damage, assume (a name)
    (3 compounds)

  1794. シュウ, あかね, あつ.まる, あつ.める
    (1 compound)

  1795. ふた
    サイ, サ, ふたた.び
    again, twice, second time
    (27 compounds)

  1796. サツ, サク, ふみ
    no. of books, volume
    (1 compound)

  1797. サツ, サク, ふみ
    tome, counter for books, volume
    (8 compounds)

  1798. つぶら
    エン, まる.い, まる, まど, まど.か, まろ.やか, のぶ, まどか, みつ
    circle, yen, round
    (34 compounds)

  1799. いと
    ナイ, ダイ, うち, ただ, ち, のち
    inside, within, between, among, house, home
    (105 compounds)

  1800. かね
    ケン, か.ねる, -か.ねる
    concurrently, and
    (15 compounds)

  1801. シュウ, あし, ふ.く, ふき
    thatch, cover, shingle, tile
    (1 compound)

  1802. すけ
    テン, デン, つね, の, のり
    code, ceremony, law, rule
    (21 compounds)

  1803. とも
    グ, そな.える, つぶさ.に
    tool, utensil, means, possess, ingredients, counter for armor, suits, sets of furniture
    (26 compounds)

  1804. キ, ギ, ゴ, そ.れ, そ.の
    (15 compounds)

  1805. まもる
    キ, あおい, け
    (2 compounds)

  1806. ヘイ, ヒョウ, つわもの
    soldier, private, troops, army, warfare, strategy, tactics
    (37 compounds)

  1807. キョウ, とも, とも.に, -ども
    together, both, neither, all, and, alike, with
    (27 compounds)

  1808. ロク, リク, む, む.つ, むっ.つ, むい, むつ, ろっ, ろつ
    (11 compounds)

  1809. はふり
    ソウ, ほうむ.る
    interment, bury, shelve
    (9 compounds)

  1810. あきら
    コウ, ク, おおやけ, き, きみ, きん, たか, ただし, とも, ひろ, まさ
    public, prince, official, governmental
    (56 compounds)

  1811. ハチ, や, や.つ, やっ.つ, よう, は, はっ, はつ, やち, やつ
    (22 compounds)

  1812. たけ
    ゼン, まった.く, すべ.て, まさ
    whole, entire, all, complete, fulfill
    (57 compounds)

  1813. あし
    イ, しお.れる, しな.びる, しぼ.む, な.える
    reed, bullrush
    (3 compounds)

  1814. いり
    ニュウ, ニッ, い.る, -い.る, -い.り, い.れる, -い.れ, はい.る, はま.る, いる, に, の, りり
    enter, insert
    (153 compounds)

  1815. トウ, ただ.す
    (1 compound)

  1816. ブ, ホ
    wild grape, Portugal
    (1 compound)

  1817. トウ, ト, かぶと
    helmet, head piece
    (2 compounds)

  1818. カツ, カチ, つづら, くず, かず, かずら, かっ, かつら
    arrowroot, kudzu
    (1 compound)

  1819. トウ, なかま, むら
    party, faction, clique
    (13 compounds)

  1820. チョ, チャク, あらわ.す, いちじる.しい
    renowned, publish, write, remarkable, phenomenal, put on, don, wear, arrival, finish (race), counter for suits of clothing, literary work
    (12 compounds)

  1821. ジ, ニ, ゲイ, こ, -こ, -っこ
    newborn babe, child, young of animals
    (13 compounds)

  1822. ト, ツ, うさぎ
    rabbit, hare
    (12 compounds)

  1823. メン, まぬか.れる, まぬが.れる
    excuse, dismissal
    (14 compounds)

  1824. ダ, エイ, エツ, タイ, よろこ.ぶ
    (1 compound)

  1825. かつ
    コク, か.つ, まさる, よし
    overcome, kindly, skillfully
    (3 compounds)

  1826. ヨウ, は, わ
    leaf, plane, lobe, needle, blade, spear, no. of flat things
    (17 compounds)

  1827. あき
    コウ, ひか.る, ひかり, あきら, こお, てる, ひこ, み, みつ
    ray, light
    (41 compounds)

  1828. ぽん
    セン, さき, ま.ず
    before, ahead, previous, future, precedence
    (88 compounds)

  1829. キョウ, おそ.れる, わる.い
    (9 compounds)

  1830. チョウ, きざ.す, きざ.し
    portent, 10**12, trillion, sign, omen, symptoms
    (6 compounds)

  1831. あつ
    ジュウ, あ.てる, み.たす, のぶ, まさ, みち, みつ, よし
    allot, fill
    (13 compounds)

  1832. ケイ, キョウ, あに, せ, よし
    elder brother, big brother
    (13 compounds)

  1833. ちか
    ゲン, ガン, もと, はじめ, はる, ゆき, よし
    beginning, former time, origin
    (44 compounds)

  1834. まこと
    イン, じょう, まこと.に, ゆるす, のぶ, まさ, みつ, すけ, よし, ちか, とも
    license, sincerity, permit
    (3 compounds)

  1835. コツ
    high & level, lofty, bald, dangerous
    (1 compound)

  1836. おち
    ラク, お.ちる, お.ち, お.とす
    fall, drop, come down
    (57 compounds)

  1837. ゲン, いかめ.しい, おごそか
    serious, un-touched, solemnly, majestically
    (2 compounds)

  1838. ナ, ダ, おにやらい
    (1 compound)

  1839. チョ, もう.ける, もう.かる, もうけ, たくわ.える
    be profitable, yield profit
    (10 compounds)

  1840. かず
    マン, バン, よろず, ま, ゆる, よし
    (1 compound)

  1841. ユウ, ウ, やさ.しい, すぐ.れる, まさ.る, よし
    tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness
    (22 compounds)

  1842. シュウ, はぎ
    bush clover
    (2 compounds)

  1843. ライ
    (2 compounds)

  1844. ショウ, つぐな.う
    reparation, make up for, recompense, redeem
    (8 compounds)

  1845. ジン, まま, ことごとく
    as it is, because
    (5 compounds)

  1846. セイ, サイ, ともがら
    (1 compound)

  1847. チュウ, ジュ, ともがら
    companion, similar kind
    (1 compound)

  1848. ジュ
    (8 compounds)

  1849. イ, な, しお.れる, しな.びる, しぼ.む, な.える
    wither, droop, lame
    (3 compounds)

  1850. ヘイ, ヒョウ, うきくさ
    floating plants
    (1 compound)

  1851. もえ
    ホウ, も.える, きざ.す, めばえ, きざ.し, きざし
    show symptoms of, sprout, bud, malt
    (2 compounds)

  1852. ドウ, トウ
    grape vine, wild grape
    (1 compound)

  1853. オク
    hundred million, 10**8
    (3 compounds)

  1854. シュン, すぐ.れる
    excellence, talented person
    (1 compound)

  1855. のり
    ギ, よし
    ceremony, rule, affair, case, a matter
    (17 compounds)

  1856. ヘキ, ヒ, ヘイ, へき.する, ひが.む
    prejudice, bias, rural area
    (11 compounds)

  1857. リョウ, ひし
    diamond, water chestnut
    (1 compound)

  1858. カ, ケ, はな
    splendor, flower, petal, shine, luster, ostentatious, showy, gay, gorgeous
    (21 compounds)

  1859. トウ, ドウ, しもべ, わらべ
    child, servant, foolishness
    (1 compound)

  1860. シン, セン, せん.する, おご.る
    boastfully usurp
    (5 compounds)

  1861. kind of grass, sacred tree
    (1 compound)

  1862. ソウ
    Buddhist priest, monk
    (20 compounds)

  1863. ギョウ, キョウ
    luck, seek, desire
    (1 compound)

  1864. よう
    サイ, な
    vegetable, side dish, greens
    (9 compounds)

  1865. リョウ
    colleague, official, companion
    (7 compounds)

  1866. ボク, しもべ
    me, I (male)
    (5 compounds)

  1867. candy, cakes, fruit
    (3 compounds)

  1868. きゅう
    temporary home
    (2 compounds)

  1869. かた
    statue, picture, image, figure, portrait
    (10 compounds)

  1870. ドウ, リュク, リキ, ロク, リョク, はたら.く
    (8 compounds)

  1871. キン
    germ, fungus, bacteria
    (7 compounds)

  1872. キク
    (6 compounds)

  1873. キン, ゴン, わずか
    a wee bit
    (3 compounds)

  1874. ロウ, ル, かが.む
    bend over
    (2 compounds)

  1875. ケイ, かたむ.く, かたむ.ける, かたぶ.く, かた.げる, かし.げる
    lean, incline, tilt, trend, wane, sink, ruin, bias
    (14 compounds)

  1876. ショウ, きず, いた.む, いた.める
    wound, hurt, injure, impair, pain, injury, cut, gash, scar, weak point
    (31 compounds)

  1877. サイ
    bond, loan, debt
    (6 compounds)

  1878. ク, ウ, かが.む, せむし
    bend over, stoop, bow
    (2 compounds)

  1879. ゴウ, おご.る, あなど.る
    be proud
    (6 compounds)

  1880. ヨウ, チョウ, やと.う, あた.い, ひと.しい
    employ, hire
    (4 compounds)

  1881. サイ, もよう.す, もよお.す
    sponsor, hold (a meeting), give (a dinner)
    (7 compounds)

  1882. バク, ボ, マク, モ, ナイ, くれ, なか.れ, なし
    must not, do not, be not
    (1 compound)

  1883. キョウ, さや
    pod, hull, husk, shell, case
    (2 compounds)

  1884. エン, むしろ
    straw mat
    (1 compound)

  1885. びっ
    ビ, そな.える, そな.わる, つぶさ.に, びん
    equip, provision, preparation
    (16 compounds)

  1886. サン, かさ
    (9 compounds)

  1887. ケイ, キョウ, くき
    stem, stalk
    (1 compound)

  1888. すぐ
    ケツ, たけ, まさ
    greatness, excellence
    (5 compounds)

  1889. ボウ, かたわ.ら, わき, おか-, はた, そば
    bystander, side, besides, while, nearby, 3rd person
    (14 compounds)

  1890. でん
    フ, かしず.く, つく, もり
    (2 compounds)

  1891. カイ, おおき.い
    (2 compounds)

  1892. ギ, カ, いつわ.る, にせ, いつわ.り
    falsehood, lie, deceive, pretend, counterfeit, forgery
    (18 compounds)

  1893. ツ, トウ, チュウ, ぬす.む
    (2 compounds)

  1894. はす
    カ, に, り
    baggage, shoulder-pole load, bear (a burden), shoulder (a gun), load, cargo, freight
    (21 compounds)

  1895. グウ, たま
    accidentally, even number, couple, man & wife, same kind
    (12 compounds)

  1896. テイ
    (2 compounds)

  1897. ソク, かわ, がわ, そば
    side, lean, oppose, regret
    (28 compounds)

  1898. サイ, シ, しの.ぶ
    recollect, remember
    (2 compounds)

  1899. ソウ, くる.しむ
    feel pain, suffer
    (1 compound)

  1900. かつ
    ケン, すこ.やか, たけ, たけし, たて, とし, やす, やすし
    healthy, health, strength, persistence
    (15 compounds)

  1901. テイ, と.める, と.まる
    halt, stopping
    (8 compounds)

  1902. サ, サク, ソ, な.す, つく.る
    (2 compounds)

  1903. ソウ, ショウ, チャン, ほうき, おごそ.か
    villa, inn, cottage, feudal manor
    (3 compounds)

  1904. シャ, さて
    well, now
    (1 compound)

  1905. カイ, ともに
    (2 compounds)

  1906. コウ, あら.い, あら-, あ.れる, あ.らす, -あ.らし, すさ.む
    laid waste, rough, rude, wild
    (19 compounds)

  1907. ジン, ニン
    (1 compound)

  1908. ヘン, かたよ.る
    partial, side, left-side radical, inclining, biased
    (19 compounds)

  1909. ケイ, いばら
    thorn, brier, whip
    (3 compounds)

  1910. ソウ, くさ, くさ-, -ぐさ, や
    grass, weeds, herbs, pasture, write, draft
    (31 compounds)

  1911. ひで
    イ, えら.い
    admirable, greatness, remarkable, conceited, famous, excellent
    (14 compounds)

  1912. カ, ケ, かり, かり.る
    temporary, interim, assumed (name), informal
    (1 compound)

  1913. エン, ふ.せる
    dam, weir
    (2 compounds)

  1914. ジョ, ニョ, ゆ.でる, う.でる
    boil, seethe
    (2 compounds)

  1915. ケン, つま.しい, つづまやか
    frugal, economy, thrifty
    (4 compounds)

  1916. ジョウ, ニュ, きのこ, たけ, しげ.る
    (7 compounds)

  1917. ちや
    チャ, サ
    (29 compounds)

  1918. グ, ク, とも.に
    (1 compound)

  1919. まさ
    ワ, イ, したが.う, やす, やまと
    Yamato, ancient Japan
    (2 compounds)

  1920. ボウ, とお.い
    wide, extensive
    (2 compounds)

  1921. とも
    リン, のり, ひとし, ひろ, みち
    ethics, companion
    (5 compounds)

  1922. セン, セイ, つらつら, うつく.しい
    carefully, attentively, profoundly
    (1 compound)

  1923. あし
    シ, ジ, いばら, かや, くさぶき, えばら, ばら, まつ, まん
    briar, thorn
    (1 compound)

  1924. キョ, コ, おご.る
    pride, squatting with legs outstretched
    (2 compounds)

  1925. ケン, あき.る, あぐ.む, あぐ.ねる, う.む, つか.れる
    lose interest in, tire of
    (3 compounds)

  1926. コウ, ぬか.る
    boorish, urgent
    (1 compound)

  1927. チ, ね, あたい
    price, cost, value
    (25 compounds)

  1928. ホウ, なら.う
    emulate, imitate
    (3 compounds)

  1929. ショウ, とな.える, わざおぎ
    prostitute, actor
    (2 compounds)

  1930. シャク, か.りる
    borrow, rent
    (37 compounds)

  1931. セン, あかね
    madder, red dye, Turkey red
    (2 compounds)

  1932. イ, キ, よ.る, たの.む
    lean on, rest against
    (3 compounds)

  1933. コウ, そうろう
    climate, season, weather
    (7 compounds)

  1934. ミョウ, メイ, ちゃ
    (1 compound)

  1935. コウ, しあわ.せ, さいわ.い
    happiness, luck
    (2 compounds)

  1936. クツ, つよ.い
    (1 compound)

  1937. トウ, たお.れる, -だお.れ, たお.す
    overthrow, fall, collapse, drop, break down
    (22 compounds)

  1938. ケイ, キョウ, くき
    stalk, stem
    (3 compounds)

  1939. バイ, ます
    double, twice, times, fold
    (7 compounds)

  1940. コ, カ
    individual, counter for articles and ilitary units
    (9 compounds)

  1941. ソウ, くら
    godown, warehouse, storehouse, cellar, treasury
    (9 compounds)

  1942. ボウ, ミョウ, かや, ちがや, じ
    miscanthus reed
    (2 compounds)

  1943. うむさ
    モ, しげ.る, き, し, つとむ, む, もて
    overgrown, grow thick, be luxuriant
    (3 compounds)

  1944. バイ, マイ, いちご
    (2 compounds)

  1945. エン, おれ, われ
    I, myself
    (2 compounds)

  1946. ホウ
    stipend, salary
    (4 compounds)

  1947. ヒョウ, たわら
    bag, bale, sack, counter for bags
    (4 compounds)

  1948. ハイ
    haiku, actor
    (7 compounds)

  1949. エイ, はなぶさ, あい, え, すぐる, はな, ひ, ひで, よし, ら
    England, English
    (16 compounds)

  1950. フ, ふ.す, うつむ.く, ふ.せる
    bend down, lie prostrate
    (6 compounds)

  1951. おき
    シュウ, シュ, おさ.める, おさ.まる, なが, のぶ, おさむ
    discipline, conduct oneself well, study, master
    (26 compounds)

  1952. ク, くる.しい, -ぐる.しい, くる.しむ, くる.しめる, にが.い, にが.る
    suffering, trial, worry, hardship, feel bitter, scowl
    (30 compounds)

  1953. わく
    ジャク, ニャク, ニャ, わか.い, わか-, も.しくわ, も.し, も.しくは, わこ
    young, if, perhaps, possibly, low number, immature
    (14 compounds)

  1954. ばた
    crotch, thigh, groin, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  1955. シン, しが, しな, しの, しぶ, とき, のび, のぶ, まこと
    faith, truth, fidelity, trust
    (43 compounds)

  1956. コウ, ク, いやしく.も
    any, at all, in the least
    (1 compound)

  1957. ホウ, ヒョウ, つと
    husk, bract, straw wrapper, souvenir gift, bribe
    (1 compound)

  1958. ホ, ホウ, たも.つ, お, ぶ, もり, やす, やすし
    protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support
    (22 compounds)

  1959. カ, いじ.める, さいな.む, いらだ.つ, からい, こまかい
    torment, scold, chastise
    (8 compounds)

  1960. リ, いや.しい
    rustic, ill mannered
    (3 compounds)

  1961. フ, とりこ
    (1 compound)

  1962. ねい
    ビョウ, ミョウ, なえ, なわ-, のら, みう, みつ
    seedling, sapling, shoot
    (4 compounds)

  1963. ゾク
    vulgar, customs, manners, worldliness, mundane things
    (42 compounds)

  1964. タイ, こけ, こけら
    moss, lichen
    (3 compounds)

  1965. ゼン
    flourishing, luxuriant
    (1 compound)

  1966. あや
    エン, オン, その, う.つ
    garden, farm, park
    (3 compounds)

  1967. リ, かしこ.い
    (2 compounds)

  1968. ソ, ショ, いた, まないた
    altar of sacrifice, chopping board
    (2 compounds)

  1969. すぐる
    シュン, とし
    sagacious, genius, excellence
    (9 compounds)

  1970. かり
    ガイ, カイ, か.る, かる, かん
    cutting (grass)
    (1 compound)

  1971. ガ, にわか
    sudden, abrupt, improvised
    (4 compounds)

  1972. ソク, うなが.す
    stimulate, urge, press, demand, incite
    (2 compounds)

  1973. ケイ, かか.る, かかり, -がかり, かか.わる
    person in charge, connection, duty, concern oneself
    (8 compounds)

  1974. 便 ベン, ビン, たよ.り
    (29 compounds)

  1975. ガ, め, めぐ
    bud, sprout, spear, germ
    (6 compounds)

  1976. スウ, シュウ, ス, まぐさ
    grass cutting, hay
    (1 compound)

  1977. ゲイ, ウン, う.える, のり, わざ, げ, なり
    technique, art, craft, performance, acting, trick, stunt
    (11 compounds)

  1978. リョ, ロ, とも
    companion, follower
    (3 compounds)

  1979. シン, おか.す
    encroach, invade, raid, trespass, violate
    (5 compounds)

  1980. ホウ, かんば.しい, かおる, は, ほ, みち, やす, よし
    perfume, balmy, flavorable, fragrant
    (4 compounds)

  1981. カ, ケ, はな
    (47 compounds)

  1982. コウ
    marquis, lord, daimyo
    (3 compounds)

  1983. ブ, あなど.る, あなず.る
    scorn, despise, make light of, contempt
    (4 compounds)

  1984. カイ, ケ, からし, ごみ, あくた
    mustard, rape, dust, trash, rubbish
    (1 compound)

  1985. カ, ケ, あたい
    value, price
    (20 compounds)

  1986. キョウ, きゃん, おとこだて
    tomboy, chivalry
    (4 compounds)

  1987. こげ
    シ, しば, しは
    turf, lawn
    (4 compounds)

  1988. イ, エ, よ.る, より
    reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to
    (7 compounds)

  1989. キョウ, ク, クウ, グ, そな.える, とも, -ども
    submit, offer, present, serve (meal), accompany
    (18 compounds)

  1990. タ, わび.しい, ほこ.る, わ.びる
    proud, lonely
    (2 compounds)

  1991. ボウ, コウ, モウ, すすき, のぎ, のげ
    pampas grass, beard (grain)
    (2 compounds)

  1992. シュ
    actor, supporting post
    (1 compound)

  1993. かみ
    ジ, シ, さむらい, はべ.る
    waiter, samurai, wait upon, serve
    (9 compounds)

  1994. ウ, いも
    (7 compounds)

  1995. レイ, たと.える
    example, custom, usage, precedent
    (28 compounds)

  1996. あきら
    カン, つよ.い, ただし
    strong, just, righteous, peace-loving
    (1 compound)

  1997. 使 シ, つか.う, つか.い, -つか.い, -づか.い
    (38 compounds)

  1998. チョウ, ジョウ, ヨウ, かる.い
    (1 compound)

  1999. もろ
    エン, つや, なま.めかしい, あで.やか, つや.めく, なま.めく, よし
    glossy, luster, glaze, polish, charm, colorful, captivating
    (12 compounds)

  2000. キツ, キチ
    healthy, correct
    (1 compound)

  2001. ヘイ, あわ.せる
    join, get together, unite, collective
    (15 compounds)

  2002. けい
    カ, よし
    excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled
    (17 compounds)

  2003. しか
    ショク, シキ, いろ, しこ
    (77 compounds)

  2004. カン, ケン, なや.む, かた.い, なやみ
    difficult, be distressed
    (1 compound)

  2005. リョウ, よ.い, -よ.い, い.い, -い.い, なが, まこと, よし, ら, りょ, ろう
    good, pleasing, skilled
    (18 compounds)

  2006. ヨウ, いつわ.る
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  2007. モウ, ボウ, いくさぶね
    fighting ship
    (1 compound)

  2008. ハイ, は.く, お.びる, おびだま
    wear, put on (a sword)
    (3 compounds)

  2009. カン
    (11 compounds)

  2010. ドウ, ショウ, トウ, いくさぶね
    fighting ship
    (1 compound)

  2011. ネイ, おもね.る, よこしま
    flattery, insincerity
    (6 compounds)

  2012. くり
    サク, サ, つく.る, つく.り, -づく.り, さか, さっ, づくり, とも, なお, はぎ, まさか
    make, production, prepare, build
    (58 compounds)

  2013. ソウ
    hold (ship)
    (1 compound)

  2014. イツ, テツ, たのし.む, のが.れる
    lost, hide, peace, mistake, beautiful, in turn
    (4 compounds)

  2015. あまる
    ヨ, あま.る, あま.り, あま.す
    too much, myself, surplus, other, remainder
    (41 compounds)

  2016. タ, イ, わび.しい, わび, ほか, わ.びる
    proud, lonely
    (8 compounds)

  2017. あが
    カ, なに, なん, なに-, なん-
    (81 compounds)

  2018. なり
    タイ, テイ, からだ, かたち
    body, substance, object, reality, counter for images
    (64 compounds)

  2019. すけ
    ユウ, ウ, たす.ける, たすく, ゆ
    help, assist
    (1 compound)

  2020. すけ

    assistant, help
    (8 compounds)

  2021. ジュウ, ヂュウ, チュウ, す.む, す.まう, -ず.まい, じゅ, すみ
    dwell, reside, live, inhabit
    (24 compounds)

  2022. テイ, ひく.い, ひく.める, ひく.まる
    lower, short, humble
    (25 compounds)

  2023. ぞき
    イ, くらい, ぐらい
    rank, grade, throne, crown, about, some
    (32 compounds)

  2024. テイ
    rowboat, small boat
    (4 compounds)

  2025. チョ, たたず.む
    stop, linger, appearance, figure, bearing
    (2 compounds)

  2026. たじ
    タン, ただ.し
    however, but
    (3 compounds)

  2027. テン, デン, つくだ
    cultivated rice field
    (1 compound)

  2028. カ, ガ, キャ, ギャ, とぎ
    nursing, attending, entertainer
    (3 compounds)

  2029. にた
    ジ, に.る, ひ.る
    becoming, resemble, counterfeit, imitate, suitable
    (16 compounds)

  2030. シ, うかが.う
    pay respects, visit, ask, inquire, question, implore
    (2 compounds)

  2031. セン, ふね, ふな-
    ship, boat
    (32 compounds)

  2032. のぶ
    シン, の.びる, の.ばす, の.べる, の.す, よぼる
    expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase
    (20 compounds)

  2033. ゲン, ふなべい, ふなばた
    (4 compounds)

  2034. ハク
    liner, ship
    (2 compounds)

  2035. レイ, リョウ, わざおぎ
    (1 compound)

  2036. ダ, タ, かじ
    rudder, helm, wheel
    (1 compound)

  2037. とも
    ハン, バン, ともな.う
    consort, accompany, bring with, companion
    (6 compounds)

  2038. コ, あきな.う, あた.い
    price, business, selling
    (1 compound)

  2039. いき
    ハク, えき, か, き, は, ひろ
    chief, count, earl, uncle, Brazil
    (9 compounds)

  2040. ハン
    carrier, carry, all
    (8 compounds)

  2041. わたる
    navigate, sail, cruise, fly
    (18 compounds)

  2042. シュウ, ふね, ふな-, -ぶね
    boat, ship
    (7 compounds)

  2043. ブ, ま.う, -ま.う, まい
    dance, flit, circle, wheel
    (19 compounds)

  2044. つたえ
    デン, つた.わる, つた.える, つた.う, -づた.い, つて
    transmit, go along, walk along, follow, report, communicate, legend, tradition
    (33 compounds)

  2045. サイ, ソツ, ソチ, せがれ
    son, my son
    (2 compounds)

  2046. あい
    カイ, エ, あ.う, あ.わせる, あつ.まる, い
    meeting, meet, party, association, interview, join
    (51 compounds)

  2047. たち
    カン, やかた, たて
    mansion, large building, palace
    (1 compound)

  2048. shop, store
    (4 compounds)

  2049. シ, ねぶ.る, な.める
    lick, lap up, burn up, taste, undergo, underrate, despise
    (2 compounds)

  2050. キュウ, やす.む, やす.まる, やす.める
    rest, day off, retire, sleep
    (31 compounds)

  2051. バツ, ハツ, カ, ボチ, き.る, そむ.く, う.つ
    fell, strike, attack, punish
    (5 compounds)

  2052. ふし
    フク, ふ.せる, ふ.す, ふせ
    prostrated, bend down, bow, cover, lay (pipes)
    (27 compounds)

  2053. シャ, セキ, やど.る, とり
    cottage, inn, hut, house, mansion
    (12 compounds)

  2054. ギ, キ, わざ, わざおぎ
    deed, skill
    (4 compounds)

  2055. くみ
    ゴ, いつつ, あつむ
    5, 5-man squad, file, line
    (3 compounds)

  2056. ゼツ, した
    tongue, reed, clapper
    (6 compounds)

  2057. これ
    イ, かれ, ただ, よし, いと, だ
    Italy, that one
    (2 compounds)

  2058. コウ, たぐ.い, なら.ぶ
    same kind, compare with
    (1 compound)

  2059. おき
    コウ, キョウ, おこ.る, おこ.す, おこっ, とも
    entertain, revive, retrieve, interest, pleasure
    (18 compounds)

  2060. ヨ, あた.える, あずか.る, くみ.する, ともに
    participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause
    (1 compound)

  2061. キュウ, しゅうと
    (1 compound)

  2062. ヨ, か.く
    bear, carry
    (1 compound)

  2063. キ, くわだ.てる
    undertake, scheme, design, attempt, plan
    (5 compounds)

  2064. キュウ, グ, うす, うすづ.く
    (3 compounds)

  2065. ニン, まか.せる, まか.す, とう, ひで
    responsibility, duty, term, entrust to, appoint
    (31 compounds)

  2066. ケン, くだん
    affair, case, matter, item
    (6 compounds)

  2067. チ, いた.す
    doth, do, send, forward, cause, exert, incur, engage
    (9 compounds)

  2068. のぶ
    シ, いた.る, のり, みち, よし
    climax, arrive, proceed, reach, attain, result in
    (10 compounds)

  2069. ちゅん
    チュウ, なか, つづき, なかつ
    go-between, relationship
    (16 compounds)

  2070. ギョウ, コウ, あお.ぐ, おお.せ, お.っしゃる, おっしゃ.る
    face-up, look up, depend, seek, respect, rever, drink, take
    (13 compounds)

  2071. カ, ケ, かり, かり-
    sham, temporary, interim, assumed (name), informal
    (34 compounds)

  2072. シュウ, くさ.い, -くさ.い, にお.う, にお.い
    stinking, ill-smelling, suspicious looking, odor, savor, fragrance, be fragrant, stink, glow, be bright
    (14 compounds)

  2073. より
    ジ, シ, みずか.ら, おの.ずから, おの.ずと
    (42 compounds)

  2074. リン, のぞ.む
    look to, face, meet, confront, attend, call on
    (8 compounds)

  2075. ガ, ふせ.る, ふ.せる, ふ.す
    bend down, bow, lie prostrate
    (4 compounds)

  2076. もち
    イ, もっ.て
    by means of, because, in view of, compared with
    (14 compounds)

  2077. のり
    レイ, りょう, れ
    orders, ancient laws, command, decree
    (29 compounds)

  2078. おみ
    シン, ジン, たか, と, とみ, み
    retainer, subject
    (12 compounds)

  2079. ダイ, タイ, か.わる, かわ.る, かわ.り, -がわ.り, か.える, よ, しろ
    substitute, change, convert, replace, period, age, generation, charge, rate, fee
    (61 compounds)

  2080. ジン, はか.る
    (1 compound)

  2081. エン, のど, べに
    (1 compound)

  2082. そま
    セン, セント, のり
    hermit, wizard, cent
    (7 compounds)

  2083. つけ
    フ, つ.ける, -つ.ける, -づ.ける, つ.け, つ.け-, -つ.け, -づ.け, -づけ, つ.く, -づ.く, つ.き, -つ.き, -つき, -づ.き, -づき
    adhere, attach, refer to, append
    (180 compounds)

  2084. ジョウ, チョウ, つえ, つわもの, まわり, よる
    cane, stick
    (2 compounds)

  2085. タ, ほか
    other, another, the others
    (27 compounds)

  2086. シ, ジ, つか.える
    attend, doing, official, serve
    (44 compounds)

  2087. シ, こ, た.える
    (4 compounds)

  2088. ゾウ, はらわた
    entrails, viscera, bowels
    (8 compounds)

  2089. ブツ, フツ, ほとけ
    Buddha, the dead, France
    (35 compounds)

  2090. セイ, サイ, へそ, ほぞ
    (4 compounds)

  2091. ジョウ, ニョウ, よ.って, しきりに, なお, よる
    therefore, consequently
    (1 compound)

  2092. すけ
    カイ, ゆき
    jammed in, shellfish, mediate, concern oneself with
    (14 compounds)

  2093. コン, キン, いま
    (38 compounds)

  2094. キュウ, グ, あだ, あた, かたき, つれあい
    foe, enemy, revenge, grudge, feud
    (4 compounds)

  2095. オク, ヨク, むね, おくする
    timidity, heart, mind, fear, cowardly
    (5 compounds)

  2096. ソク, ほの.か, ほの-, ほの.めかす, ほの.めく, かたむ.く
    be seen dimly, suggest, intimate, faint, stupid, hint
    (5 compounds)

  2097. ヒ, ひじ
    (1 compound)

  2098. デン, トン, しり
    buttocks, hips, butt, rear
    (1 compound)

  2099. きみ
    ジン, ニ, ニン, く, さと, しのぶ, じ, と, のり, ひと, ひとし, ひろ, まさ, まさし, やす, よし
    humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel
    (11 compounds)

  2100. ジュウ, シュウ
    utensil, thing, ten
    (5 compounds)

  2101. ノウ, ドウ, う.む, うみ
    pus, fester, discharge
    (3 compounds)

  2102. ジン, ニン, ひと, -り, -と, と, ね, ひこ, ふみ
    (203 compounds)

  2103. スイ
    (1 compound)

  2104. ゼン, セン, かしわ, すす.める, そな.える, よし
    small low table, tray
    (3 compounds)

  2105. あき
    リョウ, あきらか, すけ, まこと, あきら, よし, きょう, たすく, ふさ
    clear, help
    (1 compound)

  2106. テイ, チン
    pavilion, restaurant, mansion, arbor, cottage, vaudeville, music hall, stage name
    (1 compound)

  2107. たか
    キョウ, ケイ, キン, みやこ
    capital, 10**16
    (13 compounds)

  2108. たか
    キョウ, コウ, う.ける, たかし, とおる, みち
    receive, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch
    (3 compounds)

  2109. ボウ, ふく.らむ, ふく.れる
    swell, get fat, thick
    (7 compounds)

  2110. ガイ, カイ, い
    sign of the hog, 9-11PM, 12th zodiac sign
    (1 compound)

  2111. チツ
    (1 compound)

  2112. かた
    コウ, まじ.わる, まじ.える, ま.じる, まじ.る, ま.ざる, ま.ぜる, -か.う, か.わす, かわ.す, こもごも
    mingle, mixing, association, coming & going
    (41 compounds)

  2113. コウ, たかぶる
    high spirits
    (1 compound)

  2114. コウ, キョウ, にかわ
    glue, isinglass
    (2 compounds)

  2115. ボウ, モウ, な.い, な.き-, ほろ.びる, ほろ.ぶ, ほろ.ぼす
    deceased, the late, dying, perish
    (19 compounds)

  2116. ア, アシア, つ.ぐ
    rank, follow
    (1 compound)

  2117. シツ, ひざ
    knee, lap
    (2 compounds)

  2118. マク
    (8 compounds)

  2119. つぎ
    ア, アシア, つ.ぐ, つぐ
    Asia, rank next, come after, -ous
    (7 compounds)

  2120. サ, シャ, ち.と, ち.っと, いささか
    a little bit, sometimes
    (4 compounds)

  2121. フ, はだ
    skin, body, grain, texture, disposition
    (5 compounds)

  2122. いの
    セイ, ショウ, い, さい, ひ
    (7 compounds)

  2123. ゴ, いつ, いつ.つ, さ, さつ, ち, ふ, み, め
    (20 compounds)

  2124. ゴ, たが.い, かたみ.に
    mutually, reciprocally, together
    (8 compounds)

  2125. ウン, い.う, ここに
    (2 compounds)

  2126. コウ, あぶら
    fat, grease, lard, paste, ointment, plaster
    (1 compound)

  2127. おと
    ニ, ジ, ふた, ふた.つ, ふたた.び, つぐ, にい, は, ふ, ふたつ, ふだ, わ
    (56 compounds)

  2128. ジ, ズ, こと, つか.う, つか.える
    matter, thing, fact, business, reason, possibly
    (91 compounds)

  2129. ソウ, あらそ.う, いか.でか
    contend, dispute, argue
    (14 compounds)

  2130. ヨ, シャ, あらかじ.め
    beforehand, previous, myself, I
    (19 compounds)

  2131. さとる
    complete, finish
    (10 compounds)

  2132. ひさ
    キ, キュウ, キン, かめ, ひさし
    tortoise, turtle
    (4 compounds)

  2133. タイ, もも
    thigh, femur
    (1 compound)

  2134. カン, ケン, かわ.く, かわ.かす, ほ.す, ひ.る, いぬい
    drought, dry, dessicate, drink up, heaven, emperor
    (33 compounds)

  2135. セン
    (1 compound)

  2136. フク, はら
    abdomen, belly, stomach
    (35 compounds)

  2137. チョウ, はらわた
    intestines, guts, bowels, viscera
    (5 compounds)

  2138. ニュウ, ちち, ち
    milk, breasts
    (24 compounds)

  2139. ケン, キン
    (2 compounds)

  2140. ラン, ロン, みだ.れる, みだ.る, みだ.す, みだ, おさ.める, わた.る
    riot, war, disorder, disturb
    (24 compounds)

  2141. うすぐ
    ヨウ, こし
    loins, hips, waist, low wainscoting
    (15 compounds)

  2142. シュ, ショウ, は.れる, は.れ, は.らす, く.む, はれもの
    tumor, swelling
    (8 compounds)

  2143. コツ, キツ, キ, キケ, コチ, こ.う
    beg, invite, ask
    (3 compounds)

  2144. いちじく
    キュウ, ク, ここの, ここの.つ, いちのく, この, ひさし
    (12 compounds)

  2145. オツ, イツ, おと-, きのと
    the latter, duplicate, strange, witty
    (6 compounds)

  2146. のり
    ジョウ, ショウ, の.る, -の.り, の.せる
    ride, power, multiplication, record, no. of vehicles, board, mount, join
    (64 compounds)

  2147. ワン, うで
    arm, ability, talent
    (12 compounds)

  2148. コウ
    body cavity
    (5 compounds)

  2149. ヒ, ふくらはぎ, こむら, こぶら
    calf (of leg)
    (1 compound)

  2150. フ, はらわた
    viscera, bowels
    (1 compound)

  2151. フ, くさ.る, -くさ.る, くさ.れる, くさ.れ, くさ.らす, くさ.す
    rot, decay, sour
    (9 compounds)

  2152. ボウ, とぼ.しい, とも.しい
    destitution, scarce, limited
    (2 compounds)

  2153. ジン
    (1 compound)

  2154. サ, サク, -なが.ら, たちま.ち
    though, notwithstanding, while, during, both, all
    (1 compound)

  2155. エキ, セキ, わき
    armpit, side
    (2 compounds)

  2156. ゆき
    シ, の, これ, おいて, ゆく, この, いたる, あき, つな, ゆみ
    of, this
    (1 compound)

  2157. きゅ
    キュウ, ク, ひさ.しい, わ
    long time, old story
    (13 compounds)

  2158. おさむ
    ナイ, ダイ, ノ, アイ, の, すなわ.ち, なんじ, お, のり
    from, possessive particle, whereupon, accordingly
    (3 compounds)

  2159. spleen
    (1 compound)

  2160. トン, タン, ショウ, セイ, どんぶり
    bowl, bowl of food
    (4 compounds)

  2161. かず
    シュ, ス, シュウ, ぬし, おも, あるじ, ず, もん
    lord, chief, master, main thing, principal
    (81 compounds)

  2162. チョウ, は.れる, ふく.らむ, ふく.れる
    dilate, distend, bulge, fill out, swell
    (2 compounds)

  2163. タン, に, たみ, まこと
    rust-colored, red, read lead, pills
    (9 compounds)

  2164. ガン, まる, まる.める, まる.い, わ, わに
    round, full, month, perfection, -ship, pills, make round, roll up, curl up, seduce, explain away
    (33 compounds)

  2165. ノウ, ドウ, のうずる
    brain, memory
    (9 compounds)

  2166. カン, ケン, セン, くし, つらぬ.く
    shish kebab, spit, skewer
    (2 compounds)

  2167. ダツ, ぬ.ぐ, ぬ.げる
    undress, removing, escape from, get rid of, be left out, take off
    (18 compounds)

  2168. あたる
    チュウ, なか, うち, あた.る, かなえ
    in, inside, middle, mean, center
    (119 compounds)

  2169. なび
    ヘイ, ホウ, な.み, なら.べる, なら.ぶ, なら.びに
    row, and, besides, as well as, line up, rank with, rival, equal
    (31 compounds)

  2170. シン, くちびる
    (2 compounds)

  2171. もろ
    リョウ, てる, ふたつ
    both, old Japanese coin, no. of vehicles, two
    (37 compounds)

  2172. ケイ, すね, はぎ
    leg, shin
    (2 compounds)

  2173. キャク, キャ, カク, あし
    skids, leg, undercarriage
    (14 compounds)

  2174. ヘイ, ひのえ
    third class, 3rd, 3rd calendar sign
    (1 compound)

  2175. たかし
    キュウ, おか
    hill, knoll
    (7 compounds)

  2176. とし
    セイ, セ, ソウ, よ, さんじゅう, ゆ, ゆき
    generation, world, society, public
    (41 compounds)

  2177. あき
    ショ, ソ, ショウ, か.つ, かつ
    moreover, also, furthermore
    (4 compounds)

  2178. ひろ
    チュウ, うし
    sign of the cow, 1-3AM, 2nd zodiac sign, cow
    (1 compound)

  2179. とも
    ヨ, あた.える, あずか.る, くみ.する, ともに, ゆ
    bestow, participate in, give, award, impart, provide, cause, gift, godsend
    (21 compounds)

  2180. フ, ブ
    negative, non-, bad, ugly, clumsy
    (76 compounds)

  2181. さか
    カ, ゲ, した, しも, もと, さ.げる, さ.がる, くだ.る, くだ.り, くだ.す, -くだ.す, くだ.さる, お.ろす, お.りる, しと
    below, down, descend, give, low, inferior
    (178 compounds)

  2182. セキ, せ, せい
    stature, height
    (1 compound)

  2183. あおい
    ジョウ, ショウ, シャン, うえ, -うえ, うわ-, かみ, あ.げる, -あ.げる, あ.がる, -あ.がる, あ.がり, -あ.がり, のぼ.る, のぼ.り, のぼ.せる, のぼ.す, よ.す, あげ, い, か, かき, かず, かん, こう, のぼり, ほつ
    above, up
    (212 compounds)

  2184. サン, ゾウ, み, み.つ, みっ.つ, さ, さい, さえ, さぶ, ざ, ざえ, ざぶ, そう, ぞ, ただ, みつ, みん, も, や
    (63 compounds)

  2185. ミャク, すじ
    vein, pulse, hope
    (9 compounds)

  2186. とも
    ジョウ, たけ, だけ, ますら
    length, 10feet, measure, Mr., Ms., height, stature, all (one has), only, that's all, merely
    (9 compounds)

  2187. キョウ, わき, わけ
    armpit, the other way, another place, flank, supporting role
    (4 compounds)

  2188. かず
    マン, バン, よろず, ま, ゆる
    ten thousand
    (49 compounds)

  2189. ゼイ, セイ, セツ, もろ.い, よわい
    brittle, fragile, easy to beat, sentimental, susceptible
    (1 compound)

  2190. キョウ, おびや.かす, おど.す, おど.かす
    threaten, coerce
    (5 compounds)

  2191. シチ, なな, なな.つ, なの, しっ, な, ひち
    (14 compounds)

  2192. シ, あぶら
    fat, grease, tallow, lard, rosin, gum, tar
    (9 compounds)

  2193. チョウ, テイ, チン, トウ, チ, ひのと
    street, ward, town, counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something, even number, 4th calendar sign
    (16 compounds)

  2194. かず
    イチ, イツ, ひと-, ひと.つ, い, いっ, いる, かつ, かづ, てん, はじめ, ひ, ひとつ, まこと
    (261 compounds)

  2195. たか
    ノウ, よ.く, の, のり, よし
    ability, talent, skill, capacity
    (21 compounds)

  2196. ヘン
    callus, corn
    (1 compound)

  2197. キョウ, むね, むな-
    bosom, breast, chest, heart, feelings
    (11 compounds)

  2198. ドウ
    trunk, torso, hull (ship), hub of wheel
    (5 compounds)

  2199. つぎ
    イン, たね, つぐ, かず
    descendent, issue, offspring
    (2 compounds)

  2200. えびす
    ウ, コ, ゴ, なんぞ, くる
    barbarian, foreign
    (4 compounds)

  2201. ホウ
    placenta, sac, sheath
    (5 compounds)

  2202. チ, あかぎれ
    chap, crack, callus
    (1 compound)

  2203. ハイ, はらみ, はら.む
    (3 compounds)

  2204. タイ
    womb, uterus
    (6 compounds)

  2205. ハイ, せ, せい, そむ.く, そむ.ける
    stature, height, back, behind, disobey, defy, go back on, rebel
    (17 compounds)

  2206. タン, きも, まこと
    gall bladder, courage, pluck, nerve
    (6 compounds)

  2207. stomach, paunch, crop, craw
    (9 compounds)

  2208. ハイ
    (5 compounds)

  2209. コウ, さかな
    accompaniment for drinks
    (4 compounds)

  2210. やす
    イク, そだ.つ, そだ.ち, そだ.てる, はぐく.む
    bring up, grow up, raise, rear
    (19 compounds)

  2211. コウ, かいな, ひじ, まるい
    ability, talent, elbow, arm
    (1 compound)

  2212. コウ, がえんじ.る
    agreement, consent, comply with
    (2 compounds)

  2213. ボウ
    obese, fat
    (1 compound)

  2214. ケン, かた
    (10 compounds)

  2215. ヒ, こ.える, こえ, こ.やす, こ.やし, ふと.る, こい, ひえ
    fertilizer, get fat, fertile, manure, pamper
    (9 compounds)

  2216. limb, arms & legs
    (1 compound)

  2217. コ, また, もも
    thigh, crotch, yarn, strand
    (5 compounds)

  2218. カン, きも
    liver, pluck, nerve, chutzpah
    (6 compounds)

  2219. コウ
    (2 compounds)

  2220. チュウ, ひじ
    elbow, arm
    (1 compound)

  2221. ショウ, あやか.る
    (1 compound)

  2222. キ, はだ
    texture, skin, body, grain
    (11 compounds)

  2223. ロク, あばら
    (1 compound)

  2224. ニク
    (28 compounds)

  2225. シ, つら.ねる, ほしいまま, みせ
    (1 compound)

  2226. ロウ, ろう.する, つんぼ, みみしい
    deafness, deaf person, deafen
    (2 compounds)

  2227. もと
    ショク, ソク
    post, employment, work
    (23 compounds)

  2228. きく
    チョウ, テイ, き.く, ゆる.す
    listen, headstrong, naughty, careful inquiry
    (14 compounds)

  2229. ショウ, そび.える
    rise, tower
    (1 compound)

  2230. レン, つら.なる, つら.ねる
    party, gang, clique
    (1 compound)

  2231. さと
    ソウ, さと.い, みみざと.い, さとし, さとる, あき, あきら, とし, さた, みのる
    wise, fast learner
    (1 compound)

  2232. ブン, モン, き.く, き.こえる
    hear, ask, listen
    (34 compounds)

  2233. シュウ, シュ, あつ.まる
    (1 compound)

  2234. ヘイ, へい.する, と.う, め.す
    (1 compound)

  2235. きよ
    セイ, ショウ, ひじり, さと, さとし, せ, たか, ただ, ひろ, まさ, み
    holy, saint, sage, master, priest
    (9 compounds)

  2236. リョウ, いささか
    (1 compound)

  2237. タン, ふ.ける
    addicted, absorbed in
    (1 compound)

  2238. がみ
    ジ, みみ
    (15 compounds)

  2239. モウ, コウ, カウ
    (5 compounds)

  2240. こお
    コウ, たがや.す
    till, plow, cultivate
    (2 compounds)

  2241. たえ
    タイ, た.える
    -proof, enduring
    (5 compounds)

  2242. ジ, ニ, しこ.うして, しか.して, しか.も, しか.れども, すなわち, なんじ, しかるに
    (1 compound)

  2243. シャ, もの
    someone, person
    (60 compounds)

  2244. ボウ, モウ, おいぼ.れる
    (1 compound)

  2245. たか
    コウ, かんが.える, かんが.え
    consider, think over
    (16 compounds)

  2246. えび
    ロウ, お.いる, ふ.ける, おい, び
    old man, old age, grow old
    (17 compounds)

  2247. 耀 あかる
    ヨウ, かがや.く, ひかり
    shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle
    (1 compound)

  2248. ヨク, つばさ
    wing, plane, flank
    (8 compounds)

  2249. ホン, ハン, ひるがえ.る, ひるがえ.す
    flip, turn over, wave, flutter, change (mind)
    (6 compounds)

  2250. エイ, かげ, かげ.る, かざ.す, きぬがさ, くも.る, くもり
    hold aloft
    (3 compounds)

  2251. カン, はね, ふで, やまどり, ふみ
    letter, writing brush
    (3 compounds)

  2252. ヘン, ひるが.える
    fluttering of flag
    (1 compound)

  2253. kingfisher
    (1 compound)

  2254. あきら
    スイ, かわせみ, みどり
    (1 compound)

  2255. キュウ, あ.う
    (1 compound)

  2256. ショウ, かけ.る, と.ぶ
    soar, fly
    (2 compounds)

  2257. シュウ, ジュ, なら.う, なら.い
    (23 compounds)

  2258. ヨク
    the following, next
    (3 compounds)

  2259. シ, はね, つばさ
    (insect) wings, fly, merely
    (1 compound)

  2260. オウ, おきな, おな
    venerable old man
    (2 compounds)

  2261. しゅう
    ウ, は, わ, はね, ば
    feathers, counter for birds, rabbits
    (11 compounds)

  2262. ルイ, つか.れる, よわ.い
    thin, weak
    (1 compound)

  2263. ただし
    ギ, ちか, のり, よし
    righteousness, justice, morality, honor, loyalty, meaning
    (31 compounds)

  2264. セン, エン, うらや.む, あまり
    envious, be jealous, covet
    (2 compounds)

  2265. ぐり
    グン, む.れる, む.れ, むら, むら.がる, ぐ, こお, こおり, ごうり
    flock, group, crowd, herd, swarm, cluster
    (9 compounds)

  2266. シュウ, はじ.る, すすめ.る
    feel ashamed
    (2 compounds)

  2267. レイ, リョウ, かもしか
    (1 compound)

  2268. はる
    ビ, ミ, うつく.しい, よし, よしみ, り
    beauty, beautiful
    (20 compounds)

  2269. ヨウ, ひつじ
    (6 compounds)

  2270. gauze, thin silk, Rome
    (8 compounds)

  2271. ベキ
    power, exponent
    (1 compound)

  2272. リ, ラ, かか.る
    catch, get
    (2 compounds)

  2273. ヒ, まか.り-, や.める
    quit, stop, leave, withdraw, go
    (2 compounds)

  2274. バ, ののし.る
    abuse, insult
    (4 compounds)

  2275. ショ
    signature, govt office, police station
    (6 compounds)

  2276. バツ, バチ, ハツ, ばっ.する
    penalty, punishment
    (11 compounds)

  2277. おき
    チ, お.く, -お.き, おけ, き
    placement, put, set, deposit, leave behind, keep, employ, pawn
    (25 compounds)

  2278. ザイ, つみ
    guilt, sin, crime, fault, blame, offense
    (13 compounds)

  2279. モウ, ボウ, あみ, しい.る, ない
    (2 compounds)

  2280. カン, かま, べ
    steam boiler (left side only)
    (1 compound)

  2281. オウ, エイ, ヨウ, もたい, ほとぎ, かめ
    (1 compound)

  2282. もたい
    カ, ケ, ひび, すき
    fissure, crack, hole
    (2 compounds)

  2283. ラン, ともづな
    (1 compound)

  2284. テン, まつ.わる, まと.う, まと.める, まと.まる
    wear, wrap, tie, follow around, collect
    (1 compound)

  2285. テン, デン, まつ.わる, まと.う, まと.める, まと.まる, まと.い
    wear, wrap, tie, follow around, collect
    (7 compounds)

  2286. エキ, ヤク, たずね.る, ぬ.く
    pull out
    (1 compound)

  2287. くり
    ソウ, く.る
    winding, reel, spin, turn (pages), look up, refer to
    (12 compounds)

  2288. ケン, まゆ, きぬ
    (5 compounds)

  2289. ジョウ, なわ, ただ.す
    rope, cord
    (1 compound)

  2290. ゼン, つくろ.う
    darning, repair, mend, trim, tidy up, adjust
    (2 compounds)

  2291. こおり
    ショク, シキ, お.る, お.り, おり, -おり, -お.り, こり, のり
    weave, fabric
    (12 compounds)

  2292. シュウ, ぬいとり
    sew, figured cloth
    (1 compound)

  2293. ケイ, つな.ぐ, かか.る, か.ける
    tie, fasten, chain, tether, connect
    (3 compounds)

  2294. セン
    slender, fine, thin kimono
    (2 compounds)

  2295. ホウ, ヒョウ, まく, たば.ねる
    (1 compound)

  2296. ハン, しげ.る, しげ.く
    luxuriant, thick, overgrown, frequency, complexity, trouble
    (6 compounds)

  2297. セキ
    exploits, unreeling cocoons
    (3 compounds)

  2298. シュク, ちぢ.む, ちぢ.まる, ちぢ.める, ちぢ.れる, ちぢ.らす
    shrink, contract, shrivel, wrinkle, reduce
    (11 compounds)

  2299. ぬい
    ホウ, ぬ.う
    sew, stitch, embroider
    (10 compounds)

  2300. ジュウ, たて
    vertical, length, height, self-indulgent, wayward
    (5 compounds)

  2301. コウ, しま, しろぎぬ
    (3 compounds)

  2302. バク, しば.る
    truss, arrest, bind, tie, restrain
    (7 compounds)

  2303. ツイ, すが.る
    cling, hang on, depend
    (3 compounds)

  2304. イ, エイ, くび.る, くび.れる
    (2 compounds)

  2305. ジョウ, なわ, ただ.す
    straw rope, cord
    (6 compounds)

  2306. エン, -ネン, ふち, ふちど.る, ゆかり, よすが, へり, えにし
    affinity, relation, connection, edge, border, verge, brink
    (21 compounds)

  2307. チ, こまか.い
    fine (i.e. not coarse)
    (2 compounds)

  2308. ねり
    レン, ね.る, ね.り
    practice, gloss, train, drill, polish, refine
    (10 compounds)

  2309. イ, よこいと, ぬき
    horizontal, woof, left & right, latitude
    (3 compounds)

  2310. メン, ベン
    fine thread, Burma
    (1 compound)

  2311. ひろ
    カン, ゆる.い, ゆる.やか, ゆる.む, ゆる.める
    slacken, loosen, relax, lessen, be moderate, ease
    (6 compounds)

  2312. ヘン, あ.む, -あ.み
    compilation, knit, plait, braid, twist, editing, completed poem, part of a book
    (16 compounds)

  2313. テイ, し.まる, し.まり, し.める, -し.め, -じ.め
    tighten, tie, shut, lock, fasten
    (22 compounds)

  2314. ドン, タン
    (2 compounds)

  2315. セン, すじ
    line, track
    (40 compounds)

  2316. ショ, チョ, お, いとぐち
    thong, beginning, inception, end, cord, strap
    (8 compounds)

  2317. リョク, ロク, みどり
    (6 compounds)

  2318. うさ
    ソウ, す.べて, すべ.て, ふさ, ずさ
    general, whole, all, full, total
    (16 compounds)

  2319. キン
    tense, solid, hard, reliable, tight
    (6 compounds)

  2320. 綿
    メン, わた
    (9 compounds)

  2321. リョウ
    リン, あや
    design, figured cloth, twill
    (3 compounds)

  2322. シャク, あだ, しな.やか, ゆる.やか
    loose, lenient
    (1 compound)

  2323. タン, ほころ.びる
    be rent, ripped, unravel, run, begin to open, smile
    (1 compound)

  2324. キ, あや
    figured cloth, beautiful
    (2 compounds)

  2325. テイ, テツ, テチ, ゲツ, と.じる, つづ.る, つづり, すみ.やか
    compose, spell, write, bind (books)
    (5 compounds)

  2326. モウ, あみ, ずな
    netting, network
    (7 compounds)

  2327. コウ, つな
    hawser, class (genus), rope, cord, cable
    (13 compounds)

  2328. これ
    イ, たもつ, つぐ, ゆい, ゆき
    fiber, tie, rope
    (1 compound)

  2329. ジュ, ひも
    (1 compound)

  2330. ソウ, おさ.める, す.べる
    (1 compound)

  2331. つぐ
    ゾク, ショク, コウ, キョウ, つづ.く, つづ.ける, つぐ.ない
    continue, series, sequel
    (20 compounds)

  2332. ケイ, つ.ぐ, まま-
    inherit, succeed, patch, graft (tree)
    (15 compounds)

  2333. ケン, きぬ
    (8 compounds)

  2334. ゼツ, た.える, た.やす, た.つ
    discontinue, beyond, sever, cut off, abstain, interrupt, suppress
    (23 compounds)

  2335. カイ, エ
    picture, drawing, painting, sketch
    (17 compounds)

  2336. のり
    トウ, す.べる, ほび.る, むね
    overall, relationship, ruling, governing
    (13 compounds)

  2337. ジュウ
    wool cloth
    (2 compounds)

  2338. きい
    キュウ, たま.う, たも.う, -たま.え
    salary, wage, gift, allow, grant, bestow on
    (14 compounds)

  2339. ラク, から.む, から.まる
    entwine, coil around, get caught in
    (6 compounds)

  2340. コウ, しぼ.る, し.める, し.まる
    strangle, constrict, wring
    (4 compounds)

  2341. ゆい
    ケツ, ケチ, むす.ぶ, ゆ.う, ゆ.わえる, ゆう
    tie, bind, contract, join, organize, do up hair, fasten
    (26 compounds)

  2342. つね
    ケイ, キョウ, へ.る, た.つ, たていと, はか.る, のり, のぶ
    sutra, longitude, pass thru, expire, warp
    (18 compounds)

  2343. ハン, きずな, ほだ.す, つな.ぐ
    bonds, fetters
    (1 compound)

  2344. ソ, く.む, くみ, -ぐみ
    association, braid, plait, construct, assemble, unite, cooperate, grapple
    (29 compounds)

  2345. ゲン, いと
    string, cord, samisen music
    (3 compounds)

  2346. ばて
    シュウ, お.わる, -お.わる, おわ.る, お.える, つい, つい.に
    end, finish
    (20 compounds)

  2347. コン
    dark blue, navy
    (5 compounds)

  2348. つぐ
    introduce, inherit, help
    (1 compound)

  2349. まこと
    sire, good belt, gentleman
    (1 compound)

  2350. サイ, ほそ.い, ほそ.る, こま.か, こま.かい
    dainty, get thin, taper, slender, narrow
    (26 compounds)

  2351. ルイ
    accumulate, involvement, trouble, tie up, continually
    (5 compounds)

  2352. サツ, からげる
    tie up
    (1 compound)

  2353. チュウ, つむぎ, つむ.ぐ
    pongee (a knotted silk cloth)
    (1 compound)

  2354. さい
    シ, むらさき, ゆかり
    purple, violet
    (3 compounds)

  2355. サク
    cord, rope
    (6 compounds)

  2356. ボウ, つむ.ぐ
    (3 compounds)

  2357. ソ, ス, もと
    elementary, principle, naked, uncovered
    (33 compounds)

  2358. フン, まぎ.れる, -まぎ.れ, まぎ.らす, まぎ.らわす, まぎ.らわしい
    distract, be mistaken for, go astray, divert
    (8 compounds)

  2359. しな
    class, rank, grade
    (11 compounds)

  2360. シ, かみ
    (30 compounds)

  2361. あつ
    ジュン, すみ, み, やすし, よし
    genuine, purity, innocence, net (profit)
    (10 compounds)

  2362. チュウ, ジュウ, ひも
    string, cord, braid, lace, tape, strap, ribbon
    (4 compounds)

  2363. ノウ, ナッ, ナ, ナン, トウ, おさ.める, -おさ.める, おさ.まる, ろ
    settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store
    (26 compounds)

  2364. あや
    family crest, figures
    (6 compounds)

  2365. くれ
    コウ, ク, べに, くれない, あか.い, もみ
    crimson, deep red
    (12 compounds)

  2366. ヤク
    promise, approximately, shrink
    (16 compounds)

  2367. おさむ
    キ, ただす, とし, とも, のり, もと
    chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period
    (6 compounds)

  2368. キュウ, ただ.す
    twist, ask, investigate, verify
    (2 compounds)

  2369. ケイ
    lineage, system
    (12 compounds)

  2370. キュウ, ただ.す, あざな.う
    ask, investigate, verify, twist (rope)
    (2 compounds)

  2371. シ, いと
    (15 compounds)

  2372. リョウ, ロウ, かて
    provisions, food, bread
    (1 compound)

  2373. フン, くそ
    shit, feces, excrement
    (3 compounds)

  2374. ビ, ただ.れる
    be inflamed
    (1 compound)

  2375. トウ
    (8 compounds)

  2376. センチメートル, せんち
    centimeter, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  2377. コ, ゴ, コツ, のり
    paste, glue, sizing
    (2 compounds)

  2378. きよ
    セイ, ショウ, シヤウ
    refined, ghost, fairy, energy, vitality, semen, excellence, purity, skill
    (24 compounds)

  2379. リョウ, ロウ, かて
    food, provisions
    (1 compound)

  2380. ショウ
    cosmetics, adorn (ones person)
    (2 compounds)

  2381. ゾク, ショク, ソク, あわ, もみ, さっ, そう
    (3 compounds)

  2382. シュク, スク, つつし.む
    solemn, quietly, softly
    (7 compounds)

  2383. ネン, ねば.る
    sticky, glutinous, greasy, persevere
    (5 compounds)

  2384. ソ, あら.い, あら-
    coarse, rough, rugged
    (13 compounds)

  2385. リュウ, つぶ
    grains, drop, counter for tiny particles
    (7 compounds)

  2386. スイ, いき
    chic, style, purity, essence, pith, cream, elite, choice
    (6 compounds)

  2387. フン, デシメートル, こ, こな
    flour, powder, dust
    (17 compounds)

  2388. キロメートル
    kilometer, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  2389. ベイ, マイ, メエトル, こめ, よね, べ, まべ, め, よ, よな, よの, よま
    rice, USA
    (26 compounds)

  2390. セン, くじ, かずとり
    lottery, raffle
    (3 compounds)

  2391. ごめ
    ロウ, ル, かご, こ.める, こも.る, こ.む, もり
    basket, devote onself, seclude oneself, cage, coop, implied
    (11 compounds)

  2392. ライ, ふえ
    rattling of the wind
    (1 compound)

  2393. セキ
    enroll, domiciliary register, membership
    (10 compounds)

  2394. チュウ, かずとり, はかりごと
    (1 compound)

  2395. 簿
    register, record book
    (3 compounds)

  2396. カン
    simplicity, brevity
    (7 compounds)

  2397. リョウ, やな
    weir, fish trap
    (1 compound)

  2398. ゾク, ソウ, ソク, むら.がる
    group, crowd, swarm
    (1 compound)

  2399. シ, サイ, ふる.う
    sieve, sift, screen
    (2 compounds)

  2400. トク, あつ.い
    fervent, kind, cordial, serious, deliberate
    (4 compounds)

  2401. つい
    チク, きず.く, つき, つく, づき
    fabricate, build, construct
    (8 compounds)

  2402. ヘン
    volume, chapter, book, editing, compilation
    (5 compounds)

  2403. のり
    pattern, example, model
    (4 compounds)

  2404. たかし
    セツ, セチ, ふし, -ぶし, のっと
    node, season, period, occasion, verse, clause, stanza, honor, joint, knuckle, knob, knot, tune, melody
    (29 compounds)

  2405. チョ, チャク, はし
    (2 compounds)

  2406. シン, いまし.める, はり
    warning, counsel, presept, needle
    (1 compound)

  2407. ソウ, はこ
    box, chest, case, bin, railway car
    (16 compounds)

  2408. セン, や
    (1 compound)

  2409. タン, はこ
    bamboo rice basket
    (1 compound)

  2410. すが
    カン, くだ
    pipe, tube, wind instrument, drunken talk
    (17 compounds)

  2411. カン, ケン, す.げる, くびかせ, はさ.む
    insert, fit into, attach (a clog thong)
    (1 compound)

  2412. サン, そろ
    calculate, divining, number, abacus, probability
    (29 compounds)

  2413. ハク, すだれ
    foil, gilt
    (1 compound)

  2414. ソウ, シュウ, ほうき
    (1 compound)

  2415. セン, ふだ
    paper, label, letter, composition
    (1 compound)

  2416. カ, コ
    counters for things
    (5 compounds)

  2417. ヘイ, ハイ, へら, の, くし
    spatula, arrow shaft
    (1 compound)

  2418. エン, むしろ
    straw mat
    (1 compound)

  2419. サク
    scheme, plan, policy, step, means
    (13 compounds)

  2420. どう
    トウ, こた.える, こた.え
    solution, answer
    (13 compounds)

  2421. トウ, つつ
    cylinder, pipe, tube, gun barrel, sleeve
    (5 compounds)

  2422. ジュン, シュン, イン, たけのこ, たかんな
    bamboo shoot
    (1 compound)

  2423. キン, すじ
    muscle, sinew, tendon, fiber, plot, plan, descent
    (16 compounds)

  2424. トウ, ひと.しい, など, -ら, ひ
    etc., and so forth, class (1st), quality, equal, similar
    (21 compounds)

  2425. カツ, はず, やはず
    notch of an arrow, ought, must, should be, expected
    (1 compound)

  2426. くし
    ヒツ, ふで
    writing brush, writing, painting brush, handwriting
    (23 compounds)

  2427. ささ, さき, しの, じね
    bamboo grass
    (1 compound)

  2428. ダイ, テイ
    No., residence
    (4 compounds)

  2429. token, sign, mark, tally, charm
    (8 compounds)

  2430. ス, シ, け, はこ
    lunch box, clothes chest
    (1 compound)

  2431. リュウ, かさ
    bamboo hat, one's influence
    (2 compounds)

  2432. テキ, ふえ
    flute, clarinet, pipe, whistle, bagpipe, piccolo
    (7 compounds)

  2433. えみ
    ショウ, わら.う, え.む
    (25 compounds)

  2434. ソウ, ざる, す
    bamboo basket
    (1 compound)

  2435. 竿 カン, さお
    pole, rod, scale beam, violin neck
    (2 compounds)

  2436. たか
    チク, たけ
    (13 compounds)

  2437. かい
    キョウ, ケイ, きそ.う, せ.る, わたなべ
    emulate, compete with, bid, sell at auction, bout, contest, race
    (7 compounds)

  2438. ただし
    タン, はし, は, はた, -ばた, はな, みず
    edge, origin, end, point, border, verge, cape
    (34 compounds)

  2439. ショウ, すく.む, おそ.れる, つつし.む
    crouch, cower
    (1 compound)

  2440. ドウ, わらべ
    juvenile, child
    (10 compounds)

  2441. ドウ, シュン, わらわ, わらべ, おわ.る
    end, finish
    (1 compound)

  2442. あき
    ショウ, あきら, あや, ふみ
    badge, chapter, composition, poem, design
    (16 compounds)

  2443. りう
    リュウ, リョウ, ロウ, たつ, いせ
    dragon, imperial
    (8 compounds)

  2444. たち
    リツ, リュウ, リットル, た.つ, -た.つ, た.ち-, た.てる, -た.てる, た.て-, たて-, -た.て, -だ.て, -だ.てる, たっ, たつ, だて, つい
    stand up
    (123 compounds)

  2445. ザン, サン, かく.れる, のが.れる
    (1 compound)

  2446. キ, うかが.う, のぞく
    lie in wait, spy on, reconnoiter
    (1 compound)

  2447. ロウ, ク, ル, や.つる, や.つれる
    (1 compound)

  2448. ヨウ, かま
    kiln, oven, furnace
    (2 compounds)

  2449. キュウ, キョウ, きわ.める, きわ.まる, きわ.まり, きわ.み
    hard up, destitute, suffer, perplexed, cornered
    (6 compounds)

  2450. ワ, ア, くぼ.む, くぼ.み, くぼ.まる, くぼ
    depression, cave in, sink, become hollow
    (2 compounds)

  2451. クツ, コツ, いわや, いはや, あな
    (3 compounds)

  2452. ソウ, ス, まど, てんまど, けむだし
    window, pane
    (9 compounds)

  2453. チツ
    plug up, obstruct
    (2 compounds)

  2454. サク, すぼ.める, つぼ.める, せま.い
    narrow, fold, furl, shrug, pucker, shut, close
    (1 compound)

  2455. セツ, ぬす.む, ひそ.かに
    stealth, steal, secret, private, hushed
    (4 compounds)

  2456. トツ, カ, つ.く
    stab, protruding, thrusting, thrust, pierce, prick
    (40 compounds)

  2457. 穿 セン, うが.つ, は.く
    put on (to the feet), dig, pierce, drill
    (4 compounds)

  2458. セイ, おとしあな
    sunken trap
    (1 compound)

  2459. うつ
    クウ, そら, あ.く, あ.き, あ.ける, から, す.く, す.かす, むな.しい, き, く
    empty, sky, void, vacant, vacuum
    (52 compounds)

  2460. きゅ
    キュウ, ク, きわ.める
    research, study
    (6 compounds)

  2461. けな
    ケツ, あな, しし, な
    hole, aperture, slit, cave, den
    (15 compounds)

  2462. カク
    harvest, reap
    (1 compound)

  2463. アイ, エ, ワイ, けが.す, けが.れ, けが.れる
    (1 compound)

  2464. オン, おだ.やか
    calm, quiet, moderation
    (4 compounds)

  2465. エイ, ほさき, のぎ
    heads of grain, cleverness
    (2 compounds)

  2466. セキ, つ.む, -づ.み, つ.もる, つ.もり, さか, しゃこ, ずみ, つみ
    volume, product (x*y), acreage, contents, pile up, stack, load, amass
    (20 compounds)

  2467. スイ, ほ, こう, のり, ほい
    ear, ear (grain), head, crest (wave)
    (5 compounds)

  2468. たけ
    cereals, grain
    (4 compounds)

  2469. 稿 コウ, わら, したがき
    draft, copy, manuscript, straw
    (8 compounds)

  2470. ケイ, かんが.える, とど.める
    think, consider, quarrel
    (2 compounds)

  2471. カ, かせ.ぐ
    earnings, work, earn money
    (6 compounds)

  2472. いの
    トウ, テ, いね, いな-, しね, せ, な
    rice plant
    (10 compounds)

  2473. おい
    シュ, たね, -ぐさ, くさ, た, ほ
    species, kind, class, variety, seed
    (22 compounds)

  2474. リン, ヒン, こめぐら
    salary in rice
    (2 compounds)

  2475. まさ
    チ, ジ, いとけない, おさない, おくて, おでる, わか, わく, わっか
    immature, young
    (4 compounds)

  2476. さい
    tax, duty
    (20 compounds)

  2477. ソウ, ショウ, やや, ようやく
    (1 compound)

  2478. ほと
    テイ, ほど, -ほど
    extent, degree, law, formula, distance, limits, amount
    (22 compounds)

  2479. カン, わら
    straw, hollow stem
    (1 compound)

  2480. キ, ケ, まれ, まばら
    rare, phenomenal, dilute (acid)
    (3 compounds)

  2481. イ, うつ.る, うつ.す
    shift, move, change, drift, catch (cold, fire), pass into
    (18 compounds)

  2482. ショウ, たた.える, とな.える, あ.げる, かな.う, はか.り, はか.る, ほめ.る
    appellation, praise, admire, name, title, fame
    (19 compounds)

  2483. ショウ, ヒン, ビン, はかり
    balances, scales, steelyard
    (1 compound)

  2484. tariff, crop tax, borrowing
    (4 compounds)

  2485. ヒ, ひ.める, かく.す
    secret, conceal
    (14 compounds)

  2486. ビョウ
    second (1/60 minute)
    (5 compounds)

  2487. しな

    department, course, section
    (13 compounds)

  2488. あい
    シュウ, あき, とき
    (11 compounds)

  2489. シ, わたくし, わたし
    private, I, me
    (14 compounds)

  2490. しゅ
    シュウ, ひい.でる, しょう, ひで, ひでし, ほ
    excel, excellence, beauty, surpass
    (4 compounds)

  2491. 禿 トク, ちび.る, かむろ, は.げる, はげ
    become bald, bare, wear out, waste away, little girl employed at a brothel
    (3 compounds)

  2492. キン, とり, とりこ
    bird, captive, capture
    (2 compounds)

  2493. ギョ, ゴ, ふせ.ぐ
    defend, protect, resist, ward off
    (1 compound)

  2494. とし
    フク, とみ, ふ, ふき, ふっ, ぼく, よし
    blessing, fortune, luck, wealth
    (7 compounds)

  2495. カ, わざわい
    calamity, misfortune, evil, curse
    (5 compounds)

  2496. ゼン, セン, しずか, ゆず.る
    Zen, silent meditation
    (3 compounds)

  2497. とし
    ロク, さいわ.い, ふち, よし
    fief, allowance, pension, grant, happiness
    (2 compounds)

  2498. キン
    prohibition, ban, forbid
    (15 compounds)

  2499. リン, ヒン, こめぐら
    salary in rice
    (2 compounds)

  2500. トウ, いの.る, いの.り, まつ.る
    (2 compounds)

  2501. サイ, まつ.る, まつ.り, まつり
    ritual, offer prayers, celebrate, deify, enshrine, worship
    (17 compounds)

  2502. ヒョウ
    ballot, label, ticket, sign
    (7 compounds)

  2503. あき
    ショウ, さか, さち, ひろ, まさ, やす, ゆき, よし
    auspicious, happiness, good omen
    (2 compounds)

  2504. シ, ほこら, まつる
    small shrine
    (3 compounds)

  2505. スイ, たた.る, たた.り
    curse, haunt
    (1 compound)

  2506. シン, ジン, かみ, かん-, こう-, かぐ, かな, かも, くま, こ, こは, だま, み
    gods, mind, soul
    (33 compounds)

  2507. のり
    シュク, シュウ, いわ.う, ほぎ, ゆわい
    celebrate, congratulate
    (13 compounds)

  2508. ソ, くら.い, さいわ.い
    imperial throne, happiness
    (1 compound)

  2509. ancestor, pioneer, founder
    (11 compounds)

  2510. フツ, ハイ, はら.う
    (1 compound)

  2511. のり
    キ, いの.る, れい
    pray, wish
    (5 compounds)

  2512. シ, まつ.る, まつり
    enshrine, worship
    (1 compound)

  2513. こそ
    シャ, やしろ
    company, firm, office, association, shrine
    (23 compounds)

  2514. あや
    レイ, ライ, なり, のり, ひろし, れ
    salute, bow, ceremony, thanks, remuneration
    (22 compounds)

  2515. ジ, シ, しめ.す
    show, indicate, point out, express, display
    (18 compounds)

  2516. レキ, つぶて, こいし
    small stones
    (4 compounds)

  2517. もと
    ソ, いしずえ
    cornerstone, foundation stone
    (1 compound)

  2518. ショウ
    reef, sunken rock
    (2 compounds)

  2519. キ, いそ, そ
    seashore, beach
    (1 compound)

  2520. おさむ
    マ, みが.く, す.る
    grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)
    (15 compounds)

  2521. タク, チャク, さ.く, はりつけ, ひらく
    (1 compound)

  2522. いわお
    バン, ハン, いわ, わ
    rock, crag, cliff, wall (in a mine)
    (1 compound)

  2523. magnet, porcelain
    (10 compounds)

  2524. カク, コウ, たし.か, たし.かめる
    assurance, firm, tight, hard, solid, confirm, clear, evident
    (16 compounds)

  2525. セキ, おお.きい
    large, great, eminent
    (1 compound)

  2526. みどり
    ヘキ, ヒャク, あお, たま
    blue, green
    (5 compounds)

  2527. ワン, こばち
    porcelain bowl, tea cup
    (2 compounds)

  2528. ヒ, いしぶみ
    tombstone, monument
    (3 compounds)

  2529. ガイ, ゲ, さまた.げる
    (2 compounds)

  2530. ロク, ろく.な
    (1 compound)

  2531. Go
    (2 compounds)

  2532. ホウ
    sound of stones struck together, boron
    (1 compound)

  2533. コウ, かた.い
    stiff, hard
    (10 compounds)

  2534. リュウ
    (3 compounds)

  2535. ショウ
    nitrate, saltpeter
    (2 compounds)

  2536. カク, キャク, ケイ, やぶ.る
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  2537. ハ, やぶ.る, やぶ.れる
    rend, rip, tear, break, destroy, defeat, frustrate
    (23 compounds)

  2538. づつ
    cannon, gun
    (13 compounds)

  2539. サイ, とりで
    fort, stronghold, entrenchments
    (1 compound)

  2540. シ, テイ, キイ, チ, と, といし, と.ぐ, みが.く, たいら.にする
    whetstone, grindstone
    (2 compounds)

  2541. サイ, くだ.く, くだ.ける
    smash, break, crush, familiar, popular
    (7 compounds)

  2542. のり
    ケン, と.ぐ
    polish, study of, sharpen
    (3 compounds)

  2543. いさ
    サ, シャ, すな, ご
    (12 compounds)

  2544. いさ
    セキ, シャク, コク, いし, いす, いわ, し, せっく, と
    (48 compounds)

  2545. キョウ, た.める
    rectify, straighten, correct, reform, cure, control, pretend, falsify
    (3 compounds)

  2546. ワイ, アイ, ひく.い
    low, short
    (2 compounds)

  2547. タン, みじか.い
    short, brevity, fault, defect, weak point
    (19 compounds)

  2548. のり
    ク, かね, かねざし, さしがね, つね, ただし
    ruler, carpenter's square
    (1 compound)

  2549. さと
    チ, し.る, し.らせる, さとる, しり, しれ, とも, のり
    know, wisdom
    (46 compounds)

  2550. シ, や
    dart, arrow
    (7 compounds)

  2551. ム, ボウ, ほこ
    halberd, arms, festival float
    (1 compound)

  2552. カク
    surprise & confusion
    (1 compound)

  2553. コ, めし.い
    blind person
    (1 compound)

  2554. ケン, まぶた
    (1 compound)

  2555. あきら
    ドウ, トウ, ひとみ
    (1 compound)

  2556. カン, み.る
    look, see
    (1 compound)

  2557. シュン, またた.く
    wink, blink, twinkle
    (5 compounds)

  2558. ベツ, ヘツ
    glance at
    (1 compound)

  2559. マン, モン, バン, ボン, だま.す
    (1 compound)

  2560. メイ, ベン, ミョウ, ミン, メン, めい.する, つぶ.る, つむ.る, くら.い
    sleep, dark, close eyes
    (1 compound)

  2561. コウ
    (1 compound)

  2562. ショウ, まつげ
    (1 compound)

  2563. ゲイ, にら.む, にら.み
    glaring at, authority, power, scowl at
    (2 compounds)

  2564. むつ
    ボク, モク, むつ.まじい, むつ.む, むつ.ぶ, ちか, よし, あつ, む, むね
    intimate, friendly, harmonious
    (4 compounds)

  2565. ただ
    トク, ただし
    coach, command, urge, lead, supervise
    (4 compounds)

  2566. スイ
    drowsy, sleep, die
    (3 compounds)

  2567. セイ, ショウ, ひとみ
    pupil of the eye
    (1 compound)

  2568. チャク, ジャク, き.る, -ぎ, き.せる, -き.せ, つ.く, つ.ける
    don, arrive, wear, counter for suits of clothing
    (65 compounds)

  2569. ガン, ゲン, まなこ, め
    (23 compounds)

  2570. チョウ, なが.める
    stare, watch, look at, see, scrutinize
    (1 compound)

  2571. ケン, かえり.みる
    look around, regard affectionately
    (1 compound)

  2572. ゲン, カン, げん.す, くるめ.く, まぶ.しい, くら.む, まど.う, めま.い
    faint, dizzy
    (2 compounds)

  2573. ミン, ねむ.る, ねむ.い
    sleep, die, sleepy
    (10 compounds)

  2574. さな
    シン, ま, ま-, まこと, さね, ただ, ただし, なお, のり, まあ, まこ, まさ, まっ, まど, まな, まゆ, みち, も
    true, reality, Buddhist sect
    (57 compounds)

  2575. あがた
    ケン, か.ける, がた
    (10 compounds)

  2576. カン, み.る
    watch over, see
    (8 compounds)

  2577. ビ, ミ, まゆ
    (8 compounds)

  2578. ビョウ, ミョウ, びょう.たる, すがめ
    minuteness, squint
    (1 compound)

  2579. さとし
    セイ, ショウ, かえり.みる, はぶ.く, み
    focus, government ministry, conserve
    (8 compounds)

  2580. ジュン, たて
    shield, escutcheon, pretext
    (3 compounds)

  2581. ソウ, ショウ, あい-, い, おう, さ, さが, すけ
    inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy
    (38 compounds)

  2582. すぐ
    チョク, ジキ, ジカ, ただ.ちに, なお.す, -なお.す, なお.る, なお.き, す.ぐ, なお, のう, のお
    straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair
    (87 compounds)

  2583. モウ, めくら
    blind, blind man, ignoramus
    (14 compounds)

  2584. さかん
    モク, ボク, め, -め, ま-, さがん, さっか, さつか
    eye, class, look, insight, experience, care, favor
    (102 compounds)

  2585. トウ, とろ.かす, あら.う, うご.く
    melt, be charmed, captivated
    (1 compound)

  2586. バン, わ
    tray, shallow bowl, platter, tub, board, phonograph record
    (14 compounds)

  2587. けん
    oversee, official, govt office, rule, administer
    (8 compounds)

  2588. メイ
    alliance, oath
    (1 compound)

  2589. もり
    セイ, ジョウ, も.る, さか.る, さか.ん
    boom, prosper, copulate
    (26 compounds)

  2590. トウ, ぬす.む, ぬす.み
    steal, rob, pilfer
    (11 compounds)

  2591. まし
    エキ, ヤク, ま.す, ます
    benefit, gain, profit, advantage
    (13 compounds)

  2592. みつ
    エイ, み.たす, み.ちる
    fullness, enough, pride, satisfy
    (1 compound)

  2593. ボン
    basin, lantern festival, tray
    (5 compounds)

  2594. ハイ, さかずき
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  2595. ベイ, さら
    dish, a helping, plate
    (5 compounds)

  2596. シュウ, スウ, しわ, しぼ
    wrinkles, creases, folds
    (1 compound)

  2597. ヒ, かわ
    pelt, skin, hide, leather
    (17 compounds)

  2598. おうじ
    コウ, オウ, おお, み
    (12 compounds)

  2599. むな
    カイ, みな, みんな
    all, everything
    (5 compounds)

  2600. いくは
    テキ, まと, ゆくは
    bull's eye, mark, target, object, adjective ending
    (20 compounds)

  2601. ヒャク, ビャク, もも, ど, どう, なり, ひゃっ, ひゅく, も, もんど, ゆ
    (19 compounds)

  2602. あき
    ハク, ビャク, しろ, しら-, しろ.い, か, はっ
    (46 compounds)

  2603. たか
    トウ, ト, ドウ, ショウ, チョウ, のぼ.る, あ.がる, のぼし, のぼり, のり
    ascend, climb up
    (11 compounds)

  2604. ハツ, ホツ, た.つ, あば.く, おこ.る, つか.わす, はな.つ, わ
    discharge, departure, publish, emit, start from, disclose
    (63 compounds)

  2605. キ, みずのと
    10th calendar sign
    (1 compound)

  2606. セン, たむし
    (2 compounds)

  2607. しゃく
    spasms, (kokuji)
    (2 compounds)

  2608. ライ
    (1 compound)

  2609. レイ, ライ, えやみ
    contagious disease, leprosy
    (1 compound)

  2610. ヘキ, くせ, くせ.に
    mannerism, habit, vice, trait, fault, kink
    (9 compounds)

  2611. ユ, い.える, いや.す
    healing, cure, quench (thirst), wreak
    (4 compounds)

  2612. ガン
    cancer, cancerous evil
    (5 compounds)

  2613. カン, ひきつけ
    bitter, hot temper, irritable, nervous
    (1 compound)

  2614. リョウ
    heal, cure
    (4 compounds)

  2615. リュウ, ル, こぶ
    lump, swelling
    (2 compounds)

  2616. ソウ, ショウ, かさ
    wound, boil, syphilis
    (2 compounds)

  2617. ヨウ, かさ
    boil, carbuncle
    (2 compounds)

  2618. ア, やまい
    chronic illness, also N3048
    (1 compound)

  2619. chronic illness
    (1 compound)

  2620. ヒ, しび.れる
    palsy, become numb, paralysed
    (3 compounds)

  2621. チ, し.れる, おろか
    stupid, foolish
    (4 compounds)

  2622. リン
    (1 compound)

  2623. タン
    sputum, phlegm
    (1 compound)

  2624. ソウ, チュウ, シュウ, シュ, やせ.る
    get thin
    (5 compounds)

  2625. diarrhea
    (1 compound)

  2626. ツウ, いた.い, いた.む, いた.ましい, いた.める
    pain, hurt, damage, bruise
    (20 compounds)

  2627. ケイ, つ.る, ひきつ.る
    have a cramp
    (1 compound)

  2628. トウ
    pox, smallpox
    (3 compounds)

  2629. コン, あと
    mark, foot print
    (5 compounds)

  2630. ヂ, ジ, しもがさ
    piles, hemorrhoids
    (2 compounds)

  2631. ヨウ, かゆ.がる, かさ, かゆ.い
    (2 compounds)

  2632. イ, きず
    (1 compound)

  2633. ショウ
    symptoms, illness
    (8 compounds)

  2634. ビョウ, ヘイ, や.む, -や.み, やまい
    ill, sick
    (31 compounds)

  2635. シツ
    (5 compounds)

  2636. ソ, ショ, かさ
    (1 compound)

  2637. トウ, うず.く, いた.む
    ache, pain, tingle, fester
    (1 compound)

  2638. シン, チン, はしか
    measles, sickness
    (7 compounds)

  2639. シ, きず
    crack, flaw, scratch, speck
    (4 compounds)

  2640. ヒ, つか.れる, -づか.れ, つか.らす
    exhausted, tire, weary
    (6 compounds)

  2641. ホウ, もがさ
    smallpox, blister
    (1 compound)

  2642. エキ, ヤク
    (3 compounds)

  2643. カイ, はたけ
    scabby eruption
    (1 compound)

  2644. ギ, うたが.う
    doubt, distrust, be suspicious, question
    (14 compounds)

  2645. ソ, ショ, あら.い, うと.い, うと.む, とお.る, とお.す, まばら
    estrangement, sparseness, neglect
    (1 compound)

  2646. ソ, ショ, うと.い, うと.む, まば.ら
    alienate, rough, neglect, shun, sparse
    (8 compounds)

  2647. ヒキ, ショ, ソ, ヒツ, あし
    head, no. of animals
    (1 compound)

  2648. キ, みやこ
    capital, suburbs of capital
    (1 compound)

  2649. difference, strange, cripple
    (1 compound)

  2650. ジョウ, チョウ, たた.む, たたみ, かさ.なる
    tatami mat, counter for tatami mats, fold, shut up, do away with
    (10 compounds)

  2651. イ, こと, こと.なる
    uncommon, queerness, strangeness, wonderful, curious, unusual
    (30 compounds)

  2652. バン, つが.い, ま
    turn, number in a series
    (29 compounds)

  2653. リャク, ほぼ, おか.す, おさ.める, はかりごと, はか.る, はぶ.く, りゃく.す, りゃく.する
    abbreviation, omission, outline, shorten, capture, plunder
    (20 compounds)

  2654. ボウ, ホ, モ, ム, せ, うね
    furrow, 30 tsubo, ridge, rib
    (4 compounds)

  2655. チク
    livestock, domestic fowl and animals
    (5 compounds)

  2656. とめ
    リュウ, ル, と.める, と.まる, とど.める, とど.まる, るうぶる
    detain, fasten, halt, stop
    (21 compounds)

  2657. ぐろ
    ハン, あぜ
    paddy-ridge, levee
    (1 compound)

  2658. かま
    はた, はたけ, -ばたけ, まま
    farm, field, garden, one's specialty, (kokuji)
    (5 compounds)

  2659. イ, おそ.れる, かしこ.まる, かしこ, かしこ.し
    fear, majestic, graciously, be apprehensive
    (4 compounds)

  2660. カイ
    (16 compounds)

  2661. ガ, カク, エ, カイ, えが.く, かく.する, かぎ.る, はかりごと, はか.る
    brush-stroke, picture
    (48 compounds)

  2662. チョウ, まち
    village, town, block, street
    (11 compounds)

  2663. ダン, ナン, おとこ, お
    (18 compounds)

  2664. シン, もう.す, もう.し-, さる
    speaketh, have the honor to
    (23 compounds)

  2665. かぶと
    コウ, カン, カ, きのえ, き, まさ, まさる
    armor, high (voice), A grade, 1st class, former, instep, carapace
    (19 compounds)

  2666. ユ, ユウ, ユイ, よし, よ.る
    wherefore, a reason
    (9 compounds)

  2667. いなか
    デン, た, おか, たん, で, とう, や
    rice field, rice paddy
    (10 compounds)

  2668. たから
    ヨウ, もち.いる
    utilize, business, service, use, employ
    (64 compounds)

  2669. ソ, コウ, よみがえ.る
    be resuscitated, revived
    (1 compound)

  2670. セイ, ソウ, ショウ, おい, むこ
    (1 compound)

  2671. もと
    サン, う.む, う.まれる, うぶ-, む.す
    products, bear, give birth, yield, childbirth, native, property
    (26 compounds)

  2672. あさ
    セイ, ショウ, い.きる, い.かす, い.ける, う.まれる, う.まれ, うまれ, う.む, お.う, は.える, は.やす, き, なま, なま-, な.る, な.す, む.す, -う, いき, いく, いけ, うぶ, うまい, え, おい, ぎゅう, くるみ, ごせ, さ, じょう, すぎ, そ, そう, ちる, なば, にう, にゅう, ふ, み, もう, よい, りゅう
    life, genuine, birth
    (99 compounds)

  2673. ジン, はなは.だ, はなは.だしい
    tremendously, very, great, exceedingly
    (5 compounds)

  2674. かも
    カン, あま.い, あま.える, あま.やかす, うま.い
    sweet, coax, pamper, be content, sugary
    (10 compounds)

  2675. もたい
    オウ, かめ, みか
    jar, jug, vat
    (1 compound)

  2676. へい
    ビン, かめ, べ, ぺ
    flower pot, bottle, vial, jar, jug, vat, urn
    (6 compounds)

  2677. ガ, かわら, ぐらむ
    tile, gram
    (4 compounds)

  2678. ヒョウ, ひさご, ふくべ
    (1 compound)

  2679. カ, ケ, うり
    (5 compounds)

  2680. emperor's seal
    (3 compounds)

  2681. たま
    カン, わ, たまき
    ring, circle, link, wheel
    (4 compounds)

  2682. ヘキ, たま
    sphere, ball
    (1 compound)

  2683. あき

    glassy, lapis lazuli
    (1 compound)

  2684. メ, バ
    agate, onyx
    (1 compound)

  2685. サ, ちいさ.い, くさり
    small, chain
    (1 compound)

  2686. たま
    ズイ, スイ, みず-, しるし, ず, みつ
    (2 compounds)

  2687. ノウ
    agate, onyx
    (1 compound)

  2688. カ, あら, きず, なんぞ
    flaw, blemish
    (3 compounds)

  2689. キン, こと
    harp, koto
    (3 compounds)

  2690. ハイ, つらぬく
    string of many pearls
    (1 compound)

  2691. あや
    タク, みが.く, たか
    (1 compound)

  2692. あや
    リ, ことわり, おさむ, さと, さとる, ただ, ただし, とおる, に, のり, ひ, まこと, まさ, まさし, まろ, みち, よし
    logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth
    (29 compounds)

  2693. キュウ, たま
    ball, sphere
    (27 compounds)

  2694. あきら
    ゲン, あらわ.れる, あらわ.す, きら
    present, existing, actual
    (14 compounds)

  2695. ハン
    squad, corps, unit, group
    (3 compounds)

  2696. ケイ, たま
    jade scepter or tablet (authority symbol)
    (1 compound)

  2697. シュ, たま, とも, ま, み
    pearl, gem, jewel
    (4 compounds)

  2698. じん
    チン, めずら.しい, たから
    rare, curious, strange
    (7 compounds)

  2699. カ, かみかざり
    ornamental hairpin
    (1 compound)

  2700. glass
    (1 compound)

  2701. ガン, もちあそ.ぶ, もてあそ.ぶ
    play, take pleasure in, trifle with, make sport of
    (3 compounds)

  2702. おお
    オウ, -ノウ, おおきみ, わ
    king, rule, magnate
    (23 compounds)

  2703. おう
    ギョク, たま, たま-, -だま, だん
    jewel, ball
    (24 compounds)

  2704. ソツ, リツ, シュツ, ひき.いる
    ratio, rate, proportion, %, coefficient, factor
    (11 compounds)

  2705. くろ
    ゲン, けん, はる, はるか
    mysterious, occultness
    (4 compounds)

  2706. ダツ, タツ, うそ, かわ, かわうそ
    (1 compound)

  2707. カク, え.る
    seize, get, find, earn, acquire, can, may, able to
    (2 compounds)

  2708. ドウ, ネイ, わる.い
    (1 compound)

  2709. ジュウ, けもの, けだもの
    animal, beast
    (7 compounds)

  2710. ゴク
    prison, jail
    (5 compounds)

  2711. エン, さる, さわ, ざる, まし
    (9 compounds)

  2712. カツ, わるがしこ.い
    (1 compound)

  2713. ユウ, ユ, なお
    furthermore, still, yet
    (2 compounds)

  2714. ケン, コン, たてまつ.る
    offering, no. of drinks, present, offer
    (5 compounds)

  2715. ビョウ, ねこ
    (7 compounds)

  2716. いの
    チョ, い, いのしし
    (2 compounds)

  2717. ショウ, セイ, ソウ, しょうじょう
    (2 compounds)

  2718. ワイ, みだ.ら, みだり.に
    (4 compounds)

  2719. リョウ, レフ, かり, か.る
    game-hunting, shooting, game, bag
    (4 compounds)

  2720. たけ
    モウ, たけし, たける
    fierce, rave, rush, become furious, wildness, strength
    (10 compounds)

  2721. ケン, バイ, ハイ
    wolf, be flurried
    (1 compound)

  2722. ロウ, おおかみ
    (4 compounds)

  2723. リ, ライ, たぬき
    tanuki, raccoon
    (1 compound)

  2724. はざ
    キョウ, コウ, せま.い, せば.める, せば.まる, さ
    cramped, narrow, contract, tight
    (4 compounds)

  2725. どいつ
    ドク, トク, ひと.り, どっ
    single, alone, spontaneously, Germany
    (25 compounds)

  2726. かり
    シュ, か.る, か.り, -が.り
    hunt, raid, gather
    (4 compounds)

  2727. コウ, キョウ, ずる.い, こす.い, わるがしこ.い
    cunning, sly, crafty, niggardly
    (3 compounds)

  2728. ソ, ショ, ねら.う, ねら.い
    aim at, sight, shadow, stalk
    (4 compounds)

  2729. ク, コウ, いぬ
    puppy, dog
    (2 compounds)

  2730. コ, きつね
    (4 compounds)

  2731. テキ, えびす
    (1 compound)

  2732. キョウ, くる.う, くる.おしい, くるお.しい
    lunatic, insane, crazy, confuse
    (17 compounds)

  2733. ジョウ
    status quo, conditions, circumstances, form, appearance
    (35 compounds)

  2734. ハン, ボン, おか.す
    crime, sin, offense
    (13 compounds)

  2735. ケン, いぬ, いぬ-
    (14 compounds)

  2736. ギ, キ, いけにえ
    (2 compounds)

  2737. ホン, ひし.めく, ひしひし, は.しる
    clamour, crowded
    (2 compounds)

  2738. サイ, セイ
    (1 compound)

  2739. ケン, ひ.く
    pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to
    (4 compounds)

  2740. トク
    (22 compounds)

  2741. セイ
    animal sacrifice, offering
    (1 compound)

  2742. ブツ, モツ, もの, もの-
    thing, object, matter
    (124 compounds)

  2743. ボク, まき, まい, もく
    breed, care for, shepherd, feed, pasture
    (6 compounds)

  2744. ロウ, かた.い, ひとや
    prison, jail, hardness
    (2 compounds)

  2745. ボ, ボウ, おす, お-, おん-
    (6 compounds)

  2746. ヒン, めす, め-, めん
    (2 compounds)

  2747. うじ
    ギュウ, うし, ぎっ-, ご
    (13 compounds)

  2748. ガ, ゲ, きば, は
    tusk, fang
    (2 compounds)

  2749. チョウ, ジョウ, ふだ
    label, genealogy, circular
    (1 compound)

  2750. ハン
    printing block, printing plate, edition, impression, label
    (14 compounds)

  2751. ヘン, かた-, かた
    one-sided, leaf, sheet
    (17 compounds)

  2752. ショウ, ソウ, ゆか
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  2753. ちか
    ジ, ニ, なんじ, しかり, その, のみ, しか, み
    you, thou, second person
    (1 compound)

  2754. ソウ, あき.らか, さわ.やか, たがう
    refreshing, bracing, resonant, sweet, clear
    (3 compounds)

  2755. ヤ, じい, じじい, おやじ, じじ, ちち
    old man, grampa
    (3 compounds)

  2756. フ, ちち
    (19 compounds)

  2757. シャク
    baron, peerage, court rank
    (6 compounds)

  2758. ハ, か.く
    (1 compound)

  2759. ソウ, つめ, つま-
    claw, nail, talon
    (6 compounds)

  2760. ラン, ただ.れる
    be sore, inflamed, bleary, fester
    (5 compounds)

  2761. バク, は.ぜる
    bomb, burst open, pop, split
    (8 compounds)

  2762. クン, くす.べる, ふす.べる, いぶ.す, いぶ.る, くす.ぶる, くゆ.らす
    smoulder, fume, oxidize
    (3 compounds)

  2763. セン, のび
    prairie fire
    (1 compound)

  2764. タツ
    foot warmer, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  2765. ソク, ショク, ともしび
    light, candlepower
    (1 compound)

  2766. サン, さん.たる, あき.らか, きらめ.く, きら.めく
    (3 compounds)

  2767. ソウ
    parch, dry up
    (3 compounds)

  2768. ウ, イク, オウ, おき, あたたか.い
    (1 compound)

  2769. エン, つばめ, つばくら, つばくろ
    swallow (bird)
    (2 compounds)

  2770. リン
    (1 compound)

  2771. トウ, ひ, ほ-, ともしび, とも.す, あかり
    nonstandard for J825
    (1 compound)

  2772. ネン, も.える, も.やす, も.す
    burn, blaze, glow
    (6 compounds)

  2773. シ, おこ.る, おこ.す, さかん
    kindling fire
    (1 compound)

  2774. あた
    ネツ, あつ.い
    heat, temperature, fever, mania, passion
    (25 compounds)

  2775. ジュク, う.れる
    mellow, ripen, mature, acquire skill
    (12 compounds)

  2776. ヨウ, と.ける, と.かす, いがた
    fuse, melt
    (1 compound)

  2777. ユウ, くま
    (4 compounds)

  2778. セン, あお.る, おだ.てる, おこ.る
    fan, flap, instigate, agitate, bolster up, gulp down
    (5 compounds)

  2779. シャ, に.る, -に, に.える, に.やす
    boil, cook
    (14 compounds)

  2780. ハン, ボン, わずら.う, わずら.わす
    anxiety, trouble, worry, pain, ill, annoy, nuisance, irksome
    (6 compounds)

  2781. あき
    ショウ, て.る, て.らす, て.れる, てる
    illuminate, shine, compare, bashful
    (12 compounds)

  2782. バイ, マイ, すす
    soot, smoke dried
    (2 compounds)

  2783. たば
    エン, けむ.る, けむり, けむ.い
    (15 compounds)

  2784. いり
    セン, せん.じる, い.る, に.る
    broil, parch, roast, boil
    (7 compounds)

  2785. コウ, きらめ.く, きら.めく, かが.やく
    glitter, gleam, twinkle
    (4 compounds)

  2786. レン, ね.る
    refine metals, kneading over fire
    (2 compounds)

  2787. やい
    ショウ, や.く, や.き, や.き-, -や.き, や.ける, やき
    bake, burning
    (40 compounds)

  2788. ゼン, ネン, しか, しか.り, しか.し, さ
    sort of thing, so, if so, in that case, well
    (47 compounds)

  2789. ショウ, こ.げる, こ.がす, こ.がれる, あせ.る
    char, hurry, impatient, irritate, burn, scorch, singe
    (8 compounds)

  2790. ム, ブ, な.い
    nothingness, none, ain't, nothing, nil, not
    (69 compounds)

  2791. フン, ホン, ハン, た.く, や.く, やきがり
    burn, kindle, build a fire, boil, cook
    (2 compounds)

  2792. ホウ, ハイ, ほう.じる, あぶ.る
    fire, roast
    (1 compound)

  2793. エン, ほのお
    flame, blaze
    (2 compounds)

  2794. エン, いずく.んぞ, ここに, これ
    how, why, then
    (1 compound)

  2795. ホウ, のろし, とぶひ
    signal fire
    (1 compound)

  2796. ラク, カク, や.く
    (2 compounds)

  2797. ウ, オ, からす, いずくんぞ, なんぞ
    crow, raven
    (7 compounds)

  2798. やす
    レツ, はげ.しい
    ardent, violent, vehement, furious, severe, extreme
    (17 compounds)

  2799. びい
    イ, ため, な.る, な.す, す.る, たり, つく.る, なり
    do, change, make, benefit, welfare, be of use, reach to, try, practice, cost, serve as, good, advantage, as a result of
    (21 compounds)

  2800. テン, つ.ける, つ.く, た.てる, さ.す, とぼ.す, とも.す, ぼち
    spot, point, mark, speck, decimal point
    (62 compounds)

  2801. タク, サ, サク
    frying, explosion
    (1 compound)

  2802. タン, すみ
    charcoal, coal
    (13 compounds)

  2803. たい
    コ, キョ
    torch, signal fire
    (1 compound)

  2804. シャ, セキ, あぶ.る
    None found.
    (2 compounds)

  2805. ソウ, ショウ, い.る, いた.める
    broil, parch, roast, fry
    (2 compounds)

  2806. ぬく
    エン, ほのお
    inflammation, flame, blaze
    (8 compounds)

  2807. スイ, た.く, -だ.き
    cook, boil
    (6 compounds)

  2808. ロ, いろり
    hearth, furnace, kiln, reactor
    (4 compounds)

  2809. サイ, わざわ.い
    disaster, calamity, woe, curse, evil
    (8 compounds)

  2810. シャク, あらた, やく
    (1 compound)

  2811. カイ, はい
    ashes, puckery juice, cremate
    (11 compounds)

  2812. トウ, ひ, ほ-, ともしび, とも.す, あかり
    lamp, a light, light, no. of lights
    (10 compounds)

  2813. カ, ひ, -び, ほ-
    (57 compounds)

  2814. カン, そそ.ぐ
    (1 compound)

  2815. いわた
    ライ, せ, がせ, しげ, せい, せっ
    rapids, current, torrent, shallows, shoal
    (4 compounds)

  2816. ロウ, ソウ, たき
    waterfall, rapids, cascade
    (1 compound)

  2817. レキ, したた.る
    (2 compounds)

  2818. なみ
    カン, ひろ.い
    wide & large
    (1 compound)

  2819. ヒン, ほとり
    shore, brink, verge
    (1 compound)

  2820. バク, ハク, ホウ, ボウ, ホク, ボク, たき, にわかあめ
    (1 compound)

  2821. カツ, ひろ.い
    (1 compound)

  2822. タク, すす.ぐ, ゆす.ぐ
    laundry, wash, pour on, rinse
    (3 compounds)

  2823. ラン, みだ.りに, みだ.りがましい
    excessive, overflow, spread out
    (6 compounds)

  2824. ジュ, ニュ, ぬれ.る, ぬら.す, ぬ.れる, ぬ.らす, うるお.い, うるお.う, うるお.す
    get wet, damp, make love
    (3 compounds)

  2825. ゴウ, コウ, ほり
    moat, ditch, canal, Australia
    (1 compound)

  2826. ネイ, ぬか.る
    (1 compound)

  2827. ノウ, こ.い
    concentrated, thick, dark, undiluted
    (3 compounds)

  2828. にごり
    ダク, ジョク, にご.る, にご.す
    voiced, uncleanness, wrong, nigori, impurity
    (6 compounds)

  2829. ゲキ, はげ.しい
    violent, get excited, enraged, chafe, incite
    (16 compounds)

  2830. タン, セン, あわ.い
    frankly, simply
    (1 compound)

  2831. デン, テン, おり, ど.ろ, よど.み, よど.む
    sediment, grounds, dregs, stagnant
    (1 compound)

  2832. きよ
    チョウ, す.む, す.ます, -す.ます, すす, すみ, み
    lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave
    (7 compounds)

  2833. カイ, エ, つぶ.す, つぶ.れる, つい.える
    crush, smash, break, dissipate
    (11 compounds)

  2834. いた
    チョウ, しお, うしお
    tide, salt water, opportunity
    (16 compounds)

  2835. タン, ジン, ふち, ふか.い
    deep water, deep
    (1 compound)

  2836. めぐみ
    ジュン, うるお.う, うるお.す, うる.む
    wet, be watered, profit by, receive benefits, favor, charm, steep
    (6 compounds)

  2837. セン, ひそ.む, もぐ.る, かく.れる, くぐ.る, ひそ.める
    submerge, conceal, hide, lower (voice), hush
    (7 compounds)

  2838. セン, ひそ.む, もぐ.る, かく.れる, くぐ.る, ひそ.める
    conceal, hide, lower (voice), hush
    (1 compound)

  2839. きよ
    ケツ, いさぎよ.い, きよし
    undefiled, pure, clean, righteous, gallant
    (8 compounds)

  2840. ゼン
    steadily, gradually advancing, finally, barely
    (3 compounds)

  2841. シ, つ.ける, つ.かる, -づ.け, -づけ
    pickling, soak, moisten, steep
    (6 compounds)

  2842. マン, みがりに
    cartoon, involuntarily, in spite of oneself, corrupt
    (5 compounds)

  2843. はん
    Sino-, China
    (9 compounds)

  2844. バク
    vague, obscure, desert, wide
    (4 compounds)

  2845. ソウ, こ.ぐ, はこ.ぶ
    rowing, skull, paddle
    (4 compounds)

  2846. エン
    performance, act, play, render, stage
    (20 compounds)

  2847. ガイ, カイ, そそ.ぐ
    (1 compound)

  2848. ロウ, も.る, も.れる, も.らす
    leak, escape, time
    (13 compounds)

  2849. ロク, こ.し, こ.す, す.く
    manufacture paper, spread out thin, strain, percolate
    (1 compound)

  2850. うる
    シツ, うるし
    lacquer, varnish
    (2 compounds)

  2851. ヒョウ, ただよ.う
    drift, float (on liquid)
    (5 compounds)

  2852. ギョ, リョウ, あさ.る
    fishing, fishery
    (10 compounds)

  2853. コン, たぎ.る, たぎ.らかす
    flow, boil
    (3 compounds)

  2854. コ, ほとり
    (1 compound)

  2855. テキ, しずく, したた.る
    drip, drop
    (6 compounds)

  2856. シン, し.みる, にじ.む
    imbued with
    (3 compounds)

  2857. タイ, テイ, とどこお.る
    stagnate, be delayed, overdue, arrears
    (7 compounds)

  2858. らき
    ロウ, ソウ, たき
    waterfall, rapids, cascade
    (6 compounds)

  2859. シ, サイ, おり, か.す
    dregs, grounds
    (1 compound)

  2860. かり
    カツ, コツ, すべ.る, なめ.らか, なめり
    slippery, slide, slip, flunk
    (17 compounds)

  2861. デキ, テキ, ジョウ, あら.う
    rinse, wash
    (1 compound)

  2862. ジ, しげ, しげる
    nourishing, more & more, be luxuriant, planting, turbidity
    (1 compound)

  2863. メツ, ほろ.びる, ほろ.ぶ, ほろ.ぼす
    destroy, ruin, overthrow, perish
    (19 compounds)

  2864. デキ, ジョウ, ニョウ, いばり, おぼ.れる
    drown, indulge
    (2 compounds)

  2865. ヨウ, と.ける, と.かす, と.く
    melt, dissolve, thaw
    (9 compounds)

  2866. イツ, こぼ.れる, あふ.れる, み.ちる
    overflow, inundate, spill
    (3 compounds)

  2867. どぶ
    コウ, みぞ
    gutter, ditch, sewer, drain, 10**32
    (4 compounds)

  2868. リュウ, た.まる, たま.る, た.める, したた.る, たまり, ため
    collect, gather, be in arrears
    (9 compounds)

  2869. ジュン, じゅん.じる, じゅん.ずる, なぞら.える, のり, ひと.しい, みずもり
    semi-, correspond to, proportionate to, conform, imitate
    (10 compounds)

  2870. はら
    ゲン, みなもと, みな, もと
    source, origin
    (6 compounds)

  2871. マン, バン, み.ちる, み.つ, み.たす, みち, みつ, みつる
    full, enough, pride, satisfy
    (19 compounds)

  2872. 湿 シツ, シュウ, しめ.る, しめ.す, うるお.う, うるお.す
    damp, wet, moist
    (12 compounds)

  2873. ワン, いりえ
    gulf, bay, inlet
    (3 compounds)

  2874. トウ, ゆ
    hot water, bath, hot spring
    (16 compounds)

  2875. イン, エン, しず.む, ふさ.ぐ
    (1 compound)

  2876. わき
    ユウ, ヨウ, ユ, わ.く, わく
    boil, ferment, seethe, uproar, breed
    (2 compounds)

  2877. うみ
    コ, みずうみ, み
    (5 compounds)

  2878. コン, すべ.て, にご.る
    all, turbidity
    (1 compound)

  2879. ユウ, リュウ, あそ.び, あそ.ぶ, およ.ぐ
    float, swim
    (1 compound)

  2880. コウ, みなと
    (10 compounds)

  2881. ソク, はか.る
    fathom, plan, scheme, measure
    (10 compounds)

  2882. あつ
    オン, あたた.か, あたた.かい, あたた.まる, あたた.める, ぬく, あつし, なお, はる, ゆ, ゆたか
    (24 compounds)

  2883. カ, うず
    whirlpool, eddy, vortex
    (5 compounds)

  2884. あつし
    アク, あつ.い, うるお.う
    (1 compound)

  2885. dregs
    (1 compound)

  2886. ト, わた.る, -わた.る, わた.す, たり, わたな, わたら, わたり
    transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate
    (36 compounds)

  2887. だかり
    キョ, かれ, なんぞ, なに, みぞ, いずくんぞ
    ditch, canal, lock
    (2 compounds)

  2888. ゲン, へ.る, へ.らす
    dwindle, decrease, reduce, decline, curtail, get hungry
    (22 compounds)

  2889. ケイ, たに, たにがわ
    mountain stream, valley
    (1 compound)

  2890. ジュウ, シュウ, しぶ, しぶ.い, しぶ.る
    astringent, hesitate, reluctant, have diarrhea
    (6 compounds)

  2891. えん
    ショウ, わた.る
    ford, ferry, port
    (2 compounds)

  2892. すむ
    サイ, セイ, す.む, -ず.み, -ずみ, す.まない, す.ます, -す.ます, すく.う, な.す, わたし, わた.る, なり, わたる
    finish, come to an end, excusable, need not
    (12 compounds)

  2893. カツ, かわ.く
    thirst, dry up, parch
    (7 compounds)

  2894. あき
    セイ, ショウ, シン, きよ.い, きよ.まる, きよ.める, さや, し, すが, すみ, せ, ちん
    pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise, Manchu dynasty
    (21 compounds)

  2895. そえ
    テン, そ.える, そ.う, も.える, も.う, ぞい
    annexed, accompany, marry, suit, meet, satisfy, attach, append, garnish, imitate
    (12 compounds)

  2896. コン, ま.じる, -ま.じり, ま.ざる, ま.ぜる, こ.む
    mix, blend, confuse
    (17 compounds)

  2897. あつ
    ジュン, シュン, あつ.い, あつし, きよ, きよし, まこと, すなお
    (1 compound)

  2898. シン, ふか.い, -ぶか.い, ふか.まる, ふか.める, み-
    deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen
    (18 compounds)

  2899. イン, ひた.す, ほしいまま, みだ.ら, みだ.れる, みだり
    lewdness, licentiousness
    (7 compounds)

  2900. タン, あわ.い
    thin, faint, pale, fleeting
    (7 compounds)

  2901. トウ, よな.げる
    (1 compound)

  2902. すく
    シュク, しと.やか, とし, よし
    graceful, gentle, pure
    (1 compound)

  2903. リン, さび.しい, さみ.しい
    lonely, deserted
    (1 compound)

  2904. コウ, ま.じる
    turbidity, mixing
    (1 compound)

  2905. りょ
    リョウ, すず.しい, すず.む, すず.やか, うす.い, ひや.す, まことに
    refreshing, nice and cool
    (6 compounds)

  2906. コ, カク, か.れる, か.らす, こお.る
    dry up, mature
    (2 compounds)

  2907. カン, ひた.す
    (1 compound)

  2908. エキ
    fluid, liquid, juice, sap, secretion
    (12 compounds)

  2909. ガイ, はて
    horizon, shore
    (1 compound)

  2910. ルイ, レイ, なみだ
    tears, sympathy
    (5 compounds)

  2911. セン, エン, よだれ
    saliva, slobber
    (1 compound)

  2912. ショウ, き.える, け.す
    extinguish, blow out, turn off, neutralize, cancel
    (24 compounds)

  2913. シン, ひた.す, ひた.る
    immersed, soak, dip, steep, moisten, wet, dunk
    (5 compounds)

  2914. カイ, うみ, あま, うな, うん, え, か, た, ひろ, ひろし, ぶ, まち, まま, み, め, わたる
    sea, ocean
    (49 compounds)

  2915. えき
    ヨク, あ.びる, あ.びせる, さこ
    bathe, be favored with, bask in
    (5 compounds)

  2916. うき
    フ, う.く, う.かれる, う.かぶ, む, う.かべる
    floating, float, rise to surface
    (21 compounds)

  2917. なに
    ロウ, なみ
    wandering, waves, billows
    (5 compounds)

  2918. ひろ
    コウ, おおき.い, ひろ.い, ひろし, ゆたか, こお
    wide expanse, abundance, vigorous
    (1 compound)

  2919. ホ, うら
    bay, creek, inlet, gulf, beach, seacoast
    (2 compounds)

  2920. ヒン, はま
    seacoast, beach, seashore
    (3 compounds)

  2921. シュン, さら.える, さら.う
    dredge, drag, clean
    (1 compound)

  2922. あざ
    セン, あさ.い, さ
    shallow, superficial, frivolous, wretched, shameful
    (6 compounds)

  2923. ジョウ, セイ, きよ.める, きよ.い
    clean, purify, cleanse, exorcise, Manchu Dynasty
    (2 compounds)

  2924. リュウ, ル, なが.れる, なが.れ, なが.す, -なが.す, ながれ, めぐる
    current, a sink, flow, forfeit
    (59 compounds)

  2925. faction, group, party, clique, sect, school
    (17 compounds)

  2926. カツ, い.きる, い.かす, い.ける
    lively, resuscitation, being helped, living
    (13 compounds)

  2927. シュウ, ス, しま
    continent, sandbar, island, country
    (4 compounds)

  2928. ほん
    deluge, flood, vast
    (2 compounds)

  2929. エイ, セツ, も.らす, の.びる, も.れる
    leak, escape
    (1 compound)

  2930. とう
    ドウ, ほら
    den, cave, excavation
    (4 compounds)

  2931. ラク
    Kyoto, the capital
    (3 compounds)

  2932. あらい
    セン, あら.う, らい
    wash, inquire into, probe
    (15 compounds)

  2933. シャ, ソン, サイ, セン, セイ, すす.ぐ, あら.う
    wash, sprinkle
    (3 compounds)

  2934. なだ
    ヨウ, ひろ, ひろし, よ, よし
    ocean, western style
    (15 compounds)

  2935. エイ, およ.ぐ
    (5 compounds)

  2936. タイ, はす, ひろ, や, やす, やすし, ゆたか, よし
    peaceful, calm, peace, easy, Thailand
    (4 compounds)

  2937. チュウ, そそ.ぐ, さ.す, つ.ぐ
    pour, irrigate, shed (tears), flow into, concentrate on, notes, comment, annotate
    (19 compounds)

  2938. ひじ
    デイ, ナイ, デ, ニ, どろ
    mud, mire, adhere to, be attached to
    (12 compounds)

  2939. キュウ, な.く
    cry, weep, moan
    (21 compounds)

  2940. ひら
    ハ, なみ, みな, みなみ, わ
    waves, billows, Poland
    (25 compounds)

  2941. ホウ, あわ
    bubbles, foam, suds, froth
    (6 compounds)

  2942. ホウ, ハッ, ホッ, フラン, のり
    method, law, rule, principle, model, system
    (54 compounds)

  2943. ヒツ, ヒ
    ooze, flow, soak in, penetrate, secrete
    (1 compound)

  2944. とまり
    ハク, と.まる, と.める, はつ
    overnight, put up at, ride at anchor, 3-day stay
    (7 compounds)

  2945. いず
    セン, いずみ, ずい, ずみ, ぜい, ぜん, の
    spring, fountain
    (5 compounds)

  2946. キョウ, まし.て, いわ.んや, おもむき
    condition, situation
    (7 compounds)

  2947. 沿 エン, そ.う, -ぞ.い
    run alongside, follow along, run along, lie along
    (5 compounds)

  2948. ショウ, ぬま
    marsh, lake, bog, swamp, pond
    (3 compounds)

  2949. ジ, チ, おさ.める, おさ.まる, なお.る, なお.す, ぢ, はり, はる, みち
    reign, be at peace, calm down, subdue, quell, govt, cure, heal, rule, conserve
    (17 compounds)

  2950. ユ, ユウ, あぶら
    oil, fat
    (18 compounds)

  2951. フツ, わ.く, わ.かす
    seethe, boil, ferment, uproar, breed
    (9 compounds)

  2952. かっ
    カ, かわ, こ, こう
    (14 compounds)

  2953. ソ, ショ, はば.む
    None found.
    (1 compound)

  2954. マツ, バツ, あわ, しぶき, つばき
    splash, suds
    (2 compounds)

  2955. おも
    タク, さわ, うすお.い, うすお.す, つや, さ, さわん, わさ
    (5 compounds)

  2956. ボツ, モツ, おぼ.れる, しず.む, ない
    drown, sink, hide, fall into, disappear, die
    (9 compounds)

  2957. サ, シャ, すな, よなげる
    (1 compound)

  2958. カン, ガン, れい
    alcove for an image
    (1 compound)

  2959. チュウ, おき, おきつ, ちゅう.する, わく
    open sea, offing, rise high into sky
    (4 compounds)

  2960. トウ, くつ
    shoes, boots
    (1 compound)

  2961. モク, もく.する, あら.う
    (1 compound)

  2962. トン, くら.い
    primeval chaos
    (1 compound)

  2963. しん
    チン, ジン, しず.む, しず.める
    sink, be submerged, subside, be depressed, aloes
    (11 compounds)

  2964. ヨウ, ヨク, オク, そそ.ぐ
    (2 compounds)

  2965. シン, し.みる
    penetrate, soak in
    (1 compound)

  2966. vapor, steam
    (1 compound)

  2967. ケツ, き.める, -ぎ.め, き.まる, さ.く
    decide, fix, agree upon, appoint
    (28 compounds)

  2968. アク
    grating the teeth, fretful
    (1 compound)

  2969. ク, ウ, むしば
    decayed tooth, cavity
    (2 compounds)

  2970. くみ
    キュウ, く.む
    draw (water), ladle, scoop, pump
    (5 compounds)

  2971. タ, タイ, おご.る, にご.る, よな.げる
    luxury, select
    (1 compound)

  2972. irregular teeth
    (1 compound)

  2973. サク, ソク, セク, シュク, シュウ, せま.る
    grating the teeth
    (1 compound)

  2974. ゲツ, ケツ, かじ.る, か.む
    gnaw, nibble, munch, have a smattering of
    (2 compounds)

  2975. シャク, シュツ, セキ, こま
    a paragraph, section
    (1 compound)

  2976. レイ, よわ.い, とし
    (3 compounds)

  2977. ソ, サ, ショ, かむ
    uneven, bite, disagree
    (1 compound)

  2978. チ, いけ
    pond, cistern, pool, reservoir
    (5 compounds)

  2979. くん
    コウ, え, とうみ, み, りえ
    creek, inlet, bay
    (4 compounds)

  2980. オ, けが.す, けが.れる, けが.らわしい, よご.す, よご.れる, きたな.い
    dirty, pollute, disgrace, rape, defile
    (12 compounds)

  2981. カン, あせ
    sweat, perspire
    (7 compounds)

  2982. いそ
    セキ, しお, うしお, せい
    eventide, tide, salt water, opportunity
    (1 compound)

  2983. セイ, サイ, シ, もた.らす
    bring, take, bring about
    (1 compound)

  2984. ひろ
    ハン, ブ, フウ, ホウ, ホン, ただよ.う, ひろ.い, ひろし, みな
    (2 compounds)

  2985. キュウ, グ, もと.める
    request, want, wish for, require, demand
    (12 compounds)

  2986. ジュウ, しる, -しる
    soup, juice, broth, sap, gravy, pus
    (10 compounds)

  2987. テイ, みぎわ, なぎさ
    water's edge, shore, bank
    (1 compound)

  2988. カン, いびき
    (2 compounds)

  2989. ハン, ひろ.がる
    spread out, wide
    (1 compound)

  2990. ビ, はな
    nose, snout
    (37 compounds)

  2991. エイ, なが.い, と, のり, ひさ, ひさし
    eternity, long, lengthy
    (13 compounds)

  2992. すい
    ヒョウ, こおり, ひ, こお.る
    icicle, ice, hail, freeze, congeal
    (27 compounds)

  2993. うず
    スイ, みず, みず-, ずみ, つ, ど, み, みさ, みつ, みな, みん
    (86 compounds)

  2994. ユウ, ユ, いたち
    weasel, skunk, ermine
    (1 compound)

  2995. キ, ケ, いき
    spirit, mind
    (1 compound)

  2996. ソ, ショ, ねずみ, ねず
    rat, mouse, dark gray
    (12 compounds)

  2997. キ, ケ, いき
    spirit, mind
    (138 compounds)

  2998. コ, つづみ
    drum, beat, rouse, muster
    (10 compounds)

  2999. ひと
    ミン, たみ, み
    people, nation, subjects
    (39 compounds)

  3000. シ, うじ, -うじ
    family name, surname, clan
    (4 compounds)

  3001. テイ, かなえ
    three legged kettle
    (3 compounds)

  3002. ベツ, ヘツ, すっぽん
    snapping turtle
    (2 compounds)

  3003. ボウ, ビン, ベン, ミン, メン, あおが.える, つと.める
    green frog, industry
    (1 compound)

  3004. バイ, ビ, マイ, ミ, かび, か.びる
    mold, mildew
    (4 compounds)

  3005. アン, くら.い
    black, dark
    (1 compound)

  3006. タン
    wool rug
    (1 compound)

  3007. キュウ, いが, まり
    burr, ball
    (1 compound)

  3008. ゴウ, コウ, ごう.も, すこし
    fine hair, brush, not at all
    (1 compound)

  3009. テン, つ.ける, つ.く, た.てる, さ.す, とぼ.す, とも.す, ぼち
    point, mark, speck, decimal pt
    (1 compound)

  3010. むし.る
    pluck, pick, tear, (kokuji)
    (2 compounds)

  3011. チュツ, しりぞ.ける
    draw back
    (1 compound)

  3012. タイ, まゆずみ
    blackened eyebrows
    (1 compound)

  3013. めん
    モウ, け, も
    fur, hair, feather, down
    (30 compounds)

  3014. モク, ボク, だま.る, もだ.す
    silence, become silent, stop speaking, leave as is
    (9 compounds)

  3015. ヒ, くら.べる, ぴっ
    compare, race, ratio, Phillipines
    (13 compounds)

  3016. コク, くろ, くろ.ずむ, くろ.い
    (46 compounds)

  3017. ドク
    poison, virus, venom, germ, harm, injury, spite
    (22 compounds)

  3018. チ, リ, もち
    (1 compound)

  3019. つね
    マイ, ごと, -ごと.に
    (13 compounds)

  3020. ショ, きび
    (1 compound)

  3021. ボ, はは, も
    mama, mother
    (35 compounds)

  3022. つよし
    キ, ギ, つよ.い, こわし, たけし, たけ, はたす, あつし, つよ, とし, み
    (2 compounds)

  3023. うい
    コウ, オウ, き, こ-, れい
    (29 compounds)

  3024. キ, こぼ.つ, こわ.す, こぼ.れる, こわ.れる, そし.る, やぶ.る
    break, destroy, censure, be chipped, be scratched, be broken, be ruined
    (3 compounds)

  3025. 殿
    デン, テン, との, -どの, どん
    Mr., hall, mansion, palace, temple, lord
    (18 compounds)

  3026. キ, さしまね.く, さしずばた
    beckon to, command
    (1 compound)

  3027. マ, マア, あさ, あざ, お
    hemp, flax
    (13 compounds)

  3028. カク, コク, バイ, から, がら
    husk, nut shell
    (8 compounds)

  3029. メン, ベン, むぎこ
    noodles, wheat flour
    (2 compounds)

  3030. サツ, サイ, セツ, ころ.す, -ごろ.し, そ.ぐ
    kill, murder, butcher, slice off, split, diminish, reduce, spoil
    (30 compounds)

  3031. キク, こうじ
    malt, yeast
    (2 compounds)

  3032. イン, アン, さかん
    (2 compounds)

  3033. ダン, タン
    grade, steps, stairs
    (14 compounds)

  3034. オウ, なぐ.る
    assault, hit, beat, thrash
    (6 compounds)

  3035. セン, つく.す, ほろぼ.す
    (1 compound)

  3036. フ, ふすま
    light wheat-gluten bread
    (1 compound)

  3037. バク, むぎ
    barley, wheat
    (21 compounds)

  3038. ジャ, シャ
    musk deer
    (1 compound)

  3039. レイ, うるわ.しい, うら.らか, よし, り
    lovely, companion
    (8 compounds)

  3040. うえ
    ショク, ふ.える, ふ.やす, え, げ
    augment, increase, multiply, raise
    (6 compounds)

  3041. ロク, ふもと
    foot of a mountain
    (1 compound)

  3042. ザン, サン, のこ.る, のこ.す, そこな.う, のこ.り
    remainder, leftover, balance
    (21 compounds)

  3043. シュ, こと
    particularly, especially, exceptionally
    (3 compounds)

  3044. ジュン
    martyrdom, follow by resigning
    (2 compounds)

  3045. タイ, サイ, ほとほと, ほとん.ど, あやうい
    almost, quite, really
    (1 compound)

  3046. 鹿 しし
    ロク, しか, か
    (4 compounds)

  3047. 歿 ボツ, しぬ
    (1 compound)

  3048. シ, し.ぬ, し.に-
    death, die
    (50 compounds)

  3049. カン, ダイ, から.い, しおからい, しおけ, せいしゅ
    (2 compounds)

  3050. レキ, レッキ
    curriculum, continuation, passage of time
    (19 compounds)

  3051. サイ, セイ, とし, とせ, よわい
    year-end, age, occasion, opportunity
    (7 compounds)

  3052. シ, よわい, は, よわ.い, よわい.する
    tooth, cog
    (37 compounds)

  3053. ワイ, エ, いが.む, いびつ, ひず.む, ゆが.む
    warp, bend, strained, distort
    (6 compounds)

  3054. ホ, ブ, フ, ある.く, あゆ.む, ゆき, ゆみ
    (22 compounds)

  3055. ブ, ム, たけ.し, お, たけし, たけん, ん
    warrior, military, chivalry, arms
    (22 compounds)

  3056. シ, こ.れ, こ.の, ここ
    this, current, next, coming, last, past
    (6 compounds)

  3057. おお
    セイ, ショウ, ただ.しい, ただ.す, まさ, まさ.に, くに, ま, まさし, ただし
    correct, justice, righteous, 10**40
    (69 compounds)

  3058. どめ
    シ, と.まる, -ど.まり, と.める, -と.める, -ど.め, とど.める, とど.め, とど.まる, や.める, や.む, -や.む, よ.す, -さ.す, -さ.し
    stop, halt
    (35 compounds)

  3059. キョ, すすりな.く
    (2 compounds)

  3060. カン, よろこ.ぶ
    delight, joy
    (7 compounds)

  3061. タン, なげ.く, なげ.き
    grief, lamentation
    (6 compounds)

  3062. カ, うた, うた.う
    song, sing
    (36 compounds)

  3063. まさ
    goodwill, article, section, friendship, collusion
    (1 compound)

  3064. よし
    キン, コン, つつし.む, ひとし
    respect, revere, long for
    (1 compound)

  3065. ギ, あざむ.く
    deceit, cheat, delude
    (2 compounds)

  3066. キ, なげく
    (1 compound)

  3067. ヨク, ほっ.する, ほ.しい
    longing, covetousness, greed, passion, desire, craving
    (16 compounds)

  3068. おお
    オウ, うた.う, は.く, ひろ
    (6 compounds)

  3069. やすし
    キン, ゴン, コン, よろこ.ぶ, よろこ.び, よし, し
    take pleasure in, rejoice
    (1 compound)

  3070. ジ, シ, つ.ぐ, つぎ, すき, つぐ, よし
    next, order, sequence
    (33 compounds)

  3071. ケツ, ケン, か.ける, か.く
    lack, gap, fail
    (17 compounds)

  3072. ウツ, ウン, うっ.する, ふさ.ぐ, しげ.る
    gloom, depression, melancholy
    (3 compounds)

  3073. オオ, イン, オウ, ヨウ
    parrot, parakeet
    (2 compounds)

  3074. ラン, おうち, ひじき, まどか, まるい
    chinaberry tree, round, harmonious
    (1 compound)

  3075. ラン, てすり
    column, handrail, blank, space
    (4 compounds)

  3076. オウ, ヨウ, さくら
    (1 compound)

  3077. ヨウ, オウ, たか
    (4 compounds)

  3078. シュウ, ジュ, わ, わせ
    (1 compound)

  3079. シツ, くし, くしけず.る
    (1 compound)

  3080. ロ, やぐら, おおだて
    oar, tower
    (1 compound)

  3081. カン, おり, おばしま, てすり
    pen, corral, cell, jail
    (2 compounds)

  3082. たず
    カク, つる, ず, か, つ, づ
    crane, stork
    (1 compound)

  3083. ケイ, にわとり, とり
    (10 compounds)

  3084. キン, ゴン, ゴ
    pear, apple
    (1 compound)

  3085. ジュン, シュン, うずら
    (1 compound)

  3086. ケキ, げき.する, ふれぶみ
    written appeal, manifesto
    (1 compound)

  3087. ダン, タン, まゆみ
    cedar, sandlewood, spindle tree
    (1 compound)

  3088. ホウ, おおとり
    (1 compound)

  3089. ブ, ム
    (1 compound)

  3090. goose
    (1 compound)

  3091. キ, はた
    mechanism, opportunity, occasion, machine, airplane
    (31 compounds)

  3092. テイ, ダイ, う
    (2 compounds)

  3093. トウ, だいだい
    bitter orange
    (1 compound)

  3094. きっ
    キツ, たちばな
    mandarin orange
    (1 compound)

  3095. ばせ
    キョウ, はし
    (14 compounds)

  3096. ドウ, ジョウ, ニョウ, かい, かじ, たわ.む, たわ.める
    oar, scull, paddle
    (1 compound)

  3097. から
    カ, かば, かんば, かも, かん
    (1 compound)

  3098. いつき
    ジュ, き, うえ, こ, しげ, じ, たちき, たつ, たつる, な
    timber trees, wood
    (4 compounds)

  3099. ボク, ハク, ホク, こはだ, きじ
    bark of a tree
    (1 compound)

  3100. かし
    evergreen oak, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  3101. オウ, よこ
    sideways, side, horizontal, width, woof
    (28 compounds)

  3102. ケン, ゴン, おもり, かり, はか.る
    authority, power, rights
    (23 compounds)

  3103. オウ, かも, あひる
    wild duck, easy mark
    (3 compounds)

  3104. オウ
    female mandarin duck
    (1 compound)

  3105. がみ
    モ, ボ
    imitation, copy, mock
    (4 compounds)

  3106. シ, とび
    (1 compound)

  3107. ショウ, くす
    (1 compound)

  3108. エン, オン, おし, おしどり
    male mandarin duck
    (1 compound)

  3109. しべ
    ヒョウ, しるべ, しるし
    signpost, seal, mark, stamp, imprint, symbol, emblem, trademark, evidence, souvenir, target
    (12 compounds)

  3110. ロウ, たかどの
    tower, turret
    (1 compound)

  3111. オウ, かもめ
    (1 compound)

  3112. トウ, ひ, とい, と, とよ, とわ
    water pipe, gutter, downspout, conduit
    (3 compounds)

  3113. ア, からす
    crow, raven
    (1 compound)

  3114. ソウ, ふね
    vat, tub, tank
    (2 compounds)

  3115. エン, とび, とんび
    black kite, fireman, hook
    (1 compound)

  3116. なり
    メイ, な.く, な.る, な.らす, なる
    chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring, echo, honk
    (13 compounds)

  3117. おおとり
    ホウ, フウ, ふげ
    male mythical bird
    (2 compounds)

  3118. やす
    キュウ, ク, はと, あつ.める
    pigeon, dove
    (4 compounds)

  3119. チョウ, とり, と, とっ
    bird, chicken
    (17 compounds)

  3120. ヨウ, ショウ, さま
    Esq., way, manner, situation, polite suffix
    (39 compounds)

  3121. うつ
    ソウ, ショウ, やり
    spear, lance, javelin
    (1 compound)

  3122. ツイ, つち
    hammer, mallet
    (3 compounds)

  3123. とち
    コウ, かま.える, かま.う
    posture, build, pretend
    (13 compounds)

  3124. テン, シン, まき, こずえ
    twig, Chinese black pine
    (1 compound)

  3125. はい
    シン, ハン, はしばみ, はり, はる
    hazelnut, filbert
    (1 compound)

  3126. ガイ, おうむ.ね
    outline, condition, approximation, generally
    (8 compounds)

  3127. ガク, ラク, ゴウ, たの.しい, たの.しむ, この.む, た, やす, ら
    music, comfort, ease
    (41 compounds)

  3128. ロウ, たかどの
    watchtower, lookout, high building
    (3 compounds)

  3129. ロ, すずき
    sea bass
    (1 compound)

  3130. カイ
    square character style, correctness
    (1 compound)

  3131. キョク, ゴク, きわ.める, きわ.まる, きわ.まり, きわ.み, き.める, -ぎ.め, き.まる
    poles, settlement, conclusion, end, highest rank, electric poles, very, extremely, most, highly, 10**48
    (25 compounds)

  3132. ジュン, たて
    shield, buckler, pretext
    (1 compound)

  3133. なり
    ギョウ, ゴウ, わざ, のぶ
    business, vocation, arts, performance
    (49 compounds)

  3134. レイ, はも
    conger, sea eel
    (1 compound)

  3135. くず
    ナン, ダン, ゼン, ネン, くす, くすのき, な
    camphor tree
    (1 compound)

  3136. ソ, ショ, いばら, しもと, すわえ
    whip, cane
    (1 compound)

  3137. リン, うろこ, こけ, こけら
    scales (fish)
    (3 compounds)

  3138. ケツ, セツ, くさび, ほうだて
    wedge, arrowhead
    (2 compounds)

  3139. フウ, かえで
    (1 compound)

  3140. ソン, セン, ザン, ます
    salmon trout
    (1 compound)

  3141. やな
    ヨウ, かわ, やなぎ
    (2 compounds)

  3142. セツ, たら
    codfish, (kokuji)
    (3 compounds)

  3143. マン, バン, うなぎ
    (3 compounds)

  3144. ソウ, あじ
    horse mackerel
    (1 compound)

  3145. ケン, かつお
    (1 compound)

  3146. いわし
    sardine, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  3147. キ, ギ, ひれ
    (2 compounds)

  3148. カン, コン, やもめ, やもお
    widower, unmarried man
    (1 compound)

  3149. シ, ソウ, ぶり, はまち, かます
    (2 compounds)

  3150. ケン, しら.べる
    examination, investigate
    (17 compounds)

  3151. カ, えび
    shrimp, prawn, lobster
    (1 compound)

  3152. ショウ, はじかみ
    mountain ash
    (2 compounds)

  3153. ガク, わに
    alligator, crocodile
    (2 compounds)

  3154. しい
    ツイ, スイ, つち, う.つ
    oak, mallet
    (1 compound)

  3155. シュウ, シュ, かじか, いなだ, どじょう
    (1 compound)

  3156. シュ, シュウ, どじょう
    loach (fish)
    (2 compounds)

  3157. うえ
    ショク, う.える, う.わる, え, げ
    (11 compounds)

  3158. レン, にしん
    (1 compound)

  3159. チョウ, トウ, かれい
    sole, flatfish, flounder
    (1 compound)

  3160. chair
    (1 compound)

  3161. ワン, はち
    wooden or lacquered bowl
    (1 compound)

  3162. しゃちほこ, しゃち
    fabulous dolphin-like fish, killer whale, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  3163. ずみ
    セイ, す.む
    live, dwell
    (3 compounds)

  3164. ネン, なまず
    fresh water catfish, (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  3165. もと
    シン, もり
    forest, woods
    (1 compound)

  3166. ゲイ, くじら
    (2 compounds)

  3167. トウ, むね, むな-
    ridgepole, ridge
    (4 compounds)

  3168. チョウ, たい
    sea bream, red snapper
    (1 compound)

  3169. ホウ, たな, -だな
    shelf, ledge, rack, mount, mantle, trellis
    (6 compounds)

  3170. キョク, いばら, とげ
    thorn, splinter, spine, biting words, briers
    (2 compounds)

  3171. セイ, ショウ, さば
    (1 compound)

  3172. シ, ぼら, とど
    mullet (fish)
    (1 compound)

  3173. こち
    flathead (fish), (kokuji)
    (1 compound)

  3174. ボウ
    rod, stick, cane, pole, club, line
    (15 compounds)

  3175. コン, つえ
    a cane
    (1 compound)

  3176. キ, ご
    chess piece, Japanese chess, shogi
    (4 compounds)

  3177. リ, こい
    (3 compounds)

  3178. キ, す.てる
    abandon, throw away, discard, resign, reject, sacrifice
    (10 compounds)

  3179. ショウ, ソウ, たこ
    (1 compound)

  3180. ボン, フウ
    Sanskrit, purity, Buddhist
    (3 compounds)

  3181. ソ, と.く, と.かす, す.く, けず.る, くしけず.る
    comb (hair)
    (1 compound)

  3182. コン, こう.る, こうり, こり, しきみ
    pack, tie up, bale
    (1 compound)

  3183. だい
    テイ, タイ, はしご
    ladder, stairs, insatiable drinking
    (1 compound)

  3184. セン, あざ.やか
    fresh, vivid, clear, brilliant, Korea
    (5 compounds)

  3185. カイ, ケイ, さけ, しゃけ, ふぐ
    (2 compounds)

  3186. コウ, さめ, みずち
    (1 compound)

  3187. キ, ユウ, イ, まぐろ, しび
    (1 compound)

  3188. シ, キ, すし
    sushi, seasoned rice
    (3 compounds)

  3189. リ, なし
    pear tree
    (2 compounds)

  3190. ショウ, こずえ, くすのき
    treetops, twig
    (1 compound)

  3191. カイ, ゲ, ガイ, はえ, はや
    dace (carp)
    (1 compound)

  3192. キョウ, ふくろ.う
    owl, expose
    (5 compounds)

  3193. コウ, キョウ, ふさぐ, やまにれ, おおむね
    for the most part, close up
    (1 compound)

  3194. シ, くちなし
    (1 compound)

  3195. シ, あずさ
    catalpa tree
    (1 compound)

  3196. ホ, フ, ブ, ふな
    (1 compound)

  3197. バイ, うめ
    (6 compounds)

  3198. ヒョウ, ヘイ, ひらめ
    flounder, flatfish
    (1 compound)

  3199. チョウ, テイ, てこ, つえ
    (2 compounds)

  3200. リョウ, はり, うつばり, うちばり, やな, はし
    weir, fish trap, beam, girder
    (1 compound)

  3201. ヨウ, トウ, おけ
    tub, bucket
    (1 compound)

  3202. サン, セン, かけはし
    scaffold, cleat, frame, jetty, bolt (door)
    (2 compounds)

  3203. オウ, ヨウ, さくら, ろう
    cherry tree
    (6 compounds)

  3204. ギョ, うお, さかな, -ざかな
    (23 compounds)

  3205. エン, ヨウ, うな.される
    have a nightmare
    (1 compound)

  3206. witch, demon, evil spirit
    (15 compounds)

  3207. ソウ, くわ
    (5 compounds)

  3208. ひさ
    トウ, ドウ, きり, き
    (2 compounds)

  3209. アン
    plan, suggestion, draft, ponder, fear, proposition, idea, expectation, bill, worry
    (21 compounds)

  3210. fascination, charm, bewitch
    (3 compounds)

  3211. ハク, タク, たま.しい
    soul, spirit
    (1 compound)

  3212. トウ, もも, もの
    peach tree
    (4 compounds)

  3213. コン, たましい, たま
    soul, spirit
    (8 compounds)

  3214. かつ
    ケイ, かつら, よし, か
    Japanese Judas-tree, cinnamon tree
    (4 compounds)

  3215. カイ, さきがけ, かしら
    charging ahead of others
    (1 compound)

  3216. コウ, けた
    beam, girder, spar, unit or column (accounting)
    (4 compounds)

  3217. サイ
    plantation, planting
    (3 compounds)

  3218. キ, おに, おに-
    ghost, devil
    (6 compounds)

  3219. いたる
    カク, コウ, キャク, ゴウ, のり
    status, rank, capacity, character, case (law, grammar)
    (20 compounds)

  3220. コン, ね, -ね
    root, radical, head (pimple)
    (30 compounds)

  3221. カク
    nucleus, core, kernel
    (4 compounds)

  3222. ウツ, うっ.する, ふさ.ぐ, しげ.る
    gloom, depression, melancholy
    (7 compounds)

  3223. シュ, かぶ
    stocks, stump, shares, stock, counter for small plants
    (5 compounds)

  3224. ビン, ヒン
    (1 compound)

  3225. めん
    コウ, キョウ
    exam, school, printing, proof, correction
    (19 compounds)

  3226. カン, しおり
    bookmark, guidebook
    (1 compound)

  3227. シュ, ス, ひげ
    beard, mustache
    (2 compounds)

  3228. くる
    リツ, リ, くり, おののく, りっ
    (5 compounds)

  3229. セイ, す.む, すみ
    nest, rookery, hive, cobweb, den
    (3 compounds)

  3230. セン
    plug, bolt, cork, bung, stopper
    (4 compounds)

  3231. さかえ
    エイ, ヨウ, さか.える, は.え, -ば.え, は.える, え, しげ, てる, なが, ひで, よし
    flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor
    (14 compounds)

  3232. シ, かき, こけら
    persimmon, shingle
    (1 compound)

  3233. investigate
    (13 compounds)

  3234. キョク, まげ, わげ
    (2 compounds)

  3235. なぎ
    リュウ, やなぎ, や, やい, やぎ, やな, やない
    (2 compounds)

  3236. チュウ, はしら
    pillar, post, cylinder, support
    (15 compounds)

  3237. シ, ひげ, くちひげ
    beard, mustache
    (3 compounds)

  3238. がた
    ハツ, かみ, ひげ
    hair of the head
    (17 compounds)

  3239. ユ, ユウ, ジク, ゆず
    (1 compound)

  3240. コウ, たか.い, たか, -だか, たか.まる, たか.める, こ, じょい, た, はか
    tall, high, expensive
    (46 compounds)

  3241. とお
    ジュウ, ニュウ, やわ.らか, やわ.らかい, やわ, やわ.ら
    tender, weakness, gentleness, softness
    (4 compounds)

  3242. そめ
    セン, そ.める, -ぞ.め, -ぞめ, そ.まる, し.みる, -じ.みる, し.み, -し.める
    dye, color, paint, stain, print
    (14 compounds)

  3243. ドク, トク
    (1 compound)

  3244. skull
    (1 compound)

  3245. ボウ, それがし, なにがし
    so-and-so, one, a certain, that person
    (7 compounds)

  3246. かい
    ハク, ヒャク, ビャク, かしわ, かし
    (1 compound)

  3247. ズイ
    marrow, pith
    (5 compounds)

  3248. から
    ヘイ, がら, え, つか, ら
    design, pattern, build, nature, handle, crank, grip, knob, shaft
    (17 compounds)

  3249. ガイ, カイ, むくろ
    bone, body, corpse
    (5 compounds)

  3250. カ, かせ, からざお
    shackles, irons, handcuffs, bonds
    (2 compounds)

  3251. カ, か.ける, か.かる
    erect, frame, mount, support, shelf, construct
    (10 compounds)

  3252. トウ, さい
    dice, bones
    (1 compound)

  3253. コ, か.れる, か.らす
    wither, die, dry up, be seasoned
    (15 compounds)

  3254. コツ, ほね
    skeleton, bone, remains, frame
    (26 compounds)

  3255. スウ, シュ, とぼそ, からくり
    hinge, pivot, door
    (2 compounds)

  3256. わく
    frame, framework, spindle, spool, bounding-box, (kokuji)
    (4 compounds)

  3257. シ, えだ, ぐさ
    bough, branch, twig, limb
    (9 compounds)

  3258. カ, は.たす, はた.す, -は.たす, は.てる, -は.てる, は.て
    fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed
    (27 compounds)

  3259. ひら
    マイ, バイ
    sheet of..., counter for flat thin objects or sheets
    (2 compounds)

  3260. リン, はやし
    grove, forest
    (14 compounds)

  3261. チン, シン, まくら
    (4 compounds)

  3262. セキ
    chop, divide, tear, analyze
    (2 compounds)

  3263. オオ, オウ, ま.げる, ま.がる, ま.げて
    bend, curve, crooked, perverse, lean, forcibly, against one's will
    (1 compound)

  3264. ビ, ヒ
    (1 compound)

  3265. ハン, バン, いた
    plank, board, plate, stage
    (22 compounds)

  3266. おお
    ショウ, まつ, しょ, ま, まっ
    pine tree
    (9 compounds)

  3267. ハ, つか
    kind of rake
    (1 compound)

  3268. あい
    トウ, ひがし, あがり, あずま, あづま, こ, さき, しの, とお, はる, ひが, もと
    (38 compounds)

  3269. ハイ, さかずき
    cupfuls, wine glass, glass, toast
    (9 compounds)

  3270. fast horse, talent
    (1 compound)

  3271. くり
    ライ, タイ, く.る, きた.る, きた.す, き.たす, き.たる, き, こ, くる, ごろ, さ
    come, due, next, cause, become
    (63 compounds)

  3272. ロ, リョ, うさぎうま
    (2 compounds)

  3273. ジョウ, チョウ, デキ, えだ, すじ
    article, clause, item, stripe, streak
    (10 compounds)

  3274. ソク, たば, たば.ねる, つか, つか.ねる
    bundle, sheaf, ream, tie in bundles, govern, manage, control
    (10 compounds)

  3275. ト, トウ, ズ, もり, ふさ.ぐ, やまなし
    woods, grove
    (2 compounds)

  3276. キョウ, おどろ.く, おどろ.かす
    wonder, be surprised, frightened, amazed
    (7 compounds)

  3277. キョウ, おご.る
    pride, haughtiness
    (2 compounds)

  3278. ジョウ, つえ
    staff, cane
    (1 compound)

  3279. シャク, チョウ, テキ, ヒョウ, ひしゃく
    ladle, scoop
    (2 compounds)

  3280. ソン, むら, むた, ら
    town, village
    (8 compounds)

  3281. ザイ, さい
    lumber, log, timber, wood, talent
    (16 compounds)

  3282. りょう
    キョウ, アン, コウ, あんず
    (4 compounds)

  3283. ギョウ, キョウ, たけし
    strong, good horse
    (1 compound)

  3284. もも
    リ, すもも, い
    (1 compound)

  3285. サン, すぎ
    cedar, cryptomeria
    (1 compound)

  3286. バク, まっ-
    going straight forward
    (1 compound)

  3287. mule
    (1 compound)

  3288. くつ
    キュウ, く.ちる
    decay, rot, remain in seclusion
    (3 compounds)

  3289. キ, つくえ
    desk, table
    (3 compounds)

  3290. ダ, タ, えだ
    (4 compounds)

  3291. ボク, ほう, ほお
    crude, simple, plain, docile
    (6 compounds)

  3292. シュ, あけ, あか, あき, す
    vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody
    (7 compounds)

  3293. トウ
    inflation, advancing, going
    (7 compounds)

  3294. さっ
    サツ, ふだ
    tag, paper money, no. of bonds, placard, bid
    (20 compounds)

  3295. まと
    ホン, もと
    book, present, main, true, real, no. of long things
    (85 compounds)

  3296. マツ, バツ, すえ
    not yet, end, close, tip, powder, posterity
    (42 compounds)

  3297. ミ, ビ, いま.だ, ま.だ, ひつじ
    un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now
    (24 compounds)

  3298. ボク, モク, き, こ-, も, もと
    tree, wood
    (46 compounds)

  3299. ロウ, おぼろ
    haziness, dreaminess, gloom
    (2 compounds)

  3300. モウ, ボウ, おぼろ
    dim, obscure
    (1 compound)

  3301. キ, ゴ
    period, time, date, term
    (26 compounds)

  3302. チョウ, あさ, あそ, ささ, ちか, とも
    morning, dynasty, regime, epoch, period, (North) Korea
    (23 compounds)

  3303. ボウ, モウ, のぞ.む, もち, も
    ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect
    (23 compounds)

  3304. ヘン, かた.る, だま.す
    (1 compound)

  3305. あき
    ロウ, ほが.らか, あき.らか, あきら, お, さえ, ろ
    melodious, clear, bright, serene, cheerful
    (4 compounds)

  3306. チン
    majestic plural, imperial we
    (1 compound)

  3307. たち
    サク, ついたち
    conjunction (astronomy), first day of month
    (2 compounds)

  3308. ケン, ゲン, あかし, しるし, ため.す, ためし
    verification, effect, testing
    (4 compounds)

  3309. ソウ, さわ.ぐ, うれい, さわ.がしい
    boisterous, make noise, clamor, disturb, excite
    (13 compounds)

  3310. equestrian, riding on horses, counter for equestrians
    (3 compounds)

  3311. はっ
    フク, はつ, はら
    clothing, admit, obey, discharge
    (24 compounds)

  3312. ホウ, とも
    companion, friend
    (2 compounds)

  3313. ユウ, ウ, あ.る, あら, あり, ある, くに, なお, ゆ
    possess, have, exist, happen, occur, approx
    (39 compounds)

  3314. おと
    ゲツ, ガツ, つき, がっ, す, ずき, もり
    month, moon
    (52 compounds)

  3315. サイ, シュ, もっと.も, つま
    utmost, most, extreme
    (17 compounds)

  3316. 駿 する
    シュン, スン, すぐ.れる, とし, はやし, はやお
    a good horse, speed, a fast person
    (1 compound)

  3317. かえ
    タイ, か.える, か.え-, か.わる
    exchange, spare, substitute, per-
    (33 compounds)

  3318. ソウ, ソ, ゾウ, かつ.て, か.って, すなわち
    once, before, formerly, ever, never, ex-
    (4 compounds)

  3319. カン
    rage, run wild
    (1 compound)

  3320. ソウ, ゾウ, つかさ, ともがら, へや
    cadet, friend
    (7 compounds)

  3321. かき
    ショ, か.く, -が.き, -がき
    (89 compounds)

  3322. コウ, さら, さら.に, ふ.ける, ふ.かす
    grow late, night watch, sit up late, of course
    (15 compounds)

  3323. ひき
    エイ, ひ.く, びき
    pull, tug, jerk, admit, install, quote, refer to
    (5 compounds)

  3324. まがた
    キョク, ま.がる, ま.げる
    bend, music, melody, composition, pleasure, injustice, fault, curve, crooked, perverse, lean
    (57 compounds)

  3325. エツ, いわ.く, のたま.わく, ここに
    say, reason, pretext, history, past
    (1 compound)

  3326. コウ, あきらか, むな.しい
    wide, worthless
    (1 compound)

  3327. ダ, タ, せむし
    hunchback, load
    (1 compound)

  3328. バク, ホク, ボク, さら.す
    bleach, refine, expose, air
    (3 compounds)

  3329. てる
    (5 compounds)

  3330. ショ, あけぼの
    dawn, daybreak
    (1 compound)

  3331. アイ, くら.い
    dark, not clear
    (1 compound)

  3332. カ, ガ, かご, が.する, しのぐ, のる
    vehicle, palanquin, litter, hitch up an animal
    (2 compounds)

  3333. ク, こま
    pony, horse, colt
    (1 compound)

  3334. チュウ
    stop-over, reside in, resident
    (2 compounds)

  3335. ク, か.ける, か.る
    run, gallop, advance
    (1 compound)

  3336. ドン, くも.る, ずみ
    cloudy weather, cloud up
    (5 compounds)

  3337. ク, か.ける, か.る
    drive, run, gallop, advance, inspire, impel
    (16 compounds)

  3338. エキ
    (8 compounds)

  3339. ダ, タ
    burdensome, pack horse, horse load, send by horse
    (8 compounds)

  3340. ハク, バク, ぶち, まじ.る, まだら
    refutation, contradiction
    (2 compounds)

  3341. ジュン, シュン, クン, な.れる, な.らす, したが.う
    get used to, experienced, tamed
    (7 compounds)

  3342. ボウ, バク, あば.く, あば.れる
    outburst, rave, fret, force, violence, cruelty, outrage
    (18 compounds)

  3343. チ, ジ, は.せる
    run, gallop, sail, drive (a wagon), win (fame), dispatch
    (4 compounds)

  3344. ぐらし
    ボ, く.れる, く.らす, ぐれ, ぽ
    livelihood, make a living, spend time
    (15 compounds)

  3345. バ, うま, うま-, ま, ばん, め, も
    (31 compounds)

  3346. ザン, しばら.く
    temporarily, a while, moment, long time
    (2 compounds)

  3347. レキ, こよみ
    calendar, almanac
    (9 compounds)

  3348. いたる
    チョウ, のび.る, のぶ, のぶる, なが, とうる, とおる, のり, まさ, みつる, よう
    (2 compounds)

  3349. コウ, キョウ, か, かお.り, かお.る, こお, ひゃん, よし
    incense, smell, perfume
    (18 compounds)

  3350. カク, キョク, くびき.る, みみき.る
    behead, dismiss
    (1 compound)

  3351. アン, くら.い
    darkness, disappear, shade, informal, grow dark, be blinded
    (22 compounds)

  3352. おびと
    シュ, くび, こべ, す
    (29 compounds)

  3353. ダン, ノン, あたた.か, あたた.かい, あたた.まる, あたた.める
    (8 compounds)

  3354. ショ, あつ.い
    sultry, hot, summer heat
    (11 compounds)

  3355. ウン, ぼか.す, ぼか.る, かさ, くま, ぼかし, めまい
    halo, corona, fade
    (3 compounds)

  3356. カ, ひま, いとま
    spare time, rest, leisure, time, leave of absence
    (6 compounds)

  3357. あき
    ギョウ, キョウ, あかつき, さと.る, あきら, あけ, さと, さとる, てる
    daybreak, dawn, in the event
    (3 compounds)

  3358. さと
    チ, さとし, さとる, さとい, とも, のり, とし, あきら, じ, とみ, ひと, もと, よも
    wisdom, intellect, reason
    (5 compounds)

  3359. ショウ, あき, あきら, ひかり, まさ
    sparkle, clear, crystal
    (3 compounds)

  3360. はる
    セイ, は.れる, は.れ, は.れ-, -ば.れ, は.らす, はれ
    clear up
    (12 compounds)

  3361. シャク, セキ, あきらか
    (1 compound)

  3362. かげ
    scenery, view
    (15 compounds)

  3363. しん
    フ, あまね.く, あまねし, ひろ
    universal, wide(ly), generally, Prussia
    (4 compounds)

  3364. バン
    nightfall, night
    (11 compounds)

  3365. もり
    カイ, つごもり, くら.い, みそか
    dark, disappear
    (2 compounds)

  3366. あい
    キョウ, う.ける, もてな.す, あえ
    (1 compound)

  3367. ぬう
    ジョウ, ニョウ, ゆたか, の, よ
    (1 compound)

  3368. キ, う.える
    hunger, thirst
    (2 compounds)

  3369. サイ, シ, さら.す, さらし
    bleach, refine, expose, air
    (2 compounds)

  3370. キン, う.える
    (2 compounds)

  3371. マン
    bean-jam dumpling, manjuu
    (1 compound)

  3372. ジ, とき, -どき, とぎ
    time, hour
    (44 compounds)

  3373. チュウ, ひる
    daytime, noon
    (15 compounds)

  3374. ジツ, ショク, ちかづ.く
    reconcile, become intimate
    (1 compound)

  3375. ゼ, シ, これ
    just so, this, right, justice
    (3 compounds)

  3376. コ, かゆ
    rice broth
    (1 compound)

  3377. あき
    ショウ, あきら, かず, かずみ, てる
    shining, bright
    (1 compound)

  3378. たち
    カン, やかた, たて
    building, mansion, large building, palace
    (9 compounds)

  3379. サク
    yesterday, previous
    (6 compounds)

  3380. マイ, バイ, くら.い, むさぼ.る
    dark, foolish
    (3 compounds)

  3381. あずま
    シュン, はる, かす, すの, ひ, わら
    springtime, spring (season)
    (15 compounds)

  3382. アン, カン
    bean jam
    (2 compounds)

  3383. あきら
    エイ, うつ.る, うつ.す, は.える, -ば.え, え, てる
    reflect, reflection, projection
    (9 compounds)

  3384. セン, はなむけ
    farewell gift
    (1 compound)

  3385. セイ, ショウ, ほし, -ぼし
    star, spot, dot, mark
    (20 compounds)

  3386. セキ, シャク, むかし
    once upon a time, antiquity, old times
    (9 compounds)

  3387. ガ, う.える
    starve, hungry, thirst
    (5 compounds)

  3388. ダイ, イ, う.える
    hunger, spoil
    (1 compound)

  3389. エキ, イ, やさ.しい, やす.い
    easy, fortune-telling, ready to, simple, divination
    (17 compounds)

  3390. サン, ソン, の.む, くら.う
    eat, drink, swallow
    (3 compounds)

  3391. コン, くら.い, くれ
    dark, evening, dusk
    (1 compound)

  3392. あきら
    メイ, ミョウ, ミン, あ.かり, あか.るい, あか.るむ, あか.らむ, あき.らか, あ.ける, -あ.け, あ.く, あ.くる, あ.かす, あけ, あす, きら, け, さや, さやか, とし, はる, み, め
    bright, light
    (53 compounds)

  3393. ジ, ニ, え, えば, えさ, もち
    food, bait, prey, tempting profit
    (2 compounds)

  3394. まさ
    ショウ, さかん, まさし, よし, あき, あきら, さかえ, あつ, すけ
    prosperous, bright, clear
    (1 compound)

  3395. ヨウ, リョウ, やしな.う
    foster, bring up, rear, develop, nurture
    (15 compounds)

  3396. しゅう
    ショウ, のぼ.る, のり
    rise up
    (5 compounds)

  3397. コン
    descendants, elder brother
    (2 compounds)

  3398. ヘイ, ヒョウ, もち, もちい
    mochi rice cake
    (4 compounds)

  3399. あき
    コウ, ゴウ, あ.がる, たか.い, たか.ぶる, あきら, たか, たかし, のぼる
    (4 compounds)

  3400. しか
    ショク, かざ.る, かざ.り
    decorate, ornament, adorn, embellish
    (14 compounds)

  3401. あき
    ホウ, あ.きる, あ.かす, あ.く, あく
    sated, tired of, bored, satiate
    (7 compounds)

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These are Copyright (C) 1999 James William Breen.
Page Design and Java code copyright (C) 1999 Stephen W. Ryner, Jr.
See http://www.nuthatch.com/kanji/ for more information.
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